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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    We cannot govern the current over commercialization already… we should not allow commercialization of Efoils. Not to mention the dangers they have

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I OPPOSE THIS BILL. I swim and see the efoilers in the water and have met a few and they are nice people to talk to. They respect the swim areas where I swim and I have had no issues. Its nice to see these marvelous silent boards above the water instead of gas polluting big boats.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I oppose this, there is no reason to support this. Anyone using the water to surf does it in a responsible and respectful manner. Surfing is part of being aloha.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    E Foils are extremely hazardous especially when ridden by novices not only to them but also to swimmers and sealife. Plus the owner has proven to be dangerous himself using threats and intimidation to those that disapprove of his business. Aole! No can

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    This is unfair. Foils and efoils are a great source of exercise and should be allowed. They do not cause any environmental contaminants like these large boats in the water and do not disturb other wildlife in the water.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I oppose. Our surf spots are already crowded. Efoil’s open up the playing field and allow people to enjoy surf at breaks that are typically unusable to a paddle in surfer. If people weren’t efoiling, they’d be on a board competing with the other 100 people at our already crowded beaches. Almost all EFoilers use leashes and never come closer than double the leash length to other people.

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    Ravi Bugga about 1 year ago

    I’m a 70 year old regular swimmer at Kahekili beach. We are already at risk from tourist canoes from Westin KOR which come very close to the beach, especially near Black Rock. And from inexperienced paddle boarders who can’t manoever their boards. We do NOT need motorized equipment in this area. Thank you!

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I strongly oppose recategorizing eFoils as thrill craft.

    IT COULD PUT THE LIVES OF eFOILERS AT RISK. It would also render worthless the thousands of dollars and hours many eFoilers have spent investing in this non-polluting, fun water activity that has been explicitly endorsed by the State in the office of DOBOR at Sand Island. Would the State reimburse these costs?

    Thrill Craft, like wave runners and jet skis, are generally large, heavy, loud, polluting, operated at very fast speeds, and cause wakes. As such, they are, in my opinion, correctly limited in the locations in which they can be used. I do not want to be at the beach and hear the loud whine of jet ski engines.

    eFoils, on the other hand, are quiet, electric, and non-polluting. A poster at DOBOR on Sand Island endorses eFoils as “a smooth, cool ride. It’s eco-friendly. It’s swift and silent.” DOBOR further endorses eFoils by running a program to register them.

    eFoils are relatively small (shorter than most surfboards), light (can easily be carried, unlike jet skis and don’t require boat launch ramps or trailers), and are generally operated at relatively slow speeds (5-10 knots). This is much slower than jet skis and other Thrill Craft, and much slower than kite surfboards. They produce no wake. They are far quieter than boats, including whale watching boats.

    If eFoils are forced to operate in the few, small areas where large, heavy, fast Thrill Craft operate, like jet skis, then THE LIVES OF THE eFOILERS WILL BE AT RISK. It would be similar to forcing bicyclists to ride on the highway alongside cars and trucks. If a jet ski were to crash into an eFoiler, the eFoiler would suffer serious injuries.

    My friends and I enjoy safely riding eFoils when the wind is low and other options, like kite surfing, wing foiling, and wind surfing are not possible.

    Please allow us to continue to safely enjoy the beauty that Hawaii has to offer in our quiet, non-polluting, fun manner with our community.


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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I strongly oppose

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    E-foils are motorized watercraft. Allowing unskilled tourists to operate these vehicles without oversight or training puts all other ocean-users and wildlife in danger.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I am for any ban on practices that have been studied with objective controlled data. As usual, the loudest minority has got the attention of some lawmaker who hasn't figured out more important priorities, and instead is going after people, enjoying the beauty and freedom of the islands. When the time comes that someone has collected relevant data to this supposed issue I am all ears to consider a decision. Remember, first do no harm. We should've learned this during the pandemic were many erratic, knee-jerk steps were taken to supposedly protect people, when in reality, they ended up harming countless more. Please use wisdom patience and objectivity to consider all factors before making decisions on this proposal, or any other . A common MO seems to be -scream the loudest and claim danger to endangered species. What a crock! present a logical argument based on data and facts. Then we can have a discussion. No more screaming. Last, has any swimmer been injured? Compare this to the amazing fun enjoyed by the foilers.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I’ve had the opportunity to go out with EFH more then once. Let me tell you what a special group of guys they have over there. The treated me and my wife like we were family. For having there grand opening at the Royal Lahaina about a month ago I can say that there extremely professional and take every safety perception very seriously. From the several different activities on Maui this would have to be by fare my favorite! Definitely looking forward to coming back again soon!

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Ban this potential risk to human life e-foil business or keep them outside the surf spots… way outside - like jet ski type biz

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    This proposed inclusion to the package regarding e-foils is not an accurate representation of the e-foil. I strongly oppose this inclusion. I am an avid waterman. I surf, SUP, kiteboard, kitesurf, foil and kitefoil as well as e-foil. I am certified by the State of Hawai'i to tow-in surf from a thrillcraft. My experience for the last 35 years has been related to safety and risk management. The points presented in the proposal are not accurate and bear further investigation and verification. Please table this inclusion for future research, debate and examination by experts from both sides of this issue. Mahalo, Colonel John Y (retired USAF)

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    As a paddler, swimmer and surfer I support a ban on commercial EFoil operations on Maui County, on the grounds of their impact on our environmental resources and on safety. Since an efoil business began operating at Sugar Beach, there has been an anecdotal decline in the presence of marine mammals. It is a strain on state and federal resources to adequately monitor these business to ensure they are operating in compliance of marine mammal protect laws. There is high potential for damage to the reef and to coastal vegetation. Not to mention increased litter. The owner of one particular business has demonstrated disregard for safety of others multiple times, including just yesterday when he buzzed past me and a group of swimmers way too close and video’s us without asking permission. He has done the same to children participating in camp activities at the canoe hales along this beach. I have witnessed him multiple times leaving his clients well alone as he zips along the beach, leaving them vulnerable to injury and harm and further putting our reef at risk. I agree that efoils should be considered same as personal motorized watercraft and that commercial operations be banned to protect our natural resources and safety.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago


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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I support

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Ban commercial efoil operations

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I strongly oppose the ban of efoils. Please allow efoils to be used in Hawaii waters.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Jay Nakahara