Meeting Time: December 13, 2023 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am in support of granting permit for Carolee Higashino. Her company has been a beacon of light to thousands of couples and their families who chose
    Maui to be married. She, her staff, and vendors display so much love, care a professionalism in every wedding they do. White Orchid Wedding is a business of respect, commitment, and integrity. Their love for the Lahui is truly demonstrated in their company.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am in support of Carolee Higashino and white orchid weddings permit application. They set the gold standard for events on maui!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Carolee Higashino and her company White Orchid Weddings have been an outstanding business owner and successful Maui County business for decades They promote our island and native culture with respect and Aloha. Their strategic community partnerships provide economic stability and professional growth for many of our local residents. Thank you for your consideration and approval of the business operating permit for this important community business.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Dear Committee Members,

    I am writing this on behalf of Marylane Studios in support of granting Carolee Higashino and White Orchid Weddings the permits needed to continue operating events at The White Orchid Beach House.

    Having had the opportunity to photograph multiple events at White Orchid Beach House, and working with the WOW team, they have always stood out as absolute professionals. Treating the venue with great respect for the natural environment and neighborhood. They are truly committed to uplifting the community and supporting local business.

    As many have stated before me, the challenges our industry has faced during covid have been difficult and now with the devastating fires we need all the opportunities we can get to continue working. Having a place like the White Orchid Beach House addresses our need for an ocean front venue, outside of hotels where majority of the money goes back to non-locals. It would employ hundreds of local small businesses like mine. Venues like this would attract guests to continue considering Maui, and stimulate our economy. A challenge we now face is the volume of work lost. We need this now more than ever.

    As a Filipino with Great Grandparents who worked in the sugar and pineapple plantations, grandparents and parents who retired working for the hotel industry, and being married to a Native Hawaiian with family that have been on this island for generations, we must advocate for our local people. We need to continue to have places to work and Makena should not be shut away from us, the locals who make this community what it is. It saddens me to think that so much of our land has been bought and taken away from us as places we could live, work, gather, and celebrate. As more of our land is lost to the super wealthy, we should stand firm to not allow them to prohibit the use of such an iconic venue. Not approving this permit would take away another opportunity from us to continue supporting our local families and making a living.

    We strongly advocate for your support of Bill 80. We appreciate your time and consideration. We hope you can hear our voices.

    Marie Garcia and Taena Garcia
    Owner, Marylane Studios

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am in support of Carolee and the great care she takes to run an ethical, compassionate and professional business. Her love of Maui, its communities, its people and its traditions come across in everything she does.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I support Carolee and WOW on this request.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am in support of Carolee and the work that they provide for small businesses of Maui.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Carolee of White Orchid Weddings is a premier wedding coordinator and puts on events that are of the very best quality. Not only does White Orchid Weddings provide the most beautiful weddings at the White Orchid Beach House but her events are supporting THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of maui residents. I have literally been to hundreds of events put on on by WOW and can attest to the amazing dedication and commitment to providing a respectful & responsible environment for the guests BUT also to the neighborhood in which the beach house sits. I have witnessed the sound literally turn off the exact myth at the second hand reached the top of the hour!

    I highly recommend that WOW be allowed to have more events in a respectful & responsible way as not only is is good for WOW & the thousands of people that support WOW , but if is good for Maui because it promotes MAUI in the VERY BEST WAY POSSIBLE!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    The most conscientious wedding & event company and that they have respect for the local people, community & laws over the last few decades in business!

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    Kendall Oreta 9 months ago

    The Honorable Tasha Kama, Chair
    Housing and Land Use Committee
    Maui County Council
    200 S. High St.
    Kalana O Maui Building
    Wailuku, HI 96793

    Dear Chair Kama and Members of the Committee,

    My name is Kendall Oreta and I am currently employed by A White Orchid Wedding Inc. as a wedding and event coordinator. I am here to show my support of the passage of Bill 80, which would grant conditional permits for essential venues. The White Orchid Beach House is integral and key to our operations, and for maintaining economic stability of our community.

