Meeting Time: May 17, 2021 at 9:00am HST

Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    In full support. It does not make sense for our island and the local families who live here. The people pay the taxes all year round so what we say should be done especially majority of the people. We are still experiencing symtoms of the Big Five and we need to clear abd steer away from that greed that has not helped locals and Native Hawaiians. Our natural resources are being depleted for tourism while locals have to scrap for what rigtfully should be given to us.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Stop raping Hawaii and it’s people for money

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I Support the MORATORIUM!

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    We need more hotel space like a fish needs a Ferrari. Come on this shameless exploitation of our island and limited fragile resources must STOP. Enough we need to cap the volume of tourists. Our sewage treatment plants are outdated and ca t handle the waste our reef and beaches can’t handle the volume and YOUR constituents whom you serve are tired of being beholden and at the beck and call of tourists. It’s too much we are tired and there must be a moratorium. Listen to the people !!

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Enough of mass tourism

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I fully support this.
    I also think there should be a limit on the amount of tourists that can travel to Hana each day, and a limit on tourists that can visit Maui each month. I also think tourists should have to pay a visitor tax and that tax should go directly to affordable housing and other resources for local people, first and foremost, Hawaiian people.

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    Luanne Teoh over 3 years ago

    I am a resident of Maui and a small business owner. I support the moratorium on building more building for tourism and guests. Local Hawaiians need homes and they need help. We have more than enough visitor accommodations. If you want a healthy island and land, support the community FIRST. Enough hotels and tourists. This is not the way to go if we want to support a sustainable future for the next generation.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Aloha Kakou! To everyone this concerns!
    The reason why Hawai'i is so special is because of its naturally beautiful people and environment! If we continue to remove and destroy these integral parts there will be no Hawai'i! It is time to make things pono and fix instead of making more! We need tourism infrastructure to benefit our ecosystems instead of poisoning and washing away like sand! If there are no beaches where will the tourists play? More importantly, where will our Keiki play! Coastlines, sacred pu'u and many other culturally significant aina are in great danger because of improper protection of our natural resources! If we are going to stand up and protect something it should be this place that we call home!

    Ua Mau Ke'ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono!


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Please keep the moratorium on development for guest properties. There are too many people already. We need space for local residents to live and thrive without adding more hotels or condos for non residents.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Enough is enough

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    IT Committee over 3 years ago

    Testimony received by IT Committee

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I support this moratorium. Maui has enough visitor accommodation. Our infrastructure cannot handle any more.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I support a moratorium on guest accommodations. We are in the midst of what is soon to be a very terrible situation on Maui. Landlords are selling homes at epic rates to mostly mainland buyers. Rents are beyond affordability. There are no homes in affordable rates to buy. The current “workforce” population is leaving for the mainland. With the future so uncertain for the residents of Maui, accommodating to any more guests would be detrimental to a breaking point. Please put the moratorium in place and show the generational families on Maui that there is hope.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I fully support this moratorium and ask that it gets extended to the whole of Maui County. While tourism is an industry that provides for many it’s extremely out of balance. There is a serious housing crisis happening where affordable homes and rentals alike are little to none with hundreds and hundreds of families in need. It’s getting scary for these families. We need resources to be focused on keeping our communities intact before we open up even more opportunities for tourism. Please consider this statement to be a vote for better management of tourism.
    Mahalo for your time

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    My name is Judy Doucette, I am a business owner and Maui resident of 52 years. I oppose the building of this structure and know tourism needs to plan for Maui’s future

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Enough hotels and tourists already. We, the local people, have become second class citizens due tho tourism and there is no balance between us and them. We are overrun by tourists and it has to stop.

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    Phillip Wu over 3 years ago

    Maui does not have the infrastructure to sustain the large numbers of people currently visiting the island already. The more rooms that are built, these businesses will argue that there will be a need to fill them. That is the business model, build a room and fill it 365 days of the year. Do these business models assess the irreparable damage that is done when an island with limited infrastructure and limited non-renewable resources is overpopulated 365 days out of the year? Every individual that arrives on the island is looked at from a dollars and cents point of view in a business strategy document. The more people that come to the island, the higher the probability of getting a small percentage of the tourism pot of money that is brought in by cheap and abundant flights. It is an endless cycle that needs to stop and needs to be seriously reconsidered and reevaluated with hard data and facts, not profit and loss statements.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I support the proposed moratorium on buildiing permits. Maui is becoming overwhlemed with tourists, we do not need new hotels or current hotel expansions. I am urging the county to adopt real sustainable tourist management policies. We cannot control the population of tourists coming to Hawaii, but we can control the number of new accomodatitons. We need to consider the quality of life for residents here, a population which is also growing which also impacts our infrastructure.

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    Kathleen Aitchison over 3 years ago

    Maui's infrastructure cannot continue to support the massive numbers of visitors. Use of our roads, natural resources, etc. is at the breaking point. We learned during the pandemic shut down that we have been increasingly overrun and have had a remarkable opportunity to step back and change from a tourist based economy to becoming a self-sustaining community. Please - no new visitor development. Put your effort toward agriculture and inviting clean, progressive industry.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Please no new developements for the visitor industry. Our quality of life has been ruined. We have too many flights which include arriving 777 planes that are usually used for international travel. All our beaches and sites have become overrun with tourists. There is no longer any beaches one can go without tourists being there and sitting right next to you. Parking is none existent at county parks and beaches. One has to stay home for peace of mind these days. Terrible