Meeting Time: September 01, 2022 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    We need more afforable housing, like this project for our Maui residents - residents of all ages - those that want to begin their dream of home ownership or those that want to downsize. We donʻt have enough inventory. We need to provide opportunities so our community can live comfortably and not worry that they will be mortgage poor.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Total support!! The transplants come here. Raise our purchase median by flashing their money. The locals have to relocate to all the places the transplants came from. Then they come here to change our Hawaii yet they forget why they came and fell in love with Hawaii in the first place. We need the housing for our rooted residents to have and pass down to the younger generations.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    100% support. We need affordable housing

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Oppose the layout of this project but not workforce housing. Kuikahi Village will cause major traffic disruption since all the roadway access is on Kuikahi Dr. at Honoapi'ilani Highway traffic light All the egresses for 204 houses are on Kuikahi Drive. I don't understand this .The large apartment complex right across highway will also worsen traffic in all directions even more, into a nightmare traffic area in Wailuku. That's good planning?
    Dense housing should be spread out in the larger parcel that will be eventually built out, or in other locations appropriately. This one unfairly overburdens an already very heavily populated part of Wailuku. I don't think schools or roadway infrastructure is anywhere near ready for this. Smart and well-located workforce housing is needed. Make this less dense or spread it elsewhere. But this one is sad.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    100% support to project as we're desperately in need of affordable housing in order for locals to live on the island. There are 2 elementary schools already in Wailuku and Puu Kukui which lost many students because many families had to move to the mainland to be able to provide the little ones food to feed and roof over their heads. That's not the future Maui should be. Locals should have given the first priority to live comfortably.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I Jose Alvarado support the affordable housing project, I have been wanting to buy a home for so long but prices just don’t let me, rent is getting supper expensive and if this project goes on I will definitely be ready to purchase a home, please let it go through
    Thank you

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Maui needs this.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago


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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    We are one of the lucky families to have won the lottery for a home in Hale Kaiola. It changed our lives and allowed us to stay on Maui. We earn a reasonable amount, but still can't afford $3000+ for rent and certainly couldn't afford to buy. We are 50 years old and had made the decision to move to Florida about a week before we were notified about the opportunity to buy.

    It's also worth noting that both my husband and I have graduate degrees. He works as a manager at a hotel and I am a teacher. There are not enough workers on Maui to deliver the kind of quality service the island deserves. We were not lucky enough to buy a home years ago when prices were lower. I also can't imagine how the younger generations are going to be able to survive and work here either.

    Thanks to the county and the support of affordable workforce housing, Maui now can count on us to continue to serve the community.
    Please vote in favor of giving others the same opportunity as you have given us. Thank you!

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Aloha! I'm a homeowner in proposed vicinity. I do see a need for affordable housing but unsure of the location for a few reasons below:
    This is due to the overwhelming traffic and school overcrowding. The developers require to do more extensive environmental Impact Study. (EIS).
    In addition, please open this up to the public so they can have public involvements. Please do a study of the nearby residents of: Waikapu, Wailuku Heights, Kehalani, and Waikapu. As they will be greatly affective.
    In my opinion, the traffic impact is greatly underestimated and will create gridlock or dead lock at peak hours. Motorist will not be able to commute to and from work on a timely matter. Unless the DOT has future plans of widening Honoapiilani. There also a need for more Multimodal mode of transportation. There is no sidewalk on the Mauka side Honoapiilani Highway. Multiple deaths and crash happen along the Intersection of Kuikahi Road and Honoapiilani highway. This needs to be address during the design phase of this affordable housing project.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I Linda Carrizosa strongly support the affordable housing, I have been living in Maui for 30 years, got married here and have a family, sadly my kids had to experience again and again what is like to move from one house to another, from one school to another, all because housing prices are extremely expensive, I support affordable housing because I still want that dream to own a home and for my kids to be in one place until they decide to move out. a place they can really call HOME.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I mean, what OTHER inventory is out there for single families? We talking “lotteries” too, never heard of that till I got back here. Even as a retired/disabled veteran with pension and disability income, I can’t even afford to own a piece of home where I was born and raised, let alone hundreds of local families who thought by this time, they had saved enough! Establish and increase more workforce/affordable NOW before the people and the families that makes this place what it is, leaves forever. Every family I grew up with that is still here, is already seeing/feeling the decline in quality of life due to all other expenses, what is the END GOAL for Maui families that span decades of maintaining the beautiful mix of Polynesian traditions with utmost acceptance of all the additional cultures since, that also embodies love of land and people?!
    All I can say as a returning resident after 20 years abroad, Maui is NOT the same.
    Not blaming anyone personally, it’s the system I know.
    Will developing more affordable/workforce housing keep more “local” families here? Yes? ……….. or maybe I am wrong?
    This is of course, after all due diligence for environmental/natural resources impact is met. Please do what’s right to allow the small amount of people that actually get selected during these lotteries HAVE A CHANCE at life here.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I am an owner in Wailuku Heights and I see the need for affordable housing, even in the proposed location, however, the concerns for traffic and schools that have previously been noted, even at the beginning of the process have NOT been addressed at all. These are real issues for, not only the surrounding neighborhoods but the development itself.

    In my opinion, the traffic impact is VASTLY underestimated and will create gridlock at peak hours - no one will be able to get to school or work in the morning. There has been much written about the roundabout in the notes - is there enough money in the project to build this and can you build a roundabout on a steep grade safely? I love roundabouts but have you driven up Kuikahi, it's pretty steep. Also, this will not solve the problem of getting to school or work. The traffic already backs up going into Wailuku.

    Another concern that I haven't seen addressed is the overcrowding of schools. Puu Kukui is already over capacity (by at least 250 students), where will 200-300 new students attend school. I read a note about possible redistricting. Will this solve the issue? And will this include Wailuku Heights as well? With all the new development going in in the area, I don't see how the current schools could possibly meet capacity and I don't see any new school proposals.

    In terms of the actual units, there are a few things I don't understand. What is the point of the tiny homes when the footprint could offer multiple units or more homes? And then lastly, why the commercial units? The idea that a few people would not have to drive to work, is negated by the number of people who would want to drive to these businesses. This makes no sense to me when there are commercial properties across the street and the space is taking the place of yet more potential residences.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I am a working mother with two keiki. I've actively served the community working in public service for the last 10 years. I love our community, but the dream of owning a home is not likely without workforce housing. Maui needs more affordable homes for local, working class Ohanas.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Aloha Please support these homes . We strive to have a home for our keiki's future ! Mahalo nui !

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    My name is bonghwa Jordan. Thank you for offer this house 🏠

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    that is how we were able to buy a home
    the locals need a
    break how else will they ever be able to bebuy

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    We need affordable housing now!!!
    We the people can not wait.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    I believe that Kuikahi Village is a good project and should be supported by the Maui County Council. This project could be better with the financial assistance of County government so that the housing goals set forth in the Maui County Comprehensive Affordable Housing Plan can be achieved.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    As someone who was born and raised here on this beautiful island of Maui; it hurts me to even think about it f one day I will be able to own my own home. A home for which I can be proud of . Ever since I was a young adult it was a dream of mine to have a home to call my own, but prices are ridiculously high? For some one who has work his butt off to get a good paying job a job that I am happy to have for more than 10 +years and able to support my family the dream of having a home to call my own is slipping away and just out of reach.. the mainlanders move here and can get a piece of paradise but us as locals who live here can’t even get a piece of it . We rent and pay someone else’s mortgage and just wish we could pay our own. Pls just give locals a chance to be proud of being a home owner so our kids and there kids can have a place to call home a home where we can be proud of ….