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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Do not ruin the environment with a TEMPORARY SITE. With all the conscious efforts of governments and people worldwide being environmentally aware and safe guarding our wildlife and fish plus natural resources, how can this government be so stupid as to think this plan for temporary storage, contaminating half the island and the ocean in the process, is even CLOSE TO BEING A GOOD IDEA? Please, folks in charge.....GO BACK AND RETHINK YOUR PLAN. THIS IS REALLY A DUMB ONE!!!

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    thomas davenport 9 months ago

    You can find a much better site or maybe dispose of your crime in a better way.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am opposed to the site of Olowalu to dump toxic waste, Whether it is temporary or permanent, this is not a safe place since it is a location in which the "forever chemicals" can easily wash into the ocean with the first heavy rainfall or hurricane. You are jeopardizing the health of Maui waters, reefs, sea life, animal and human life!! These chemicals are potent carcinogens and need to be completely protected from our environment OR transformed into inert components. There IS a company on Big Island called Yummet that can do this! If they have not been brought to your attention, this is their website: They have the technology to transform the toxic waste into non-harmful materials.This is top priority for Maui! For the health of our 'aina, our people and our industries. If you irresponsibly poison our waters at Olowalu, they will drift down to Kiehi and Wailea beaches. Maui will be come known for being a haven for carcinogens and our tourist industry will die. So many reasons!!!!! This dump site is unacceptable. PERIOD. A better plan would be to build a solid container space while the people at Yummet have a chance to create a viable site for them to work over here. The people of Maui stand with the people of Olowalu, the waters, creatures and 'aina. I am ONE MILLION PERCENT OPPOSED to this dump site.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Strongly oppose. Especially with all the hardships that Hawaiians have had to go through with socioeconomic hurdles to continue living in their ancestral lands, the government then decides a good place for this waste is near Olowalu? Seriously? Not to mention the possible ecological repercussions should there ever be an event of anything seeping or leaking from the waste, with such a crucial reef right off Olowalu. Please rethink options.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Nonono no

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Strongly oppose.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Please find Federal funding for this contaminated waste to ship off island

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Too close to ocean. Maybe try where the old sugar cane fields where they total ruined some kanaka’s lively hoods?

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Oppose temporary and permanent both. Use Other alternatives

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    Guest User 9 months ago


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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Strongly oppose.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    There are many other options
    Right next to the ocean is not a good idea.
    We love Lahaina and the people from there, but getting them back to their homes in a rush at the expense of the reef and the health of our Aina is not the way to do it.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I oppose Dumont toxic waste at the old dump site

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I strongly oppose moving the Lahaina waste here, whether temporary or permanent.

    If it's temporary - moving it to this site adds to the risk of contaminating our environment (spreading it to another site and moving it/picking it up multiple times) and increases cost (touching/moving the waste more).

    If it's permanent -- it's a very shortsighted decision. The residents of this island will pay for that decision for many years to come. It's clearly a financially motivated decision -- if that's the case, I'd ask that you put it up to a vote to the people of Maui -- whatever the tax increase that would be needed to do the right thing for the long term health of the community and island. I'd also ask that you think creatively -- compress the waste in a temporary site in Lahaina, consider investing in Lahaina's port to enable it to be loaded right from there (that will have future benefits for the community).

    I also want to say that I don't think this process has been done well. Couching this site as "temporary" is a slap in the face to the people of Lahaina -- that's obviously not sensible, and just pushes the "permanent" designation down the road when it becomes a lot harder to resist. It also has not been an open process -- for example, the actual cost difference to tax payers that we're talking about is not something that I've seen disclosed or weighed on by the people of Maui. Finally, this is just about the opposite of what Chief Pelletier has said all along, that "we're going to do it right".

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Absolutely Oppose

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Oh, ell know!

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    Nick Jackalone 9 months ago

    I strongly oppose this dump site

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Defiantly oppose

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Strongly oppose. Compress the waste, load into containers, and take it off island. Otherwise this will seep into the soil and water. And will be harder to remove

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    strongly oppose