Meeting Time: October 20, 2022 at 10:30am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I support capping short term rental accommodations and banning commercial campers.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    We’re tired of tourists and the disrespect. We’re tired of the over indulgence of using Hawai’i for money as a whole. Whatever is out there is enough! Use that and pau! No more building MORE to accommodate more a-holes that don’t belong here.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Keep Hawaiian land in Hawaiian hands🤍 Hawi’i is closed

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aʻole tourism

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Give The Locals Back Our Freedom, We Deserve It!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I support capping tourist accommodations and banning commercial camper rentals.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    We don’t need tourism.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    The portion of the Bill that limits TVR use in Business Country Town district is senseless and would shut down existing businesses that provide local jobs. TVRs SHOULD BE LOCATED IN THE SMALL TOWN DISTRICTS INSTEAD OF IN NEIGHBORHOODS

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    It is extremely unfair to restrict the ability to do what you want with your own home, that’s communism, is that what we’re coming to here? Special Interest groups should not be allowed to sway Maui County just because they want others property rights taken away or given to them in the name of affordable housing. People pay taxes here and should be able to use their residences in the manner they see fit, and for the purpose they bought it for, If Maui County feels differently on how people use their property, then they should buy the property from them and manage it to what you want. Restricting use of peoples property creates cheaters.. If you find someone breaking the law of use without the proper permits, that’s different, penalize them not the people that run legitimate businesses. Maui county is charged with affordable housing, not the people that own homes and pay taxes, “punishing” home owners is wrong. Restricting building or enlarging a home is a different story, . Owner Occupied single family house/condo valued at $1M pays $1,600.00 in property taxes a year; a Transient accommodation condo valued at $700,000 pays $9,000 a year, while the entire condo complex on that one lot pays $450,000 in property taxes a year. You’re trying to penalize owners use of their homes, then buy it from them!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    At this time, I oppose this bill because there is not enough information presented to allow me to support it.

    We have owned a condo in a Maui "condo-tel" building for years and it has been not only an asset for our family to enjoy but it has been a good investment. It is impossible to tell from the material in the bill whether OUR BUILDING would be included under the "Cap" or not. A highly qualified and experienced person I know attended the meeting and the feedback was Not Good. So I believe that the only way this bill should move forward is for the committee to first publish a list of ALL of the buildings on Maui that WOULD NOT be effected by this bill because they are included under the "Cap". From the material in the bill, it looks like this list already exists so it should be readily available. It would be a simple matter to notify each building on the list that it is not effected and the building manager could then notify the owners of the condos and apartments in his or her building. There should also be a process in place to allow those that are not on the list to appeal.

    We pay thousands of dollars in Maui real estate, State TAT, GEC and income taxes and now Maui TAT taxes each year. We do not live on Maui but we provide a huge amount of monetary support for the island and its' full time residents. If we were not on the "Cap" list, that support would no longer be available and if there are dozens of buildings that would not qualify, it would make a huge negative impact on the county and the state. Property taxes are driven by valuation and those properties that were not under the "Cap" would be sold at very low prices since they no longer could be rented to tourists. Most importantly, full time residents would then have to be taxed so hard they would not be able to stay on Maui. The golden goose would be dead.

    As a very famous POTUS said, "Trust but Verify". I see many posts here that indicate that people simply trust the committee to include all existing TVR's under the "Cap". I am not one of them. I need to see a list that has the name of MY building on it as under the "Cap" and UNAFFECTED by this bill. I don't think this is too much to ask of the committee. I would then support the bill including fixing the trailer problem.

    Maui needs at least the current level of tourism to survive and prosper. Relying completely on the extremely expensive hotels to accommodate all the needed tourists is not going to work. In order to support the island and its full time population, it takes the current level of tourism - including the current TRV's. Mahalo

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Residents first, our restroom facilities are already over used by visitors, all harbor and beach bathrooms not near hotels are horrible.. the hawaii tourism industry should at the very least help maintain all harbor bathrooms due to the large influx in visitors especially whale season.. its sad and a disgrace, restaurant bathrooms would get red cards for the filthy conditions we have to endure

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    In support of bill

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    He Alii no Keia Aina!

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I think that limiting short term rentals is a very bad idea , think about all the money that those short term renters spend in the local market how will the locals mom n pop business get by without the travelers staying in short term rental’s

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    Ravi Bugga almost 2 years ago

    I STRONGLY SUPPORT capping tourist accommodations, and banning commercial camper rentals.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I oppose this proposed cap. I recommend that Bill 159 return back to committee to allow the Planning Commission to complete their review.