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    Guest User about 1 year ago


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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Aloha. Tammy Harp.

    I am in support of Resolution No. 23-183.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    E-foils are just the opposite of a jet ski or thrill craft. E-foiling is very peaceful for the user and the surroundings. We abide by the rules and stay far away from swimmers, surfers, etc. I have never heard of an injury related to an e-foil. I have heard of several injuries related to non motorized foil surf boards surfing with other surfers. I am guessing most people can not tell the difference between an e-foil and a non motorized surfboard.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I own and operate 2 efoils on Oahu hawaii. We operate them safely at sand island. We keep our distance from swimmer, fishing lines, canoes etc. efoil’s just like surfboards are very safe if used properly.

    This agenda on Maui is clear. Rich people with beachfront homes. Don’t want to share the waters with others. They can’t buy the beach, but they can lobby and pay legislators to change laws.

    I witnessed the same thing happened in Kailua with Kitesurfing. Nobody was ever injured on the beach as a bystander, but they kept claiming safety safety safety.

    And now you can’t get safe legal lessons in Kailua. That’s bad for the community as a whole because now people teach illegally without permits, insurance or supervision.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Support this!

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    Mariko Higashi about 1 year ago

    I swim along the north Ka’anapali beach and am weary of fast moving water crafts near the shore. We don’t need any more of them. Go slow in Hawaii…

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    i oppose this bill never have or my daughter been near any swimmers when efoiling

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I grew up here in Lahaina and have been in the ocean since I can remember. As the years have gone by ocean related sports have gotten extreme. So extreme to the point that other recreational users of the ocean feel unsafe. As an Ocean Safety Officer (Lifeguard) that works here on the west side of Maui, safety is one our main priorities. I am opposed to any sort of E-foiling activities in these areas for safety reasons and hope to see more rules and regulations created and enforced to ensure the safety of others.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I have seen 1st hand efoils being in the hands of people who should t be riding them. Without proper guidelines and rules it becomes reckless for the entitled and unaware users.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    E foils don’t belong where people swim. There should be restrictions and zones for them.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    FYI, people are getting confused. I clicked support in favor of allowing efoils on my review but I meant to OPPOSE the bill.
    Hope someone is actually reading the comments instead of counting the support/oppose because I see a lot of other comments who got it mixed up as well

    I did an efoiling class at royal Lahaina and I can tell you we went nowhere near where people were swimming. The instructors were very strict when it came to the zone where we could ride. They had whistles in the water to tell us to turn back if we had gone too far. Even entering the water, they enforced a rule how it had to be on speed 1 until we got out farther in the ocean for safety. We didn’t go ANYWHERE near canoes, boats, or people swimming. I felt it was very safe and fun activity to enjoy here in Hawaii. They thought they had seen a dolphin way far out and made us just sit there to allow them to swim away. The water was so deep not anywhere near the reef. It seems obvious that the people against this have ulterior motives because maybe it is a threat to their own business. And it’s pretty comical how I hear opposers say it could harm the marine life yet it’s acceptable to pluck animals out of the water, murder and eat them? It’s okay for fisherman to leave behind their nets and let animals get tangled up in fishing lines? How is that respecting the ocean? Go to Lahaina harbor, smell the oil from the boats going in and out of the water. Efoil is electric. It’s really reaching to say efoiling needs stricter restrictions or even banned. We should ban cars, they do more damage. This state will do anything to raise taxes and add regulations any chance they get.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I did an efoiling class at royal Lahaina and I can tell you we went nowhere near where people were swimming. The instructors were very strict when it came to the zone where we could ride. They had whistles in the water to tell us to turn back if we had gone too far. Even entering the water, they enforced a rule how it had to be on speed 1 until we got out farther in the ocean for safety. We didn’t go ANYWHERE near canoes, boats, or people swimming. I felt it was very safe and fun activity to enjoy here in Hawaii. They thought they had seen a dolphin way far out and made us just sit there to allow them to swim away. The water was so deep not anywhere near the reef. It seems obvious that the people against this have ulterior motives because maybe it is a threat to their own business. And it’s pretty comical how I hear opposers say it could harm the marine life yet it’s acceptable to pluck animals out of the water, murder and eat them? It’s okay for fisherman to leave behind their nets and let animals get tangled up in fishing lines? How is that respecting the ocean? Go to Lahaina harbor, smell the oil from the boats going in and out of the water. Efoil is electric. It’s really reaching to say efoiling needs stricter restrictions or even banned. We should ban cars, they do more damage. This state will do anything to raise taxes and add regulations any chance they get.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I have witnessed so many reckless users of efoils too close to snorkelers & swimmers. There needs to be oversight on the areas these dangerous craft are allowed to be used. The e foil businesses are too numerous & out of control.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Suppot this bill

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    THIS IS SIMPLE... WHY DO AIRLINES NOT LET PLANES TAKE OFF AND LAND ONE AFTER ANOTHER WITHOUT GIVING A BREAK IN BETWEEN? TURBULENCE!!! The Jet of a jetski creates powerful turbulence which would severely injure anyone who is on an efoil. If we are to put those 2 completely different water craft into the same areas be ready for MASSIVE INJURIES and CASUALTIES.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Ban commercial E-foil

    It’s a hazard for swimmers and divers.

    Too many close encounters I’ve experienced.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I have children and am fearful that they will be injured or killed while swimming around these dangerous electric foil boards!
    These companies should NOT be permitted near public beaches,

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Efoils aren’t bad

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    Guest User about 1 year ago


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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    We efoilers must be able to enjoy the whole beach, as long as we understand our limits with the efoil board for the safety of other beach users!