Meeting Time: December 13, 2023 at 9:00am HST
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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Aloha--we at Cafe O'Lei Restaurants provide our full support of granting Carolee Higashimo a conditional permit to operate special events at the White Orchid Beach House.

    Cafe O’Lei has provided catering service for hundreds of events coordinated by Carolee and her staff, and many events at the White Orchid Beach House while it was still allowed to operate. White Orchid Weddings is a recognized leader in wedding planning, not just in Maui, but across Hawaii and was one of the first wedding planning firms in the state. They have won multiple local and national awards for their outstanding events as well as for their business ethics. Carolee is a pioneer in this industry, and is recognized as initiating the Destination Wedding Industry in Hawaii since she began her work over 30 years ago.

    Carolee is also a true leader in our community, with a long list of service to many local boards, foundations, and charitable organizations on Maui. Carolee has used her platform as a top woman-owned business leader in Maui to give back to this community and we at Cafe O’Lei are very grateful.

    The Beach House provides this proven leader in this industry and our community an important and much-needed venue for events in Maui. Without these venues, we do not have the ability to provide special events and Maui resident income and jobs—not just for Carolee’s staff at White Orchid Weddings, but for the catering staff of Cafe O’Lei. The impact is immense, and Cafe O’Lei has grown to over 200 staff members as a result of special events on Maui.

    The White Orchid Beach House is a perfect example of what is needed to help bring back guests to our island and support Maui’s economy. Many of the venues for guests on Maui’s west side that are normally used for events have been destroyed or are in areas that need time and space to recover and rebuild. Carolee is a leader in this industry to trust to provide a venue that is respectful to the surrounding community, and one that will most certainly provide many, many jobs and business to Maui residents.

    Please consider supporting Carolee Higashino a conditional permit to operate events at the White Orchid Beach House--we and our many employees at Cafe O'Lei--as well as many others in the service industry and beyond in food and beverage, flowers, music, and much more, depend on events for our livelihood. Carolee is this perfect person to trust to do this in a respectful manner. Thank you for your consideration--Dana Pastula and the Cafe O'Lei Ohana

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am in support of permit being granted. I have many memories that happened on this special property. Lots of local family weddings and I’d like to see more!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I support Carolee and WOW being granted the ability to hold events at this beach house. My wedding was at this location and I couldn’t imagine not allowing others to enjoy this beautiful and spiritual location.

    Please consider:

    - This location operated under the radar for some time, those that oppose likely never made a formal complaint due to a past event. If they didn’t see cars in the driveway, I would guess they never knew an event was happening.

    - Using the recent tragedies to strike fear and heighten an emotional response to push one’s interests is disgusting. If we are really concerned about evacuations with the available infrastructure, why aren’t we pushing to limit the number of cars at Snorkel Cove and Big Beach? 100s of cars line both sides of the roads beyond any formal parking lots. The impact these locations would have on traffic far surpasses 12 cars parked for a wedding. Evacuation risks should have been considered before buying a property (that they stay in less than 90 days a year) that is located far down a remote beach front road.

    - During past events, is there any traffic statistics that support how an event at this location led to accidents that otherwise wouldn’t have happened? The parking at this location has been recently improved / increased. More than enough room for a box truck to turn around in without being on the road. Denying someone’s right to make a living, support the local economy, and pay a considerable amount of taxes to the state because the state itself hasn’t corrected a potentially dangerous corner doesn’t seem just. I’ve seen this driveway used numerous times for drivers to yield to oncoming traffic.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Maui county needs small businesses to thrive. It’s good for local employment and support of small local vendors on Maui and other island vendors too. This venue has a unique and beautiful location for visitors to select for their intimate event. We encourage the County Council to approve this permit tequest.
    Edward and Valerie Oreta
    Makawao, Hi.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am a local born and raised resident from Maui and I support the local use of this permit!

    I am a wedding bridal stylist with MAB and we would love to see the WOW beach house back to serve weddings in support of local businesses. Thank you so much!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    WOW Beach House will bring so much support and revenue to our island

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I support the special use permit being granted!!!

    This would bring much needed business back to Maui!! I’m a bridal hairstylist here on island and we need all the venues that are able to be up and running to be available for use!!

