Meeting Time: June 05, 2023 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    I oppose

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    I oppose this because the properties have no allowed locals to pass through their properties to fish, hunt, or access the beach. This is obviously the negligence of the landowners and condo management. They should not be allowed to build these T-groins to mitigate the erosion. This should be struck down immediately.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha Water and Infrastructure Committee,

    This is me, Tammy Harp. I thought the Committee acronym was WIC, instead of WAI. I grew up knowing WIC as Women, Infants and Children (a program to kokua impoverished families mainly single parent mothers). Your eventual decision(s) would affect and impact the future women, infants and children of West Maui's Lahaina District. Mai poina ia Auau. Don't forget the Auau Channel.

    My ecological knowledge of the area is from my mom, Mary Margaret. She always made it a point when passing the area, Tammay, you wouldn't believe how u ku paila turtles on the beach. They all pile up on the beach. Loaded turtles.

    I figure tourism commercialized hapa haole hula daze got blinded through political economics schemes and themes to capitalize on the American capitalism/free enterprise for personal speculative financial gain. Tourism impact(s) being realized after 64 years as Statehood and moreso the lockdown we've experienced because of COVID-19 The Plandemic.

    I feel that the Sadang ohana should not opa back the burden for all involved. Their interest should be protected and the others will have natural free sand along the way. The ocean will continue to rise, the storms will continue to alter the nearshore/shoreline and the buildings will come down. Yes, it is not easy trying to balance on a blade of pili grass.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    t groins are a bad idea that will ruin the natural progression of sands and ocean. also will cause harm to reefs and sealife where they are put. don't allow temporary solutions any more please! and don't pay for these fixes at all! the owners been knowing the problems for many decades, make them do the right thing. vote NO

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    I am a kanaka of Maui and I oppose to the T-groins project. Stop changing Maui.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    This is Bob Alessandrelli, owner of Kahana Reef 101. My wife and I are supportive of the beach restoration project, knowing that it will cost us more in taxes for our condo but we realize that it is necessary to do this for the betterment of the ocean, the people and Maui in general. Mahalo.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    They have provided no information regarding the effects of the groins north or south of these locations, or the effects on the reefs. There should be more research regarding this. Also, generally next to groins or jetty's rip currents occur. These will create a serious safety hazard to individuals that lack ocean knowledge and strong swimming ability.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    NO artificial beach modifications, no T groins and no sand mining. Move the condos up the mountain. Allow the beach’s to repair themselves naturally. NO more using public funds to protect private property. No more desecrating the ecosystem and island for the financial gain of a few. Enough already!

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    My name is consuelo apolo-gonsalves my husband Raymond Gonsalves and his ohana own the property that kahana outrigger and kahana village is on we both oppose to this project its a waste of our money

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha Councilmembers,
    My name is Linda Su. I own property along the Kahana shoreline at Kahana Reef. I fully support the proposed beach restoration project, because it will benefit the whole community in a long run. I ask that you please support the formation of a CFD to help this project move forward with the next steps of the process. Thank you for your consideration.”

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    Greg Hampton over 1 year ago

    I support the Kahana Beach Restoration Project, Thank You

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    We need good science and engineering to mitigate adverse changes that have already come about as well as worse, coming our way. The reefs and nearshore ecosystem have already been damaged and the way it was will not return if we back off and turn our backs to the problems. I support this plan based on the science and what I have come to understand spending time in these waters and on these reefs. I live here and will pass on here. I hope to see positive change and steps taken to minimize the the loss of habitat and species climate change and SLR is sure to bring about.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    the west Maui Taxpayers Association Inc. board of directors is unanimous in support of the Kahana Bay Restoration Project.
    This project for the Public Good will be paid for via a Community Facilities Diestrict coprised of the neighboring property owners and a win/win for
    the community. it wil lallow preservation of use of beach for the public. Pleae expedite approvals to allow this project to move forward as soon as possible. Time is of the Essence.
    Warm Regards,
    Joseph D Pluta, President
    CELL DIRECT 808-283-4533

