Meeting Time: February 26, 2024 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Wow, how can you possibly be serious?
    They say if you wanna know what someone’s priority is follow the money.
    So by spending $24 MILLION on housing in Central Maui, Maui County is saying that West Maui is NOT a priority.
    West Maui has for decades brought in the lions share of tax revenue, and this is how you treat the golden goose? It is spitting in everyone’s face in West Maui, kicking them when they are down on the ground to fund housing projects in Central Maui when most of our residents in West Maui are houseless. At least those who owned a home will be able to rebuild and have a home to go home to once Lahaina is rebuilt. Most of us renters are completely hopeless, what options do we have? I doubt I’ll even be able to afford the new rents in a newly constructed place IF I can even find a rental.

    I have pets and there are not any rentals available that accept pets.

    Tell us, what are you doing for us renters? We don’t want interim housing we need long term housing for families with pets. Please don’t fail us, house us.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Oppose until west Maui is prioritized

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    I Leslie Jaramillo oppose to Bill 34/35…. Lahaina should be a priority to house our displaced into long term and I oppose to these 2 bills

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    This is for all of Maui.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    oppose bill 34 35 West Maui needs affordable housing for the working class! Also it will release daily road traffic if the people lived near their work area!

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Fund West Maui housing, West Maui has the potential to become a ghost town if neglected that includes Kaanapali as Lahaina was the choice destination to visit if immediate housing needs aren’t met. The blue collar working class families and individuals that keep the economic wheel turning desperately need a foundation to reside upon.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Fund housing in West Maui. Every day my friends and family move away. Businesses can’t even find workers because there are no rentals available. No housing = No workers. West Maui residents are being pushed out to the other side and off island. These decisions will crash our economy. Where’s the interim and long term housing plan and why wasn’t the council and community involved? This administration is failing us. Zero transparency. We demand long term housing in West Maui NOW!

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    West maui needs housing now!

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Aloha, I oppose Bill 34 because the housing needs in Lahaina should come first. Housing that is 1 hour or more away from Lahaina is not realistic. Build affordable housing in Lahaina.

    Mahalo, Brandi Corpuz

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    We need housing all over the islands but we need it fast on West Maui

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    We need more affordable projects.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    I oppose bill 34 & 35.
    Please prioritize build house Westside.

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    Robin Ri 7 months ago

    I oppose bill 34 until West Maui’s emergency need for affordable housing has been built and occupied.
    And the Lahaina bypass becomes a functioning bypass by completing the road project to Kaanapali . 🔥💔

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    West Maui is in a dire situation right now, our community NEEDS housing. I oppose Bill 34 & 35. Please prioritize building housing on the Westside!

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    West Maui Housing needs to be made a priority! We need affordable housing especially in West Maui.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Thousands of Lahaina people lost everything. Their needs should be put ahead of everyone. West Maui first.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    Lahaina residents need to be thought of first. Hotels aren't homes. Lahaina first especially our Kapuna.

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    Katie Austin 7 months ago

    As the County deliberates on the allocation of $24 MILLION from the Affordable Housing Fund, it's crucial to advocate for prioritizing the needs of West Maui. While the proposed projects outside of West Maui are commendable, it's essential to address the pressing housing crisis in our community first. I oppose Bill 34 & 35 until after West Maui is made a priority.

    Before the devastating fire, the shortage of affordable housing in West Maui was already significant. Now, it has reached a critical level, with Lahaina fire survivors scattered across the island. By prioritizing affordable housing units in West Maui, we can facilitate the return of our displaced community members to their desired location—where they work and where their keiki attend school.

    This strategic approach will not only benefit West Maui but also alleviate the pressure on rentals across the island, making them available to residents who wish to live in that area. While I acknowledge the island-wide need for affordable housing, I urge the County to prioritize West Maui's recovery efforts currently. It's imperative to support our community in rebuilding and regaining stability.

    Mahalo for the chance to make comments,

    Katie Austin

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    This supports all Maui Residents that need housing.

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    Guest User 7 months ago

    housing for west Maui needs to be considered first and foremost