Meeting Time: August 02, 2021 at 9:00am HST
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    Ann Barclay Rovner about 3 years ago

    I'm writing to strongly support this. I have been a member of the gardens for several years now. It is wonderful to see and learn about native Hawaiian plants. The staff are always so welcoming and happy to share their knowledge. I volunteered for the giveaway trees event. People were so excited to be able to buy native plants and trees. I myself have gotten native plants for my garden here in Wailuku and am ready to harvest two taro plants that I got for free from the garden. They do so much to teach about and enrich our knowledge of native plants. Please extend this lease.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I fully support this very significant cultural learning facility.
    Harley I. Manner
    12 Anamuli St., Kahului

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Welina me ke Aloha
    I overwhelmingly support the request for lease extension for Maui Nui Botanical Gardens. It fulfills a critical role of preserving & perpetuating the Native Hawaiian plants in our community. People of all ages have a place in enjoying this beauty and ricness of our culture. For more than 40 years, it has educated and supported expansion of the care and growth of native plants and culture and is sustainability at it best. Mahalo Nui for your critically needed support of this lease extension.
    Mikahala Helm

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    Paul Kastner about 3 years ago

    Having been a volunteer at Maui Nui Botanical Gardens for over nine years, I have seen first hand how valuable this place is for Maui.
    Each year the Gardens offer numerous opportunities to learn more about Hawaiian culture and its history. Workshops teaching such things as building imus and dyeing kapa, as well as events like La 'Ulu help keep Hawaiian culture alive. From the hundreds of school kids who get hands on learning about native plants to the thousands of people of all ages who buy or take home free native plants to put in their own gardens, MNBG is an extremely valuable asset for Maui.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    First priority segment is those long-term residents who have dedicated their working careers employed by Hawaiian Pineapple Co., Castle and Cooke and now Pulama, Four Seasons, Sensei and Maui County, State of Hawaii and non-profit an for-profit healthcare workers. This segment should be provided an opportunity to have an asset to care for their elderly and their future children. Low-cost, affordable homes for sale is doable. This is not an issue of pointing at the County or the corporation. This project must offer this segment a chance given the cost of housing on Lana'i...up to $800,000 within the the city. The is extreme and will not resolve for this segment's favor in the future. Hokuau must address this long-standing issue as working one's life without an opportunity for a minimum asset workers fought for many years ago. Mahalo for your consideration. Pat Reilly

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    Brian Lieberman about 3 years ago

    Please extend the lease to Maui Nui Botanical Gardens!!! They provides many many services to the community: notably, they shelter and nurture Hawaiian language and traditions and shelter, nurture and propagate Native Hawaiian plants to keep them from going extinct. These tasks require sophisticated botanical procedures for seed storage and also propagation techniques developed over years of hard work and are unique on their focus on rare costal Hawaiian plants which the MNBG location is perfect.

    The list of workshops and events, in addition to their collection of Native Hawaiian Plants, show how committed they are to the conservation of the Hawaii life style:
    *Imu Building Workshop
    *Kapa Dyes from Native Plants
    *Their main event: Lā ‘Ulu 2021 (Breadfruit Day!)
    *Arbor Day 1000 tree give-away
    *Living Wreath Making with Native Plants
    * etc. etc. etc.

    The loss of MNBG would be not only a loss to the Maui Community but also a loss to the Global Horticultural community and a the loss to anyone interested in the preservation of Hawaiian Culture!!!

    Brian Lieberman

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I support the lease renewal of Maui Nui Botanical gardens. They provide educational events to visitors, both local and mainland, and give people a place to work with native plants in a central location. I had the opportunity to work with the staff on multiple locations and they have taught me a lot. I have learned about so many different endemic Hawaiian plants and their importance to the native ecosystem. I have also learned about canoe plants and their cultural importance to the native Hawaiians. The central location allows for many people to come to events and get to learn far more then I have. Please continue to allow Maui Nui Botanical gardens the space to continue to help educate others.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Please extend the lease for MNBG so they may continue to enrich the minds and hearts of all those who visit! -Erica

