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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I believe e foils and regular foil board activities should be regulated. They shouldn’t come within 100 yards of shore after departing. I’m a fisherman and constantly have problems with them coming close to my lines or crossing and getting tangled in my line. With a whole ocean they always choose to come all the way in instead of going couple yards down the beach where there is no one. There should be at least a barrier between 2 activities. Thank you for hearing my concerns.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I support the revoking of commercial permits for hydrofoils at Maui County beaches. There needs to be regulation and we need to put people and wildlife before unnecessary toys for tourists. These boards have already harmed both human and marine life in Hawai’i! The state must protect the community, not just business owner interests

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I was nearly hit by an e-foil while paddleboarding. The rider zoomed in front of me almost on purpose to try to knock me off and I was in the swimming zone on Kaanapali beach. They are dangerously fast. They are also a hazard for Honu, dolphins, whales, and humans who have suffered. This is not surfing. This is a motorized watercraft and needs to be regulated.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Safety first before profits!

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I frequent Kaanapali beach where these e foil boards operate. This past week there were about 4 to 6 boards out at all times. While snorkeling you can hear a high pitch ringing sound coming from them. That is not good. I feel these boards are a danger to the public and the ocean life. Inexperienced visitors riding them in a highly populated ocean is not good.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Ban Hydo-foils and support and protect marine life and those enjoying it safely and naturally.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I support Maui county urging the state to immediately revoke all commercial permits for this highly dangerous activity for the safety of marine life and families. What needs to happen in order for the state to see how dangerous this is, there are children and families on this beach all day long. Unexperienced, uneducated people flying through the water with practically a sword while families snorkel and swim around them. Please put a stop to this before someone gets seriously injured,

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    We must prioritize safety today!

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    People that come from all over the world to vacation and aren’t familiar with the local beaches and marine life have no business flying through the water on a propelled instrument normally reserved for professional athletes (no motor required if you actually are a water person). The people profiting off of these businesses have no right to make money at the expense of local marine life and fishermen/watermen that are rapidly losing their sacred beach spaces to tourism.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Keep our people safe from inexperienced tourists!!

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Aloha I am an avid swimmer at Kahekili Beach Park. Since December 2020 E-FOILS Hawaii has been operating the thrill craft off of Kahekili Beach. They required permitting from the boating department in Oahu. How did this happen? when I am swimming, I hear a very high pitched loud noise caused by the E-FOILS I am thinking I am out of harms way, but they are more than a quarter mile distance from me. I can’t imagine what it sounds like to the animal life in the water. E-FOILS fully operated during whale season again how did this happen? We need to stop this thrill craft from continuing to hurt our environment as well as maybe hurting themselves or others in the water. The E-FOIL Hawaii permit is good until December 2023. Please do not let them acquire another permit until this matter at hand has been identified. that they are indeed a thrill craft.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I am in support of this measure. Hydrofoils must be banned, not only for the safety of our marine life but also for anyone who partakes in ocean activities.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I oppose this bill of inclusion of motorized watercraft’s being used in the ocean shoreline or anywhere near the beaches at all whatsoever. It’s dangerous and the capability of non experienced riders renting these from said vendors is extremely high risk of serious injury and death. If the state doesn’t protect the people, imagine if it hits the wrong person (individuals with a lot of money) and they sue the state for negligence, damages, or worse death, etc. the state will be at fault for letting this happen.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I am for the revoking of commercial permits for hydrofoils at Maui County beaches. These need to be regulated and have already harmed both human and marine life in Hawai’i! The state has a responsively to protect community members, and not allow business owners free passes to conduct dangerous commercial activities in our waters.

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    Christine Keahi about 1 year ago

    DLNR should not be giving permits to the owners of electric foil boards. These electric foil boards are motorized watercraft which need to be regulated. They are dangerous and do not belong in areas of swimmers, divers, fishermen, surfers, etc.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    These are being rode in crowded areas and will literally decapitate a turtle or a Keiki, snorkeled, etc. They do not belong anywhere near the shorelines and should be banned altogether especially by novice riders. Take ‘em in da middle of da ocean.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Aloha, this company quietly started their business on the beach fronting Sands of Kahana during the pandemic late 2020. This is our swimming/dive spot and they would meet almost daily renting out their efoils discreetly. This type of activity should not be allowed operate in our waters. The novice riders are not aware of people diving or snorkeling along the coast, it’s a death trap waiting to happen. Let’s be proactive and not wait for the fatality before we enact the law! Stop it now before it’s too late!!

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    These are dangerous and sharp objects that can kill marine life and severely harm humans!!! No Electric Foils on the beach!

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Efoils are dangerous, and as a surfer I find them negatively imposing and worrisome. They shouldn’t be allowed in areas where people can be hurt by novice users. Sounds like a bad idea!

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I support the Maui County Council in urging the State to immediately revoke all commercial permits for this activity to protect the health and safety of the public and pass legislation to regulate this activity, like has been done for jet skis. Please protect us beachgoers,swimmers,snorkelers ,divers,fishermen,paddlers and protect the marine life that’s being impacted by this activity. The quality of our beach life and enjoyment of its natural resources is being negatively affected. Thank you for your time and consideration.