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    Guest User 9 months ago

    All of this needs to be removed from the Hawaiian Islands. Do it right! Stop the destruction of HAWAII. Enough already. We can not let this happen on this tiny island to much at risk. Why is it ok that 15-20 yrs from now these liners will fail? Why is it ok to destroy the water, humans, Maui & the ocean 15-20 years from now? WHY? Why spend money & risk moving it twice, that's REALLY dumb! It will NOT take billions to move it off Maui! Listen to professionals not some uneducated people making money off this deal. This is insane. Shame on you. The people trying to do this to Maui, Do Not Love MAUI.

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    Guest User 9 months ago


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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Strongly opposed to this! We need more information. We need to insure that we are protecting this sacred land.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    This is to important to just settle for an educated solution. There are so many things wrong here. Moving it twice is stupid, that's if they're telling the truth about that. All of this is a lie. Plus, hiding it for so long was not commendable either. How can the people trust again? Saying it'll take billions is a LIE!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Olowalu dump site must be stopped, and should be relocated to somewhere that will not affect the environment, and future generations of Maui.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I oppose using olowalu as a toxic waste dump.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Protect the land and its people.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    There’s got to be a safer place to store super toxic debris than 1000 yards from the most important reef in Maui county.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Why would you further want to destroy the islands, tourism has done enough destruction. If it wasn't for the government of this fake state, selling of every inch of the islands, the fires would have never happened. Take that toxic waste to u.s.of a, since it is because of them we are overcrowded.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Whose idea is this please list all names of people who had this idea

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    Guest User 9 months ago


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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I oppose any such thoughts.have they not suffered enough. Why are you even proposing such nonsence at this time

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Simply put, you cannot be this ignorant or foolish. What are your motivations for essentially sabotaging the health and welfare of the people of Lahaina and of the island of Maui? This action is unconstitutional and immoral. The sacredness of the land aside, just understanding the risk of destroying the environment, health, welfare and economy of Lahaina is all one needs to put a stop to this madness. Who owns you? Reversal of fortune happens in an instant. When the pendulum of justice swings back the other way you will you will be fair game. Do the right thing now and stop the madness. You'll sleep better at night and avoid the sting of karmic justice.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I oppose the irresponsible idea to place toxins on a locations not suited for dumping.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Strongly oppose! Do not further desecrate the land with a toxic waste dump.

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    Kahi Kamohalii 9 months ago

    I am against the disposal of toxic waste in Olowalu whether temporarily or permanent. There is not enough evidence or supporting documentation that the toxic waste will be contained and will not leak into the soil and potentially reach the water table that leads to the ocean. The ohana of Olowalu were not approached about this dump in their backyard which was streamlined and bypassed all assessments required to move the amount of earth which I witnessed last Tuesday, 12/26. The fact that the county literally removed a mountain of cinder without any transparency with the community sets off several red flags. I was with one of the kupuna from Olowalu when she received calls from people affiliated with council members for her to support the toxic dump and that other people were lying about the impact to the area. This kupuna witnessed with her own eyes what was taken away without any consultation from the community of Olowalu. The swiftness in destroying this area was unbelievable. The people of Lahaina are in desperate need of a housing solution that does not seem to be the concern of any officials. Yet, an entire mountain was obliterated in less than a month. Imagine if all the assessments were waved and people of Lahaina had hope that they could move out of the hotels into a permanent location IN LAHAINA. Many do not want to move to any other part of Maui. We are all watching Olowalu now to see what the mayor and county council does. The fact that people of Lahaina have to come out and oppose this dump after the trauma they have lived through is unforgivable. I do understand that there are remains in the ashes, but there are ways to mitigate the situation in designating toxic material vs non-toxic. This event was a tragedy and the people of Lahaina do not need any more tragedy to come from leakage into the soil years from now for their children and grandchildren to deal with in the future.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I strongly oppose putting a landfill on Maui sacred land. It would be a great dishonor for you to go through with this. The Hawaiian peoples are proud of their culture and their history, and all Americans should be proud of them as well. They have a culture rich in history, with very real connections to nature as well as to their ancestors. Please do not bring this disgrace upon them!

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    Guest User 9 months ago


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    Teresa Naeole 9 months ago

    You are out of your minds! Who is paying off our council members?!?! This is absolutely disaster for our island! I feel
    Like it’s a genocide of the Kānaka Maoli! They can no longer afford to live here! Thousands are homeless! Where do we live?!? The great USA?? Locals would have been happier with Japan taken over. My keiki’o’ka’aina deserve better! All Hawaiians, people of Maui, born and raised here rise up! Your voice needs to be heard! Kū’e Kānaka !

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Ship it off island to a safe toxic waste dump. Don’t hurt more people on Maui! This will leach into our water land and oceans. Strongly oppose!!!