    Thank you!!

    Amanda Hart

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Aloha I am in support of allowing the special use permit. I believe it will help support a local business who has been working hard on Maui for numerous of years. Every time I’ve gone fishing at wedding beach and walked towards the bay behind their house, they’ve allowed us to cut through their yard, and a few times have allowed me to park in front of their gate because of lack of parking in front of Wedding beach. This Ohana has been using this place for their business for years to support their family. They have always been so very kind and helpful to all those that go fishing and diving in that area. Mahalo

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    The Honorable Tasha Kama, Chair
    Housing and Land Use Committee & Members of the Maui County Council

    I humbly ask that Carolee Higashino be granted her request for the conditional permit to host small events at the White Orchid Beach House. Being the owner of Lahaina Loft I have had pleasure of working with Carolee and her team and truly understand the need for event venues outside of the hotel environments. With more options for venues, the clientele hosting these events are more likely to spend more money that will stay on Maui. Without locations, the likelihood of a couple hosting more than one event for their guests is diminished. Carolees commitment to quality events over quantity of events is unparalleled and she has been at the forefront of the wedding industry on Maui. As we are seeing the squeeze of our local people from outside, part time residents voices it is imperative that we keep our small local businesses in business. One intimate event can employ up to 50 people in one capacity or another with the major of them not even stepping foot onto the venue. With detailed guidelines and communication in place, I am confident that the events can take place without impact to the surrounding areas.Please grant Carolee’s request and help not only her small business but many others that are struggling.
    Thank you, Denise Black

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    Guest User 9 months ago


    I am a native Hawaiian Maui girl who has been in the wedding industry now for 10 years. I am a makeup artist by trade and started my business doing hair and makeup for weddings. Currently I employ 8 other local Maui women on my team.

    We are so proud to be one of the world-class vendors here on Maui. I am just one of many business owners in the wedding industry who employ hundreds of Maui residents who rely on weddings and events to put food on our tables.

    Since Covid, with the White Orchid Beach House and other private estates not being in operation, it has hurt all the vendors that work in the industry. From Maui business owners, to musicians, to catering staff, to florists, to the rental equipment movers, and on and on - even our local farms suffer- we are all affected. The wedding industry allows a lot of Maui natives to live and thrive on their own island.

    And now we are in dire need as all of our West side weddings have been canceled which we agree is absolutely necessary to let Lahaina heal and give her community the space and time they need. But we need to make wise decisions now on behalf of the wedding industry.

    We support the opening of Carol Lee’s White Orchid Beach House on 7010 Makena road so we can move the bookings from the West side to these other venues. We want to maintain that status as the best place in Hawaii to get married- and the world.

    White Orchid Wedding, started by Carol Lee Higashino, is a local event company that embodies the Aloha spirit and is run by Maui folk who care about the island, its people and its natural resources. It would be a wonderful thing to see them be able to operate small events on their property done in a mindful and proper way like they always have done. We are rooting for them bc it would be a win for us all!

    The caliber of brides that come to Maui are the type of guests we want coming to our island. They bring a certain consciousness to Maui and will be the ones spending on hotels, restaurants, local activities and putting money back into the local economy beyond the wedding industry.

    I sincerely urge you, on behalf of all of us who simply want to stay on our beloved island doing what we love, to give the permission and permitting to allow this venue to operate.

