Meeting Time: September 29, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I fully support BFED-78. The development of multi million dollar homes resulting in higher property tax may be a financial boon for Maui County, but at what cost for families that have no interest in selling their ancestral land, but may be forced to because of ever increasing property tax.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    In Support of BFED-78. Multi-million dollar dwellings have caused gentrification! It is forcing people to lose their livelihood, and change their way of life. It is now, more than ever, important that we should not have to face poverty and/or houselessness in a place that is our home because we cannot afford taxes.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support BFED-78!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I strongly support the ʻAina Kūpuna bill BFED-78 CC 21-29 that provides tax relief for lineal descents who continue to live and care for their ancestral lands. I encourage you to support this bill and allow it to move forward towards approval and incorporation as a Maui County Ordinance.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in support of BFED-78 regarding tax exemptions for ʻĀina Kūpuna land. All my life I have known Makena as a place to connect back to my Hawaiian culture and keep me grounded to my roots. Makena is my safe haven. Growing up in Makena, I learned great values in taking care of our aina and that molded me into the person I am today. One day I would like to teach those same values to my nieces, nephews, and my own children. How will I be able to do that if my family gets taxed out of their lands!! How will I as a Hawaiian be able to give my children the same values in their culture if my families land is no longer there because the land taxes were too high!!! Something needs to protect us Hawaiian families from losing our aina!! Keep our safe havens SAFE!!!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support this bill. It is devastating to see families taxed out of their land. The amount of development that the Makena area has experienced over the last few decades is astronomical, we must do what we can to protect our rights!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in support of BFED-78!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support this bill. These Hawaiian families should be exempt from paying higher taxes. They deserve affordable homelands to continue to keep it and pass on for generations.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support this bill. These families life long stewardships deserve the right to stay on their land without having to pay absurd taxes. It’s the pono thing to do

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support this bill. We need to keep Hawaiian lands in Hawaiian Hands.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I completely support this bill. These local families are real gems and we must fight to keep them here.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I Support the Bill! Save Our Local Makena Ohana’s

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Keep Hawaiian Lands in Hawaiian Hands!! Do what is right Hawaii Politicians!! Support this bill and exempt the taxes for our Aina Kupuna Lands!!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support this bill! It’s so rare to have actual Hawaiian Families live, farm, and practice their cultural believes on family land. These local families have had these plots of land handed down for generations. These lands were acquired when Makena and Wailea were undeveloped, raw, and untouched. With new luxury homes, condos, and hotels being built every year. The taxes for these local families are also being raised and are at the point of forcing them out of Makena all together. Please, for the people of this land and the Hawaiian Community. We must do better!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support this bill! It’s so rare to have actual Hawaiian Families live, farm, and practice their cultural believes on family land. These local families have had these plots of land handed down for generations. These lands were acquired when Makena and Wailea were undeveloped, raw, and untouched. With new luxury homes, condos, and hotels being built every year. The taxes for these local families are also being raised and are at the point of forcing them out of Makena all together. Please, for the people of this land and the Hawaiian Community. We must do better!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support this bill! #savemakena

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Anything to help support Hawaiian families keep what little they have left. I am in support of this if it will keep Hawaiian lands in Hawaiian hands.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in support of this bill!! The native residents and native Hawaiians have farmed and loved this land for generations. They did not ask for all the development nor should their lands be included in the taxation of the rich who came here with different intentions. The Hawaiian people have already lost enough and should not be made to struggle to pay for something they had no part in!!!!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support this bill! Imua Keani!!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am in support of BFED-78 regarding tax exemptions for ʻĀina Kūpuna land.
    The continued legacy of Hawaiian families are crucial for the community and the land as they have the best and superior knowledge of those lands. Look at Kahana, having developed so close to shore that the buildings are in risk of destruction. We don’t need anymore of hospitality accommodations let alone building high end expensive developments that no working Hawaii resident can afford. Learn from the mistakes and move forward accordingly and be fair. Enough of targeting the Hawaiian communities. Let’s strive to be a better government please.