    Now more than ever, we are in need of private event spaces here on the island of Maui. With the unfathomable loss lives, homes, venues, and accommodations, due to the Lahaina Fires, I'm saddened to say the losses will only continue to increase if we don't do something to provide stability to our economy and our community. To say that our business, our staff, our vendors, will be completely unaffected and harmed by this is, nothing but a completely, uneducated opinion. To hear and see the total disregard for our community, our small businesses, and our lively-hoods from people who truly have no CARE, for our community is completely disheartening. If you have love for Maui, show your Aloha for its people, there is no Maui without the locals, and if our locals cannot make a living, Maui will not be the place we all love. I ask you listen our locals, ask about their lives, hear their stories, and hear about how they are struggling, and unsure of their financial futures here on island.

    As one of the employees Carolee currently has, I can tell you, i'm unsure of what my future looks like without this venue and I struggle to assure the hundreds of vendors we currently employ, of a prosperous future to come without it.

    We are asking humbly asking for your consideration for this boutique property with VERY minimal impact and strict guidelines intended to be followed. We are asking for a total of 49 people on property at all times of which does consist of an average of 9 creative partners who will be onsite to service and earn an income. Many of these groups could be less as we service ceremonies, receptions, vow renewals and elopements.

    We strongly advocate for your support of Bill 80, a pivotal step towards the recovery and growth of Maui's event sector.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Mahalo Nui Loa,

    Kendall Oreta

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Maui needs all the work we can get especially after everything our island has been through (Pandemic & Lahaina Fires). They support local vendors to create a timeless experience for our visitors.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    We need more amazing intimate venues like this!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    To Whom It May Concern,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to passionately advocate for the timely approval of the necessary permits to enable the commencement of operations at The White Orchid Wedding Venue. In light of the current situation on Maui, the expeditious approval of these permits is crucial for the well-being of our community.

    As a dedicated participant in the Maui business landscape and a vendor deeply involved in the wedding sector, I am keenly aware of the challenges that have arisen due to recent developments. The absence of accessible venues on the west side of Maui has left both couples and vendors grappling with the intricate task of reorganizing previously planned weddings.

    The potential of The White Orchid Wedding Venue to address these challenges is significant. By offering an elegant and functional space, the venue could seamlessly accommodate couples who are seeking an alternative to their initial west side wedding plans. For vendors like myself, this venue would serve as a lifeline, enabling us to continue providing exceptional services to our clients without the burden of logistical challenges.

    I humbly urge you to consider the transformative impact that granting permits to The White Orchid Wedding Venue could bring about. Beyond facilitating weddings, the approval would symbolize a step towards the rejuvenation of the Maui events industry and a tangible contribution to our community's recovery.

    In making this appeal, I firmly believe that by supporting The White Orchid Wedding Venue, you are supporting countless couples, vendors, and residents who depend on the vibrancy of our local events sector. Your decision has the potential to shape a positive trajectory for us all.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I am hopeful that your decision will reflect a commitment to the resurgence and growth of Maui's events landscape.

    Warm regards,

    Nikki Quinn
    Love Art Beauty LLC
    DBA-Love And Beauty Maui

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    To whom it may concern,

    I am writing to express my wholehearted support for the issuance of a permit for White Orchid Wedding Beach House. As a resident of Maui and owner of Bre Jane Photography, a local photography business on Maui, for the last ten years, I have had the pleasure of witnessing the positive impact and enchanting experiences that White Orchid Wedding Beach House brings to our community.

    White Orchid Wedding Beach House has consistently demonstrated a commitment to providing unforgettable and magical moments for couples on their special day. The picturesque beachfront location, paired with the meticulous attention to detail, creates an atmosphere of unparalleled beauty and romance that is truly unparalleled.

    Over the years, I have photographed several events hosted at White Orchid Wedding Beach House and have always been impressed with the professionalism of their staff, the seamless organization of events, and the respect shown for the natural environment. It is evident that White Orchid Wedding Beach House prioritizes sustainability and eco-friendly practices, ensuring that the natural beauty of our coastline is preserved for generations to come.

    The economic benefits that White Orchid Wedding Beach House brings to our community cannot be understated. By attracting couples from near and far to celebrate their love in our city, White Orchid Wedding Beach House contributes to the growth of local businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and shops. This influx of visitors not only boosts our local economy but also promotes our city as a desirable destination for special occasions.

