Meeting Time: September 01, 2022 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Through intensive screening, that ensured I lived in and met local requirements for workforce housing, Aluala Builders gave me an opportunity to own my own home. Aluala Builders gave me hope that the small local businesses owners and associates have a chance to succeed in a market often dominated by prices that ousted their ability to make a living.

    There is no doubt that Maui is in need of workforce housing. Please be considerate of the application and the good and hope it would allow the community. I was one of 12 out of 64 applicants in my bracket. 52+ are still looking for homes.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Aloha, my family and I are locals who live in South Kihei. We are only renting as we can’t afford to buy our own homes especially now that most home owners/sellers are taking advantage of selling their houses/condo in a sky rocketing prices that only and mostly off-shore buyers can afford. We need more affordable housing for local people and because of that we truly support all workforce housing being or planning to be develop in the island.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Workforce housing is so needed on Maui. Thank you to Alaula Builders for working towards providing affordable housing for Maui residents. I have mixed feelings about this project mostly due to the location and the impacts it will have in combination with the several other developments currently in progress in the area.

    -All points in the "Neighorhood Overview" section of the Kuikahi Village presentation from Alaula Builders are awesome! This should be the model for all workforce housing projects.
    -202 residences for Maui residents at below market prices.
    -I didn't see it in the presentation but I was told that there would be a number of years before the units could be sold for a profit. This is a good program and targets the right type of buyer.
    My biggest concern is the location of the project and the impact it will have on traffic. There are several housing projects currently being developed in this area on both sides of Honoapiilani Hwy. Currently, without any of these projects being completed, traffic is already backed up on Honoapiilani Hwy in the morning hours as people trying to enter Wailuku via High st. or turning right on to Kuikahi Dr. down to Waiale. The large project currently on Kuikahi and Waiale will possibly add 1600 vehicles to the traffic. Then there are several projects Mauka including the most recent one to begin near the Koa neigborhood. The increase of 30% plus to the current number is already going to have a huge impact.
    A possible solution would be road improvements prior to approval or relocating the project. I am not saying that Kuikahi Properties should be responsible for the road improvments. However no more developements in this area should be approved until traffic issues are delt with.

    The following concerns are related to the EXEMPTION REQUESTS by number.
    18. Related to being allowed to provide narrower road widths within the project. This is a bad idea. Emegency vehicles including police, fire and medics will undoubtably be responding to this area once it is occupied. Access for these vehicles, especially fire apparatus should not be constrained in order to save money. Rubbish trucks and other utility vehicles will also suffer if this is allowed.
    21. Does this request mean there will not be curbs and gutters but grass instead? If so I would ask that this exemption be denied.
    26. I feel this exemption should be denied and the buildings should not be allowed to be over 3 stories. I know they are trying to stay withing 15 acres. I didn't see any buildings over 3 stories in the renderings.

    As far as the fee exemptions for permits I can see how some can be allowed with little impact but others will definetly have an impact on the different county departments. Prior to approval I would hope that all departments would be given the opportunity to give input.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I strongly support

    100% Owner-occupied

    100% Priced by the County of Maui Affordable Guidelines

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Aloha Honorable County Council,

    I John Fitzpatrick support this if it is truly workforce housing and for teachers, nurses, police officers, and fire fighters to name a few. Also if the units can’t be rented out and if they are there are limits of what rents can be in the area. Lastly it has to be affordable in perpetuity and buyers can buy but not turn around in 10 or 20 years and sell for twice the price. I personally look forward to applying to get one of these properties.



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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    As a nurse who went to school here and serves our community, I need this workhouse forcing to be approved in order to be able to afford a home for myself and my kids. Please help us out!

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I think it’s great we need more affordable housing and low interest rate

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    This project is vital for natives and folks who have contributed to the community and have called Maui home for years. The people who need this the most are vital to the success of the islands.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this workforce housing build. Maui county needs more options for residents that cannot buy but can only rent for the price of a mortgage! Please allow this project to move ahead and help out locals.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I have been living on island for 6 years and have been paying rent the whole time. Will be great to have more affordable housing available for the workforce. I am looking for opportunity to purchase my own place, but with the unregulated market pricing, it has been impossible. I am looking forward for the project to be approved. Mahalo!

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    We need more affordable housing especially in the County of Maui. It would be nice to actually own a home instead of renting and paying the price of mortgage. Stand with the people County of Maui and approve affordable housing

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support Workforce Affordable Housing for Kuikahi. The housing market on average starts at 800K- 1M for a single family home.

    Locals will benefit from this as long as the deed restriction is reasonable, 5 years is a suggestion. 15-20 years is ridiculous and for those that are not familiar with deed restrictions it restricts the sale of the home. Unforeseen circumstances happen, perhaps only selling to another workforce housing eligible candidate. Why is the only option a sale back to the County of Maui if done within the deed restriction.

    Mahalo to the developers who even care to make affordable housing possible.

    The context of affordable housing at this time would be homes at 600K-800K. Ideally they would be at 100K-500k, but I understand there are lots of factors. The County of Maui should take more care and put more funds toward infrastructure instead of depending on developers to take on the load and as a result buyers pay more.

    Just about 5 years ago with good credit and about 80K- 100K you would be able to buy a home and pay maybe about 1500-2500 a month for mortgage and that’s not even possible today without gutting the place, renovating over time, or living as is(generally poor conditions).

    Water meter add ons for those wanting to buy a lot will be met with a long waiting list for permitting.

    County of Maui red tapes and sales to people not local to Maui have put long standing residents with limited choices.

    Restricted zoning and red tapes for existing home to add an Ohana.

    Hale Kuikahi is welcomed and I hope many people qualify and secure a home in central Maui.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support workforce housing.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    It would be nice to be able to buy a home. Workforce community will provide an incredible opportunity to those of us who would never be able to achieve homeownership. It is so needed and immediately.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I am writing to you to ask your support of a proposed housing development coming before your Board for approval on September 1, 2022. The Kuikahi Village Workforce Housing neighborhood project will provide much-needed residences affordable to local workers who have been forced to out of our island home due to the lack of affordable housing in our community. I myself have lived here all of my life and have worked since I was 14 years old. I want to be able to buy my family of 5 a home. Although the prices of living expenses have gotten considerably higher, our wages are still very low compared to many of our national counterparts and will inevitably drive out many locals. Your support of this project is critically needed, and I’m looking to you for the leadership our county needs to help correct the current imbalance between jobs, wages, cost of living and housing. I hope you agree that losing a vital part of our population is a concern for the future well-being of our county, and that providing appropriate housing is the only way to ensure that we remain a healthy and thriving community.
    Please support this much-needed project – your positive vote and leadership are critically important in this matter.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Full support for this important project

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Please allow this affordable project to continue moving forward. We need more affordable homes.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I 100% support a new workforce housing. As everyone knows that Maui locals are in desperate need of it.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    The time has come for the County of Maui to end all the talk and to take action and support these projects that will provide homes for our working families here in Maui.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I 100% support a new workforce housing subdivision. As everyone knows that Maui locals are in desperate need of it.