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    This should be done

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    I support beach replenishment in Kahana .. there are kanaka living there that are not tourists. I am a research scientist and have extensive knowledge on this subject. Beach restoration is done all over the world. Our reef is sick and there isn’t enough coral for the average parrot fish to make 1000 pounds of sand a year. When the sand is gone the sea will hit the clay and kill the rest of the reef.
    Many people here want to punish tourists and other people they don’t know and are willing to kill our valuable ecosystem to get their
    Beach nourishment along with groins will keep the water clean, algae will grow on the groins bringing more fish, surf will be better at s turns as it will be deeper.
    The sand they propose to use was once on the beach it will return to

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Who will pay for it? It is easy to monitor anything above sea level. Who will monitor the marine ecosystem before, during and after the project. People only see the surface of the ocean and nothing under it. They only worry about "their" property. Who will protect the ocean and all its inhabitants?

    Sand is priceless. How much is the project paying for it? Do not include the cost to move the sand.
    Will the shoreline be documented before the project begins? Once it has been documented it can not move makai.
    Will planting plants prevent the general public beach and lateral access?

    The sand replenishment project at Stable Road in Sprecklesville pumped ocean sand to the beach. They did not pay for the sand. Instead they removed a public beach access to make it more difficult to use the beach.
    Properties down current from the Stable Road project are sufferring negative consequences by preventing movement of sand down current.

    The project intends to plant native plants on the sand bank.
    What about the limu in the ocean? The limu in the ocean is extremely important part of the marine ecosystem, not just in the production of sand butt also to hold the sand as a sand reservoir.

    Project when completed is estimated to last 50 years? Where will the ocean be in 50 years or even 20 years. Will the same owners be there?

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    Ellie Rae Marshman Castillo over 1 year ago

    Any and all funding should be put into making new developments mountain side with dual solar rails shuttling people to and from the shoreline that should be turned into green space and beach park…. Base the developments mountain side around the shuttle system that can be completely free energy powered.

    This project will only cause major changes to ecosystem and other shorelines and is NOT an answer but just another problem.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Please do not install groins. These will do much more harm than good.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha Council members,
    I am a taxpayer of Maui County and call west Maui home. My wife and I own property along the Kahana shoreline at Kahana Reef, I fully support the proposed beach restoration project, because I do not want to see my Ohana lose their home, nor do we want to lose our home. I ask that you please support the formation of a CFD to help this project move forward with the next steps of the process. Thank you for consideration.

    Much Aloha,
    Andy and Missy Schneider

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    Angel Melone over 1 year ago

    I OPPOSE the proposed t-groin development plans for Kahana Bay. This is a risky project and the long-term environmental impacts are NOT understood. Kahana is not an experiment, this is a coastline with natural and cultural resources that should be managed pono.

    As a resident of Maui and an individual who has worked professionally in the Natural Resource Management field I feel more studies need to be done regarding the impact such groins would have. Negative long-term effects that may result from such constructions may impact sand movement, currents, nearshore dynamics, as well as limu and fish resources both directly and indirectly.

    In efforts to protect private property, natural solutions need to be considered and implemented where possible as the long-term environmental impacts are unknown. It is no secret that due to past off-shore mining and the use of T-groins along Northshore Maui, specifically those in Spreckelsville (Sugar Cove, Baldwin Beach - the old Lime Kiln) have negatively impacted the coastline in areas in North Maui (and have been listed as contributing reasons to why the erosional rates in this region are the highest in the State).

    Developers need to ask themselves about the LONG TERM.. this is a COMPLETE band-aid solution. As ocean levels are expected to rise, how will a project like this be impacted? Is it sustainable?

    Offensively, there is no increased access for the public to the coastline in the proposed plans, which also shows the intent that this project is not for LOCALS or will have any local benefit. Have genealogical descendants of the area been consulted for this effort?

    In addition, using off-shore sand for beach replenishment takes sand resources that are essential in deeper waters. Such locations where sand would be extracted are habitat for many native and endemic marine species.