    Furthermore, White Orchid Wedding Beach House has been a responsible and considerate neighbor. They have actively engaged with the community, addressing concerns and incorporating feedback to enhance the overall experience for residents and visitors alike. Their commitment to maintaining open lines of communication and fostering positive relationships with the community has not gone unnoticed.

    In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support the issuance of a permit for White Orchid Wedding Beach House. Their contributions to the cultural, economic, and social fabric of our community are invaluable, and I believe that granting this permit will only further enhance the positive impact they have on our city.

    As a Lahaina resident who has suffered greatly from the Lahaina Fires, we do not need any more suffering and loss of income. If you revoke their permit it will hurt the entire wedding industry and community.

    Thank you for considering my testimony, and I trust that you will make a decision that benefits our community as a whole.


    Bre Jane Cummins
    Bre Jane Photography

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Subject: In Defense of Our WOW Beach House and Maui’s Future

    Dear Committee Members,

    I write to you today not just as a resident of Maui but as someone deeply invested in the heart and soul of our island. My name is Kai Mahelona, and I've called this beautiful place home my entire life. The issue at hand, the operation of WOW Beach House, might seem like a mere legislative matter. But for us, it's about preserving the essence of our community against the growing shadow of billionaire influence, particularly the recent actions by Lorien Makena LLC, allegedly linked to Peter Thiel.

    WOW Beach House is more than a venue; it's a livelihood for over a thousand of our local families. It’s where our community gathers to celebrate, to connect, and to share in the joy and beauty of our island. Each wedding, each event held there, isn't just a business transaction but a tapestry of our local culture and traditions. From the fishermen who supply fresh catch to the aunties crafting traditional lei, each element of WOW Beach House embodies the spirit of Maui.

    The opposition to Bill 80, spearheaded by interests that don't seem to grasp the nuances of our local life, is deeply concerning. It's challenging to watch individuals who aren't part of our daily experiences, who don't walk our streets or mingle with our people, make decisions that have such profound impacts on our lives. Here in Maui, we value fairness, community, and a deep respect for the land and each other. These are the principles that should guide our decisions, not the distant perspectives of those who view our island merely as a vacation spot or an investment opportunity.

    Consider the case of a single mother working at WOW Beach House, one of many whose livelihood depends on the venue's survival. "This job is what keeps food on our table," she told me, her voice tinged with worry about the future. Her story is not unique but echoes throughout our community – a community that thrives on mutual support and shared respect.

    As we debate the future of WOW Beach House, let's remember what's at stake. It's not just about zoning laws or business operations; it's about preserving the heart of our community. It’s about ensuring that our children and grandchildren can experience the same Maui that we know and love – a place where local businesses and traditions flourish, unshadowed by outsized influence from afar.

    I urge you, as committee members, to hear our voices – the voices of those who call Maui home. We are not just fighting for a venue; we're fighting for our way of life, our culture, and the very soul of our island. Let’s stand united to protect what truly makes Maui special, ensuring that places like WOW Beach House continue to be beacons of hope, joy, and community spirit for all who live here.

    Thank you for considering my perspective, a perspective shared by many in our beloved Maui.

    With respect and hope,

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    Adam Smith 9 months ago


    The Honorable Tasha Kama, Chair
    Housing and Land Use Committee
    Maui County Council
    200 S. High St.
    Kalana O Maui Building
    Wailuku, HI 96793

    Dear Chair Kama and Members of the Housing and Land Use Committee,

    I am reaching out on behalf of Accel Events & Tents. Accel has provided event services to the state of Hawai'i for the past 28 years and counting. Like many other event rental companies in Hawai'i, Accel offers services and products to events of all sizes and types, including weddings, political campaigns, corporate gatherings, and community celebrations, to name a few.

    The recent fires in Maui have proven quite detrimental to our operation on the island. Due to the volume of business we lost, we decided to shut down our operation for the next six months and plan to revisit the challenges of reopening at that time. Accel could not retain its workforce in Maui, which will only add to the difficulties of reopening.

    Given the abovementioned hardships, one of the most significant hurdles we currently face is the shortage of operational event venues. Locations such as the White Orchid Beach House and Haiku Mill have been instrumental to the success of events in our area. The lack of such venues has severely impacted our ability to provide services and hindered the local community's economic growth.

