Meeting Time: September 29, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support the ʻĀina kupuna bill. Families should never lose their ʻĀina due to greedy tax hikes. Keep Hawaiians in Hawaiʻi. Displacement from ʻĀina leads to numerous health disparities. E Ola ka lāhui Hawaiʻi

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support ʻĀina kupuna bill, please make this over taxing on our ʻĀina STOP!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Enough is enough. This should have been in place a long time ago. How can a government be so okay with Hawaiians being priced out of their own land. Their own home. Land that has been in their ohana for generations. We have enough "luxury" homes. Enough hotels. Enough condos. Enough vacation rentals. How is it okay to see Hawaiians being forced off their land? Why are we selling Hawaii to mainland and foreign buyers? Why is our government so greedy? Why? Hawaii can't be called Hawaii if Hawaiians keep getting treated like this. I SUPPORT ‘Āina Kupuna Bill!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in strong support of this ʻĀina kūpuna bill!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    "I support the ʻāina kūpuna bill BFED-78 CC 21-29 that provides tax relief for lineal descents who continue to live and care for their ancestral lands. Please support the bill by passing it out of your committee." What side do you represent?

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha, I am in support of the ʻāina kūpuna bill BFED-78 CC 21-29. There is something wrong, when ancestral lands must be sold because of a families inability to pay skyrocketing property taxes due to the developments around them! This is not a new story! It has gone on much too long! When our local government changes zoning from rural to residential or approves high-end development (like hotels or multimillion dollar homes), it changes the fabric of that community and displaces the people who can no longer afford to live there. Please, you have an opportunity to make it right and represent those long standing kamaaina families who have a rightful place in the community they call home! Don't make them collateral damage! Help them to hold on to the land so dear to them and that connection to the cultural practices of their kupuna. Mahalo!

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    Norma Nawahine almost 3 years ago

    I am in Strong support of this amendment. Hawaiian lands must be kept and preserved for the Hawaiians. I had to sell my home on Oahu because the taxes were increasing every year. I could stay in my home and both my husband and I would have to work all our life to meet the increasing taxes. This is not what life is about. Finally after working full time for fifty plus years, we needed to sell and move in with one of our sons. Please keep the aina for the Hawaiians. Thank you.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in support of the ‘Āina Kupuna Bill. We need to support our local community more and help ease the tax burdens put upon us by our ever increasing land taxes. Native Hawaiian and kamaʻāina families who have been able to maintain their ancestral lands for generations represent a foundation of Mauiʻs historical and cultural legacy, and help to maintain important connections to the past and to the ʻāina that have informed, and continue to inform, Mauiʻs social fabric and unique community values. This bill will help more of these families hold on to their ʻohana lands, especially amidst global real estate speculation, skyrocketing property values, and resulting property tax assessments that may exceed what many can afford. Accordingly, this measure will help to perpetuate Maui's historical and cultural legacy and preserve that which has helped to make Maui and all of Hawaiʻi such a unique and special place to live.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in support of the ‘Āina Kupuna Bill. We need to support our local community more and help ease the tax burdens put upon us by our ever increasing land taxes. Native Hawaiian and kamaʻāina families who have been able to maintain their ancestral lands for generations represent a foundation of Mauiʻs historical and cultural legacy, and help to maintain important connections to the past and to the ʻāina that have informed, and continue to inform, Mauiʻs social fabric and unique community values. This bill will help more of these families hold on to their ʻohana lands, especially amidst global real estate speculation, skyrocketing property values, and resulting property tax assessments that may exceed what many can afford. Accordingly, this measure will help to perpetuate Maui's historical and cultural legacy and preserve that which has helped to make Maui and all of Hawaiʻi such a unique and special place to live.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in support for the ‘Āina Kupuna Bill. ‘Ohanas holds multigenerational knowledge to the rightful stewardship of the land and continues to maintain an interconnected relationship with ‘āina. The developers have no concerns about the stewardship of our land, our food resources that have continued to feed our families generation after generation, and about the well-being of our communities. The developers are only here for profit. Our kupuna have been planted in this soil, and continue to protect these sacred spaces alongside nā akua and ‘aumakua. Hawai’i is our home, we need to transform community ownership and governance of the land through Multigenerational knowledge of wahi pana ecosystems. We need to make a stand now. Enough hewa, we need to ho’iho’i ke ea o ka ‘āina i ka pono✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 KŪPA’A MA HOPE O KA ‘ĀINA!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha, my name is Steven Chang Jr. I support this bill. I'm a descendant of the Kukahiko ohana.. I was born and raised in Makena since 1984. Since then, I have seen so much change. From Hawaiian ohanas living here, to them selling their land because they couldn't afford to pay their taxes, and now being surrounded by millions of dollar homes being built around My home. What hurts even more is, the owners are hardly ever home. We Hawaiian's have been getting the short end of the stick for way to long. My ohana have had our land since the 1800's. But because rich people want to have a vacation home in paradise, us Hawaiians who call this place home, and having to suffer with taxes we can't afford is just wrong. So by passing this bill it will hopefully help my ohana and other Hawaiian ohanas out!! PLS HELP US HAWAIIANS OUT MAHALO.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support the aina Kupuna Bill. We need to support the native Hawaiians and help them remain on Hawaiian lands that have been passed down for many generations.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support the 'āina kupuna bill. We need to stop making it impossible for hawaiians to remain on the 'āina that has been passed down for generations.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Kudos to Maui County for finally helping the families that have lived on the land for generations. Although many have local families have lost their lands, this aina kupuna bill will assist those who have been able to keep the land over multiple generations. Better late than never…

