Meeting Time: February 26, 2024 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User 7 months ago

    I oppose bill 34 and 35 Lahaina people should be prioritized. Don’t make them suffer anymore than they already have, building their homes here in Lahaina is where they want to be. We are a very close knit families, keep them here where they belong.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Make more houses and make it affordable.majority of us we cannot afford to pay high rental and let people of lahaina lives in lahaina side. All our jobs is in lahaina. Make lahaina people priority. Thank you

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    i am most in favor of affordable housing, however please consider a few changes to this bill
    1. the affordability for this project should be in perpetuity not just 61 years. We must provide affordable housing on this Island for all generations not just for the near future. What happens in 61 years?
    2. the distribution of the units at or below the various percentages of AMI is currently skewed for those with the highest income.
    only 18 units or 10% will be at or below 30% and another 18 units will be at or below 50% AMI yet 142 units or 80% will be at or below 60% . We need to address the most vulnerable of our population and those who are in the greatest need for affordable housing.
    That population would be for those at or below 30% of the AMI. Please consider changing the number of units at the lowest income to 40%. the next group 40% and the highest group at 20% This would change the dynamics to 71 units at or below 30% AMI, 71 units at or below 50% and 36 units at or below 60% These are important changes to truly make housing affordable on this Island.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Should build a permanent housing in west Maui

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    I support affordable housing islandwide.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    West Maui should be prioritized right now 🙏🏼

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Aloha Councilmembers of Maui County,

    I am in STRONG SUPPORT of Bill 24 (2024). I have been working with affordable housing advocates on Maui for the past 7 years. Hale Pilina would provide 178 units of truly affordable housing. With the housing crisis on Maui, I cannot imagine that anyone would not support this bill. This project is not only shovel ready, but also includes case management and offices. Maui does not need less of these kinds of projects- it needs way MORE.

    Mahalo in advance for caring for your own.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    I oppose bill 34. All of maui needs affordable housing but Lahaina should be priority as we are the place that the tourists come to and make the money for the state. It is time to give back what has been taken all of these years. Put the people first. It’s never too late. Should have been done long before the fire. Time to make things right. Lahaina Strong!!

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    Carlos Lamas 7 months ago

    My name is Carlos Lamas, a West Maui resident, and I oppose Bills 34 and 35. My opposition is deeply rooted in the belief that affordable housing projects should prioritize community needs above all. Specifically, I believe West Maui should be at the forefront of the county's housing initiatives, especially after the devastating August 8th fires in Lahaina. These fires have severely worsened our already dire housing shortage, and it's clear to me that our West Maui community's recovery must be the main focus.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    I support affordable housing, we need it Island wide!

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Please put money into west Maui housing. This should be first after all that has happened. Jobs are on this side and traffic is a real problem.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    I OPPOSE this Bill 34.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    OPPOSE keep us west side residents on the WEST SIDE. WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH ALREADY!!

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Long term affordable housing first for we displaced on 8/8/23. WEST MAUI priority please.,

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Please keep west side residents on the west side. Many people work and have jobs there. The traffic is already horrendous and it seems inhumane to force people to relocate when temporary housing can be placed on the west side.

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    Lu Ann Mahiki LankfordFaborito 7 months ago

    strong support for the funding of Hale Pilina project!!!