    Accel Events & Tents would like to express our full support for the passage of Bill 80, which proposes the provision of conditional permits for essential venues to operate. This bill's approval is vital for the recovery of the event industry and the overall economic resurgence of Maui.

    We respectfully urge your support for Bill 80. Your backing in this matter would be a significant step towards revitalizing the event industry in Maui, providing numerous benefits to local businesses, their employees, and the wider community.

    Thank you for considering this critical issue. We hope for a positive outcome that will foster a more vital and vibrant Maui.

    Mahalo Nui Loa,

    Adam Smith
    Vice President
    Accel Events & Tents

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    Jacky Takakura 9 months ago

    I am writing on my own behalf to show my support for the conditional permit application for small scale events at 7000 Makena Road, Maui. Please note this is simply a conditional permit application in accordance with Maui County Code Chapter 19.40, and not spot zoning. The conditions of the permit ensure safety, traffic mitigation, and minimal disturbance to others.
    This property in Makena is one of the last that is not completely closed off to the community. The permit will allow people an opportunity to enjoy special events at a beautiful, well-cared for location. If the permit is denied, it is highly likely the property will be sold and become completely inaccessible to the community.
    Thank you for your consideration

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    The Honorable Tasha Kama, Chair Housing and Land Use Committee:
    Dear Chair Kama and Members of the Housing and Land Use Committee,

    As a 43 year resident of Maui, a mother, a small business owner and a very concerned member of the community, I would like to address the current crisis in our wedding industry.

    I have been writing letters and standing up for our private venues for years, and now, more than ever, we need this current permitting situation to be rectified. Not only the permitting/re-permitting of those established properties that have been waiting for years, but any new applicants that are in process. This is so critical to the survival of one of the most diverse industries, contributing to so many aspects of our island economy.

    Needless to say, just as we started to recover from the Covid loss of business, we are faced with the decline of our industry again. The addition of private venues is a huge draw to the clientele that wants a unique Maui experience and will give us a fighting change to rebuild our wedding and event industry. This decision affects many many local businesses here on Maui. Personally, private venues constitutes 90% of our business and as many as 2-12 designers, drivers, and installation crews per event.

    Haiku Mill has become a world destination for discerning clients and supports business that are not able to work in hotels. In addition, many of our clients are not interested in hotel weddings that can happen any where in the world. Haiku Mill offers not only a first class venue, but a peak into the history of our island.

    White Orchid Beach House offers one of the most unique locations on this island for small groups. It is a very rare piece of heaven that is becoming all to uncommon as larger homesites and investors gobble up our shoreline. The high integrity of this company speaks for itself.
    Mahalo for your attention to this matter. We truly hope you can create a path to expedite these long awaited venue permits so this industry can get back to work again.

    Teresa Sena
    Owner, Teresa Sena Designs, LLC

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    The Honorable Tasha Kama, Chair
    Housing and Land Use Committee
    Maui County Council
    200 S. High St.
    Kalana O Maui Building
    Wailuku, HI 96793

    Dear Chair Kama and Members of the Committee,

    I am Carolina Carabetti from Sperry Tents Hawaii, reaching out regarding the crucial matter of Bill 80. The recent devastating fires have significantly impacted our event industry in Maui, especially with the lack of available venues for hosting events.

    The passage of Bill 80, which would grant conditional permits for essential venues, is vital for the rejuvenation of our industry and the economic health of Maui. Venues like [Specific Venue Name], key to our operations, are indispensable for maintaining the vibrancy and economic stability of our community.

    We strongly advocate for your support of Bill 80, a pivotal step towards the recovery and growth of Maui's event sector.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Warm regards,

    Carolina Carabetti

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Dear Chair Kama and Members of the Committee,

    As a worker, operating in Maui’s event industry, I am writing to express our support for Bill 80. The recent fires have significantly impacted our community and industry, particularly with the scarcity of operational venues.

    The passage of Bill 80, allowing conditional permits for key venues, is crucial for the revival of Maui's event industry and its economic recovery. Venues like wow beach house are essential for our operations and the community's vibrancy.

    We urge your support for Bill 80, a vital step towards Maui's resilience and prosperity.

    Thank you for your consideration.


    Radley A.