    With Aloha
    MeiLi Autumn Coon
    Owner of MeiLi Autumn Beauty

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    My name is Jacqueline Ishikawa and I am a Event Planner at A White Orchid Wedding. I have been employed with A White Orchid Wedding now for 20 years.
    I am a part Hawaiian girl born and raised here on our beautiful island Maui And have seen many changes on our island and also the growth of tourism.
    Being employed by A White Orchid Wedding and having the opportunity to share the
    Aloha Spirt with couples who came from all over the world to spend their special day here on Our beautiful island allowed my family and I to sustain a living here in raising our children and Now being able to watch our grandchildren grow up here as well.
    Currently at this time due to the devastation we have witnessed on Maui is very heart breaking and unimaginable with families who have lost Their homes, lives and family members.
    At this time it is very crucial that we keep continuing to welcome tourism to our island and Sharing the Aloha Spirit as it is vital to our Maui economy and the State of Hawaii.
    I humbly ask at this time to please grant A White Orchid Wedding the permit that is needed to allow weddings to take place at the beautiful ocean front White Orchid Beach House located at 7010MakenaRd. InmycareerIhavecoordinatedmanyeventsatthispropertywith professionalism & most of all respect to all neighbors in the area.
    By granting this it will allow our company to continue to provide income to all of our talented vendors from officiants, musicians, floral designers, transportation & event rental companies and other specialty vendors as well.
    This will also have a impact for revenue as well for the major resorts, condo’s, rental companies, restaurant industry and also commercial activities as well.
    Currently at this time we are very limited in terms of venue offerings on Maui and know in
    my heart the White Orchid Beach house will be able to bring the revenue needed to our island Needed at this time and to share the beauty of Maui and the Aloha Spirt that I grew up with.

    Mahalo Nui Loa,
    Jacqueline Ishikawa Event Planner
    A White Orchid Wedding

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    Darren Keala 9 months ago

    As a native born and raised maui boy and my families roots are in Makena I support this to help bring business to our local people. As the people that oppose this live here 30 to 90 days a year when I'm trying to make a living as I actually live on the island. Tired of travelers making decisions for the locals! Darren Keala

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I have celebrated many a birthday at the beach house in McKenna with my friend Carolee it’s a place to go relax enjoy the beautiful scenery enjoy friends and family. Sad to see this would happen to her and all the people that she has employed and have benefited through a small wedding business, we are Maui we need to Malama the beach house, Renee Eckert

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    Rhys Buen 9 months ago


    I am in support of Carolee Higashino accquiring a CONDITIONAL PERMIT TO OPERATE SMALL SCALE SPECIAL EVENTS WITHIN THE COUNTY R-3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT because her business allows beach access. Her localy owned business refrains from bothering local residents as well as people who chose to attend the beach fronting this property. Please allow her to continue supporting the local economy by granting her this permit.

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    Leona Duarte 9 months ago

    Carolee Higashino has been a sound, ethical business leader who has also financially contributed to our County’s economy for over 35 years. My family and I urge Planning, the Council and Corp Counsel to grant her this permit. County R3 district may be zoned residential but we all know it is not your typical thriving local community but more of an investment neighborhood. Her business has and will continue to create job opportunities for residents and will generate money into our local economy. Her business directly promotes much needed visitors, especially since the unprecedented tragic fires. Her business contributes to tourism which is a crucial economic driver. She’s innovative and consciously helps diversify the local marketplace; most importantly, she is and has always been culturally and environmentally conscious and sensitive.
    Please grant her the ability to give her clients the best possible Maui experience and to allow her employees to maintain their jobs in a viable company.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Leona Duarte

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    The Honorable Tasha Kama, Chair
    Housing and Land Use Committee & Members of the Maui County Council

