Meeting Time: October 20, 2022 at 10:30am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Strongly support capping tourism as the over tourism is beyond capacity.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    This law will destroy Maui’s economy by destroying much of the current tourism industry on Maui. There is literally no other source of incoming cash flow now. No agriculture. Just wealthy people. The economic impact would be devastating. Real estate values would drop by billions of dollars and therefore real estate taxes would drop by millions. Thousands of workers would leave. Sales tax revenue would disappear. The Uber rich are the only tourists that could afford to vacation on Maui. Hotels will triple their rates. Supply and demand works. The Maui government would see its tax income drop to a level where it would have to raise taxes on those residents that remained and only the very rich could afford to stay. This is exactly what the hotel industry wants. Passing this bill is simply a gift to them and a huge blow to thousands of current residents. Thousands of native Hawaiians would be unemployed and the government would have to provide welfare for them.

    Those proposing this law should be ashamed of themselves and be recalled and fired from their positions in country government.

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    Robin Knox almost 2 years ago

    I support this legislation caps on tourist accommodations. Our island has more visitors than allowed by the Maui Island Plan, and there is no evidence that further tourist accommodations are needed or would provide benefits. This is one of the few ways we have to control tourism impacts

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I support capping tourist accommodations and banning commercial camper rentals. No campers on the aina.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Cap tourism, No campers, and NO vacation rentals. Support Hawaiians.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Ban all camper van options and no more STVRs!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Give us back our iskand beaches, and limit tourists...It's OUR playground!! NOT THEIRS!!!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I support capping tourist accommodations and banning commercial camper rentals

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    i STRONGLY SUPPORT capping tourist accommodations and definitely suppport banning commercial camper rentals. There is barely enough room for existing local people camping w/ tents . Please put Maui on PAUSE :) I also want to mahalo this council for your efforts in giving some of us kupuna HOPE for a better future.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    We locals (residents) are being systematically pushed out of Hawai'i in favor of transient profit margins (hotels, rentals, vacation homes, etc.). Our is apparent that we no longer constitute the top porosity for local government Please change this present culture!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I have lived in Maui for forty years and have owned a home and worked hard to plan for our retirement. Over the years we purchased two vacation rental condos in Kihei where we intended to self manage, clean, and support our efforts to retire.
    Unfortunately fir all of us Covid happened snd we had to sell one condo, and our house, and temporarily move into our vacation rental.
    We have no intention of living here at Kauhale Makai as there is no storage, too noisy with the tourists, and we are trying to be able to move into a home and resume our vacation rental business.
    We have always been in the STVR tax category until Jan 1, 2022 have the homeowners tax category.
    Your proposal is to not allow any condo to resume vacation rentals that was not classified as STVR on Jan 7, 2022.

    As Maui residents trying to retire, this new legislation would upend any possibility of our intended use of that property.
    Had we any idea this resolution woujd be coming up, we would have kept it in the STVR status even though right now it is our only home and residence.

    Please do not punish your residents who own property here to not be able to rent out their condos as to support their livelihood because they are currently in financial hardships and are living in our STVR.

    Thank You,
    Darla Phillips

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    “I support capping tourist accommodations and banning commercial camper rentals."

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    mary drayer almost 2 years ago

    i STRONGLY SUPPORT capping tourist accommodations and definitely suppport banning commercial camper rentals. There is barely enough room for existing local people camping w/ tents . Please put Maui on PAUSE :) I also want to mahalo this council for your efforts in giving some of us kupuna HOPE for a better future. I Mua - ʻŌnipaʻa ✊🏼🌺

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I supposed the proposed legislation that restricts additional vacation rentals/hotel rooms as well as strict rules on camper vans and alternative accommodation.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Hawai’i is for Hawaiians, not tourists!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I support capping tourist accommodations and banning commercial camper rentals

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I support limiting transient accommodations!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Please support! We NEED AN IMMEDIATE HAULT TO OVER TOURSIM!!! It's such an extracting industry only taking from he land and people, all the money goes out of state to big pockets!! Diversify our Home! MAUI

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Oppose all vacation rental zoning exemptions on residential or Agricultural property.