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    Guest User 9 months ago

    You should know better than to try to destroy that Island further by dumping toxic waste that will kill many species of life as well as the long term repercussions are unfathomable and YOU don't even know what those ARE!!
    No dumping of toxic ash or any of the other chemicals used to burn Lahaina!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Take it to koolawe island or some deserted island. Do not force people to rent out their property if they don’t want to, the government should take care of providing housing for the people who were innocently hurt and taken advantage of.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    NO toxic dump in Olowalu! The toxic dump affects the health of those that live in that area.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    The island of Maui does not need another defilement. This is not a solution this is an active offense against the island, her inhabitants and surrounding islands. This is sacred land!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I Oppose this decision to move the toxic debris from Lahaina or Kula to Olowalu…
    Temporary or as a Final place..The Ohana of this place was never notified..nor asked for their Mana’o on this matter. I would like to know the groups or individuals NHO that agreed to this ..! Aina is precious here it is all that we have. Once we contaminate this Soil ..there is NO going backwards..!! Let’s protect what little we have left..

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    How about a spot way back away from ocean near Thousand Peaks..make it a memorial site that can accept/welcome visitors

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    No dumping of Lahaina ☠️

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Please reconsider. Mahalo.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    This toxic waste should NOT be put there, where there is the highest risk of contamination through the very porous terrain, by wind, by run-off into the ocean and affecting the reef system as well as the water. There is also a high probability of ground water contamination if the liner were to leak, which is very likely, over time. This placement is a very bad idea.

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    Guest User 9 months ago


    Your active participation in the cover-up of the 8/8/2023 attack on Lahaina by the United States of America's military (Lahaina being the capital of the illegally occupied Hawaiian Kingdom), is only one aspect of your participation in the depopulation plan and ethnic cleansing operation run by the US occupying forces, and lead by Mayor Richard T. Bissen Jr. in the so-called County of Maui. The County administration has done everything in their power to block aid to individuals and businesses by withholding emergency funds in the aftermath and up until today, in a coordinated effort to depopulate the Island of Maui from its Native and Local population, eliminate small-businesses, and consolidate the power of the big corporations, while purposely raising the price of real estate, and countless other measures, all the way to using fabricated drought or bio-terrorism tactics against the native population using GMO mosquitoes as military weapons.

    As you very well know and have been put on notice before, your Government has no legal basis, as the Hawaiian Kingdom is still at war and illegally occupied by the US, the State is a fraudulent state as there was no treaty of peace nor treaty of annexation. A new treaty of peace was offered in 2023, that implies the withdrawal of all US Title 10 forces from the Hawaiian Islands, and the transfer of Title 32 forces and US Coast Guards to the Royal Hawaiian Guard.

    Your direct implication in an effort to block the peaceful resolution of the longest series of war crimes and crimes of Genocide in modern history is revealing a deep hatred for everything Hawaiian, and surely provides enough evidences of war crimes according to the Rome Statutes ratified by the United States. This is not a joke, and this notice is as serious as one can be when witnessing a large scale coordinated mass-murder.

    If you, as member of the so-called County Council do not immediately cease and desist from your position within the so-called Government, within 48hrs of this notice, a criminal referral bearing your name will be filed with the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, as well as other jurisdictions that apply, and you will be personally referred to the FBI for violating 18 US Code 2441, for which the penalty is death, as it should when mass-murder, pillaging and ethnic cleansing are involved.

    Not resigning immediately from your office would simply show the civilian population that you have no shame for covering-up the mass-murder and ethnic cleansing operation currently run in concert by your so-called Government agencies, and that you do not stand against them to protect your constituents, therefore violating your Oath of Office.
    A kind reminder that according to International Criminal Law; you can't hide behind your function as an agent of the State, and you are personally liable for all these crimes. It is urgently time for you to seek legal counsel. The Rome Statutes have been ratified by numerous jurisdictions, in which an international warrant will likely bear your name for years to come.

    Shame is not such a great legacy for your family to bear. You can still chose.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    This is a bad plan, quick cheap fix- that is only pushing the debt to to the future with our kids and grandkids will have to deal with all these short cuts we’ve taken.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Strong oppose. Maui does not deserve another bout of environmental devastation. A wildfire is one thing, but turning that land into a toxic waste site will not only threaten the stability of the land, but also the surrounding islands.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    NO to dumping toxic waste in Olowalu. WHY is the excavation currently underway before the people have a chance to weigh in? Who authorized the excavation? This is one of the worst options you could consider, yet the work is already being done? Shame on all of you. Stop the excavation now until a solution is decided upon that the people of Maui AGREE to live with. Money is NO excuse for contaminating Maui and it’s people. It’s time the county listen to the people! You all work for US! I have heard it reported that the proposed liner will not last more than 27 years, this info directly from the manufacturer. This is with NO breeches/breaks in it while the work is being done. The dumping will poison the aquifer, surface water, land, farms, ocean and people forever! Stop!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    You can’t make this area and island a toxic environment. You need to respect the land and the history it hold to the Hawaiian people.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I don't not agree with the location of dump site

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    toxic waste must be fully contained, not gotten rid of. you need a different site!!!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    This is not appropriate dumping site. It is poorly constructed, and will lead to further ecological catastrophe. The boundaries of this ill advised toxic waste dump will run up to culturally sensitive land. Mayor Bissen and governor Green why don’t you make the” temporary” dumpsite adjacent to your homes.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    This site and the method of containment is not safe for our people of Hawaii. It is too close to ground water, ocean the our valutable reefs.
    J. Batean

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I oppose the Oluwalu dumping site. Contain it in secure containers put on a special barge at Lahaina harbor and take to Kaho’olawe or offsite island in the Pacific. DR.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am concerned that this site is not well planned out to prevent contamination on the ground water and near by ocean and reefs.

    Shems Heartwell