Meeting Time: September 01, 2022 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Please County of Maui approve this project! We are a local family of four, and we’ve been searching for as long as I can remember. We would love for our family to finally have a place and call it a HOME. Please give us locals some hope and for this affordable housing project to move forward.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this project. It is a much awaited and needed project for the people of Maui.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Desperately needed for maui families.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I am a born and raised local who has to work multiple jobs just to survive here. I do not want to be like many of my other local families who were forced to leave our aina because of the lack of inventory of affordable housing.

    Please approve these affordable housing plans so myself and many other local families can stay on our island.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this. Affordable local housing is greatly needed

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Please County if Maui, Council members and planning committee, we need affordable housing options here on Maui for local people so that we can stay on island and help the community thrive. So, so many of our friends and family are leaving our islands and may never come back. That’s not how our community is supposed to work. The younger generations are already conditioned to leave, they aren’t even thinking about staying here during high school or after. They see their parents and grandparents struggling and don’t want that for themselves and their future family. This needs to be fixed before we lose all of our Local Families. Give us some hope please!!

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I oppose this project: this will not benefit the true locals of maui - for profit builders/developers do not have the community interest at heart. TRUE LOCALS will not be buying these homes -
    make the homes affordable in perpetuity for ever:

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this and all affordable housing projects on Maui, not luxury home projects, but that’s absurd.
    Thank you, Gary Robilotta

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Affordable housing is a must. I'm 52yrs old and I'm still looking to have a home here.I'dlove to remain here when I'm retired.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I can’t express enough the need for affordable housing on Maui. my wife and I support a family of four,, with me working full-time and her part-time. We don’t even come close to being able to purchase a house on the island that we love. Together we make $120,000 a year. We love our community and want to raise our girls here. Please, let’s all pull together and get more affordable housing approved so the people that love this island and give back to it each and every day can continue to live here and raise our children in the community that we love.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    It's important that locals, not people who just moved here get housing. Locals are getting priced out and moving off island. Born and raised should be staying, not new mainland haoles

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I am a supporter of this project. We need more affordable housing and the county must support the developers that are willing to build such projects so local families can afford buying a home and stay on Maui.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I strongly support this project as we are at a deficit for homes that support our local people. Projects like this will help fill the gap in housing. I would like to suggest that the council consider not making the 20 years because I have a concern that we are suppressing pressing people from getting ahead similar to the 1950s in the US. Gina Duncan R PB Fine Island Properties

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    we need more affordable housing. Locals are getting pushed out.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Aloha, I am writing on behalf of Hawaiian Community Assets and Hawaii Community Lending to support AH-35 to approve Kuikahi as a housing project that will deliver affordable homes to 200 local families. The project is one of the thirty-six priority projects identified in the Maui County Comprehensive Affordable Housing Plan. The committee's approval will make good on this Council's commitment to affordable housing. Please vote in support of AH-35. Jeff Gilbreath, Executive Director of Hawaii Community Lending