    I am writing today as a show of support for approving & reinstating White Orchid Beach House’s permits.
    Please first allow me to introduce myself: My Name is Jonas Po’okela Kanahele. I am a proud, Native Hawaiian born on Molokai and raised on Maui. My business, Artisan Events Maui LLC is Kanahele Owned by Myself and operated with my wife, Tasha Kanahele. Artisan Events Maui LLC serves Maui’s Community as an event rental company providing carefully crafted and curated rental offerings to our event community on Island including high end local & destination weddings, corporate retreats, benefits, graduations, baby showers and many other events that celebrate life’s milestone moments. As an expert designer and craftsman, I provide a highly edited selection of rentals designed by me and carefully fabricated here on Maui by the Artisan Events team and I. What this means: Artisan Events directly supports our local work force both financially and by sharing refined skills that will serve them for life, locally sources materials such as hardwoods from local suppliers injecting funds both directly & indirectly into our delicate local economy. We have immense pride in our home here on Maui, our culture and in how our business celebrates and supports the fore mentioned.
    Maui has been and continues to be one of the world’s topmost event destinations offering a glimpse into Maui’s history & culture we celebrate paired with the effortless luxury that only Maui’s one-of-a-kind venues and our team of event professionals can provide. Destination events provide a huge return per individual guest hosted on our Island which brings and emphasizes the quality over quantity narrative of the type of tourist Maui wants and needs with an astonishing return per guest going not back to off Island Corporate entities but right into our Islands local economy. With Maui’s tourism industry, I do truly believe we represent & preserve our Island home best by a focus on quality over quantity; when it comes to our delicate balance of local resident to tourist numbers and love that our exclusive venues, and businesses they support, draw discerning, quality visitors to our Island who are here not to take but to experience, appreciate & support – they’re still staying in high end resorts but are here for a far more broad offering booking immersive experiences across the Island areas that remain open to support other industries across our community and further fuel our economy.
    Our Locally owned, independent venue’s provide intimate settings throughout our Island in which guests can appreciate varied landscapes, shared experiences and the history the Maui has to offer. We are already limited on independent venue’s that our clients can choose from which offer the ability to cater to truly exclusive event experiences outside of the version of Maui that Hotel settings & ballrooms often bring. We pride ourselves in being part of the circle of professionals that has had the pleasure of producing elevated events at our independent venues such as White Orchid Beach house. All while still supporting large chain Resorts as they still benefit from these events as these high-end clients and their guests still need resort bookings in which these groups still spend their money on meals, shopping, room and board. Our independent venues provide not a replacement for large resorts, but additional experience opportunities. Often, venues such as White Orchid Beach House are the reason for our guests visiting Maui and have growing waitlists that can be serviced with the re-opening which provides work for not only the stewards of the property but for the 1000’s of individuals employed by the companies that work there.
    As a Native Hawaiian and local business owner in the event industry, it is important to me that these exclusive venues, not only be preserved & re-opened but respected by Maui County. Our industry has been far underrated in past years, most recently during the crisis brought by COVID where our businesses only made it by drawing huge loans putting us far in debt just to keep doors open and people fed. Now we face yet another devastating force that has ravaged our home and is already affecting our small businesses with huge financial recourse and again our small businesses are having to fall back on additional loan money. Due to the drop in both available venues & tourism, our event businesses have had to encourage employees to go on part-time-unemployment as event hours have dropped. We need to stop viewing our Independently & Locally owned venues and small businesses as “locations, spaces and entities” and recognize the people who are provided support and livelihood and rely on our local families who own and operate them.
    I support and respectfully request your support for Bill 80 and approving of the necessary permits for White Orchid Beach House. With the re-opening, countless jobs will once again be accessible as the production of events at such venues supports photographers, videographers, coordinators, florists, rentals, caterers, patisserie, service staff, etc. Not to mention the business generated by those the professionals source goods from and those they employ. Please re-instate White Orchid Beach houses permits as we simply cannot operate with our most exclusive venues shuttered as this effect will be detrimental to our industry and have a ripple effect into our community that would not only touch our industry but other industries across Maui County.

    Jonas Kanahele
    Owner - Artisan Events Maui, LLC

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I am in support of granting a permit to Carolee Higashino. White Orchid weddings plays a HUGE part for couples and their families who chose Maui to get married. She, her staff, and vendors display so much Aloha & professionalism in every wedding they do. White Orchid Wedding is a business that needs to be able to use the Makena house. These events brings so much money to Maui! Not only are the people getting married at 7010 Makena, but they’re spending money on hotel rooms, restaurants and stores! Please grant this as we need a site to work! Thank you!!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I fully support Carolee Higashino!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Carolee Higashino should be approved for a conditional permit. Her company operates with highly respectable conduct as well as supporting many other small businesses in our community. With over three decades leading the Maui wedding industry and supporting Maui county, there is no doubt that this permit should be approved in good faith. Mahalo!

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    Guest User 9 months ago


    We 100% support permitted use of the Makena beach house by White Orchid Weddings. WOW has been an integral part of the Maui community for decades and through that has contributed to the success of many local businesses. They have been an ongoing community partner and naturally a responsible steward of what makes Maui so amazing. We are confident that they will be able to manage an outcome for the betterment of everyone involved as this is at their core. They have already shown the use to be respectful of both the neighbors and the aina which is what the concern should be. Please approve this request.

    Mahalo nui,
    Richard Kekoa Ornellas &
    Sakara K Blackwell