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Maui Nui Support

    Aloha, I am speaking out today in support of the lease extension for Maui Nui Botanical Gardens. I have been blessed to have received so much knowledge through Maui Nui and I believe it is crucial they be allowed to continue this practice. Through various workshops and volunteer days I have gained and then shared so much valuable ‘ike. Some, without Maui Nui, I may have never had the chance to learn. Just this past weekend I was honored to take part in an imu workshop, humbled to learn and participate and grateful for the knowledge I can now share with my family and friends. The traditions and plant life Maui Nui shares with the community everyday is such a valuable resource. Anyone who has had the chance to take a workshop or volunteer, will say the same thing. They teach respect for ‘āina, love for traditions and show kindness and aloha toward everyone. I have had the chance to learn and grow with Maui Nui, side by side with the native plants I have adopted through them. Please extend this lease so that many more may have the same experience I have been blessed with. We are only here on earth temporarily, but knowledge is forever and Maui Nui helps spread that knowledge everyday. Mahalo palena ʻole to Maui Nui and to you for your time and consideration.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Yes I support the renewal of their lease, please extend their time. They have done such extensive impeccable work to support the growth of Maui Nui. It’s because of them, members of the community can share a commonality of re-connecting to nature by; growing food, learning about native flora and fauna, how to tend to and take care of the land, workshops on traditional medicine and food preparation..etc. I Stand in support of Maui Nui Botanical Garden.

    - billy Pacheco of Ha’iku

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I support the lease extension to MNBG. MNBG is a rich cultural resource and I have personally benefited from one of its program. MNBG is the gift that keeps on giving back to Maui.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    MNBG conducts much needed work on the island of Maui. They work to preserve native and endangered species of plants that are critical to the ecosystem of Maui. Maui County should set the precedence for MNBG and other non-profit organizations by supporting their work with an extension and expansion of their lease renewal. Our valuable resources need to be protected by encouraging others to take on the endeavor of conservation. By extending their lease, it is a breath of air to their work and others that aspire to do similar work. Please renew MNBG lease!

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    Jill Painter about 3 years ago

    I support an extension of the lease for Maui Nui Botanical Gardens. It is a much needed cultural resource for Maui Nui. Their propagation of endangered native species is critical. The community benefits from the Arbor Day tree give away every year...even last year...very Covid safe...and La Ulu is a special event to celebrate this special fruit. Workshops help educate adults and children about Native Hawaiian cultural practices and tours for residents and visitors foster the dissemination of critical knowledge in these times of climate change.

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    Wallette Pellegrino about 3 years ago

    Aloha. Pls support the extension of the lease for MNBG, an oasis of native and canoe plants in central Maui. I have always appreciated the expert work the staff and volunteers perform there and have enjoyed many events in the beautiful and accessible setting (e.g., La Ulu; Punana Leo's Ho`omau; its varied classes; and its generosity in offering plants at no cost to encourage Mauians to "go green" with native plants). By sharing Hawaiian culture, knowledge and traditions through botany, MNBG enhances the natural beauty of the `aina, conservation practices, and community engagement. Mahalo e County Human Concerns and Parks Committee for extending the MNBG lease.

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    AnnMarie Andres about 3 years ago

    Please extend the lease for Maui Nui Botanical Gardens! They are such a valuable resource to our community in terms of promoting Hawaiian culture, knowledge and traditions. MNBG serves as a significant resource to preserving endangered species with seed storage, etc. The knowledge that they share with community members is highly valuable and they are extremely generous with their donations of plant giveaways to the public—again, highlighting their generosity in spreading and promoting the use of Hawaiian plant species in modern day living. The countless events that they offer throughout the year allows community members to access workshops that would not exist without their amazing efforts! Please please please extend MNBG’s lease and allow this amazing organization to continue doing the great work they do for our island!

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    100% please extend MNBGʻs lease. They are vital to preserving Native and canoe plants and serve to educate our community and visitors. They are an oasis surrounded my concrete and they should be protected. Maui needs more places like MNBG. Culturally and environmentally MNBG is a rich resource and should be allowed to continue their good work.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I support the renewal of Maui Nui Botanical Garden’s lease. As a native Hawaiian, I appreciate the knowledge & plants that they consistently share. Please renew. Mahalo!

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    Mary Jo Durand about 3 years ago

    Maui Nui Botanical Gardens is extremely important to Maui County and it's continued education & growth. Please renew their contract / lease. This organization provides knowledge of culture, Hawaiian plants, & conservation of our aina. They are an integral part of our island culture. Their central location is great for easy access for all people and they have many wonderful classes for people to take. I have taken classes and it has enriched my life , and we need to continue that for all who live here. This is an important decision and you must make the right one--renew their lease!

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    Lisa Schattenburg Raymond about 3 years ago

    The Maui Nui Botanical Gardens has done a tremendous job of conservation of endangered species and the preservation of Hawaiian traditional food plants. Their contribution to our community and visitors in environmental and Hawaiian cultural education has been tremendous. They deserve as much support as we can give them.

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    Janet Rymsha about 3 years ago

    The Maui Nui Botanical Garden is a treasure. Please extend the 20 year lease.the gardens are valuable in educationing our visitors and to remind our residents of the rich hawaiian plant culture