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    It’s about time that Maui county supports local families who have been here for generations. I wholeheartedly support the Aina Kupuna bill. The families that were on the land before outsiders need to be taken care of. Although this type of support should have been implemented generations ago, this is a start for keeping the pre statehood (and then some) ohanas on their lands. Thank you for trying to help locals.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in strong support of the ʻāina kūpuna bill. These developers are for profit only. They donʻt care about being stewards of the land; they arenʻt concerned about the depletion of our natural resources, the welfare of our community, or the cultural values that come from being intimately connected to the land. Is this the future that we want for our grandchildren and future generations? Please help us protect our land and Way of life.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha, I support the Aina kapuna bill for many reasons. I have been living in Makena for most of my life and I have seen and felt the unbearable hurt that was done to our Ohana who couldn't keep up with the land tax and forced to sell! There is no love or life here anymore! Half of the time these mansions are lifeless and empty. Only taking away parking space at Makena Landing and road ways. Precious resource are being wasted by greedy developers and a unfair system that drives our land tax sky high! We need the support of our government and not to be sold out! Mahalo

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support the Aina Kupuna bill. Some Hawaiians leave on their own and some leave because they can't afford the assessed taxes due to the Jones moving next door and developers promising affordable housing that some people can't qualify for half of it resulting in leaving or homelessness. The Assessor assesses for max monetary value due to that. Hawaiians is assessed by Blood! ,Sweat! And then Tears!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha kākou. I am writing in complete support of the ʻāina kūpuna bill BFED-78 CC 21-29 that supports local families tax relief for the descendants who continue to live on and care for their ancestral lands. It's is our kuleana as stewards of this place, and yours as members of our community, to implement practices that support 'ōiwi, kanaka maoli, families and safeguard them from the effects of gentrification by way of keeping taxes affordable so families may continue to care for familial lands for generations to come.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha! I am in full support of the ʻĀina Kupuna bill BFED-78 CC 21-29 that provides tax relief for Maui descendants. Too much ohana I see being pushed off their own lands due to the high rising of property taxes. My husband and I had the opportunity to go on Chang’s property in Makena to kōkua and support and you can feel the love and mana from that land because the generations before and generations NOW have cared for the land in so many ways. I urge the council to fully support this bill that way our future generations can learn how to be self sustaining by living off the ʻaīna