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    BFED Committee almost 2 years ago

    Written testimony received 04/19/2023

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Water is life. It is a great responsibility to steward this resource for the health of our island and our community. We need proper management of our most vital resource so that we can all thrive as a community, and not allow the life of the land to be degraded for corporate agendas. As human beings, we deserve the right to vote for how our island watershed systems are being managed.

    I support and encourage the following:

    -Funding to support 10 full months of Water Authority director salary

    -Amend the proposed Administrative Assistant position description to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board, which is currently in the process of formation

    -Include funds to hire Professional Services for:
    An engineering analysis of the system
    A financial plan and business model
    Provide an overview of available grants and other municipal funding options

    Mahalo nui loa

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I am writing this testimonial in support of the Maui County Water Authority's request for full funding. This funding will help play a crucial role in ensuring that residents and businesses in Maui County have access to clean and reliable water, which is essential for their health and economic well-being.
    Jennifer Stephens
    Kihei, Maui, Hawaii

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    The people of Maui have spoken, we care about our water resources and know they are part of the public trust. The people of Maui should finally have say in how they are managed so full funding for the Maui County Water Authority is crucial to the success of that vision, not just 6 months of funding. Water is life, and so the residents of Maui should be in charge of how water on this island is managed. We can not manage our water system properly without the proper funding. I urge you to make the success of this new Maui County Water Authority your highest priority.
    Miranda Camp
    Haiku, HI.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I support funding knowledgable staff or consultant to optimize the effeciveness of WATER COMMITTE and Ag. Committee thankyou ! I support MAUI TOMORROW AND SIERRA CLUB RECOMMENDATIONS !

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I'm writing in support of fully funding the Maui County Water Authority's. For decades water has been mismanaged to the degree that the Citizen's voted to create a Maui County Water Authority's. To manage water effectively, problems must be corrected and then there will be water for all. Fund the Director for the remained of the fiscal period. Plan for the E Maui Water Authority now being formed...will Director or another person Direct this watershed evaluation and repair. Watersheds are critical for a healthy water system. Maui's Watershed has not been many areas, the ditches are full of plant material or invasive have choked out indigenous plants...the invasive use much more water and interfere with underground percolation of water (how it moves down the land). Mahalo. Bill Greenleaf Greenleaf Farm Makawao

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    Amy Fonarow almost 2 years ago

    Aloha, Maui County Councilmembers!

    I am in support of a full 10 months of funding for the salary of the Maui Community Water Authority director for fiscal year 2024.

    Proper funding will a) give the community a chance to weigh in on the sustainable use of the water that sustains all who live on Maui, and b) give the new Maui Water Community Authorities the time and security they need to take root and flourish.

    Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this important new endeavor!

    Mālama pono,
    Amy Fonarow, former Maui resident

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Funding for water authority
    I am in support of, and requesting to
    Include funding to support 10 full months or more of Water Authority director salary
    Amend the proposed Administrative Assistant position description to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board, which is currently in the process of formation
    Include funds to hire Professional Services for:
    An engineering analysis of the system
    A financial plan and business model
    Provide an overview of available grants and other municipal funding options

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago


    With respect to the sustaining environment of Maui Hikina, please revisit the part of the Mayor's Budget to adequately fund the Community Water Authority. Our new Community Water Authority needs proper funding to succeed in bringing public water resources under public management. This issue is important to our community as indicated within the last election and Charter Amendment 12 passed by a two thirds majority!

    Budget Recommendations:

    - Include a full 10 months of the Director’s salary for the year.
    - Amend the Administrative Assistant position to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board.
    - Include Professional Services for:
    --> An engineering analysis of the system
    --> A financial plan and business model
    --> An overview of available grants and other municipal funding options

    My name is Heidi Lea and I am the Executive Director of the Hāna Business Council and a community leader who facilitates monthly strategy meetings for East Maui Ready emergency preparedness. We rely on our representatives to implement good policy and will see to it that engagement with the Community Water Authority is maximized - so please empower this position!

    Mahalo nui, Heidi

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I urge adequate funding for the new Maui Community Water Authority in Fiscal Year 2024 be set aside to be firmly established and succeed.

    -- Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.
    Kihei, Maui Resident

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Budget Finance and Economic Development Committee
    9 am. Bluejeans Meeting
    April 18, 2023

    Aloha Chair, and Council Members,
    My name is Jessie Kekiwi-Aweau and I am a lineal descendant of Keʻanae and Wailuanui Moku. I am concerned that the budget only provides for 6 months' salary for the Director and Deputy Director for the voter-approved East Maui Water Authority Committee. I strongly support funding this position for a total of 10 months for the year. Also, amend the Administrative Assistant position to serve both the Director and East Maui Regional Board which is in the process of formation. Please include Professional Services for:
    An engineering analysis system, a financial plan, and business model, and an overview of available grants and other municipal funding options.

    Mahalo for your time,
    Jessie Kekiwi-Aweau

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha my name is Jerome Kekiwi Jr President of our non-profit organization Na Moku Aupuni O Ko'olau. Our members are Lineal Descendant's and current residents of the Ke'anae-Wailuanui Ahupua'a located in the Ko'olau Moku of East Maui. We grow taro,fish hunt and gather to feed our families as a way of life. We are also the lead plaintiffs of the East Maui Water Case including the June 2018 decision that restored East Maui waters.

    I am here today to testify in support of the East Maui Community Water Authority. This is our chance to finally have a seat at the table to implement Community knowledge and experience and partner with government officials for the betterment of our community and future generations. Our community's voices were heard when charter amendment 12 was passed by 2/3 majority vote in this past election.

    I humbly ask that you please support the implementation of the following:
    1. Please include four additional months of Director salary to bring the positions funding to a total of 10 months for the year.
    2. Amend the Administrative Assistant position to serve both the Director and East Maui Regional board, which is currently in the process of formation.
    3. Include Professional Services for:
    An engineering analysis of the system, a financial plan and business model, and a overview of available grants and other municipal funding options.

    I believe with theses implementations made we would be able to move forward with our Water issues in a more Pono fashion. Thank you for your time and this opportunity to testify on this matter.


    Jerome Kekiwi Jr
    Na Moku Aupuni O Ko'olau Hui
    Ke'anae-Wailuanui Ahupua'a

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    Scott Crawford almost 2 years ago

    I would like to urge the Committee to appropriately fund the Community Water Authority. The votes of Maui County overwhelmingly voted to create this body. It is broadly supported, and very important to the future of our County. To make it effective at guiding the future of a fair and efficient water system that serves all of our needs, I urge the Committee to adopt these budget recommendations:
    1 Include 4 additional months of Director salary to bring the positionʻs funding to a total of 10 months for the year
    2 Amend the Administrative Assistant position to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board, which is currently in the process of formation
    3 Include Professional Services for:
    ○ An engineering analysis of the system
    ○ A financial plan and business model
    ○ An overview of available grants and other municipal funding options

    Scott Crawford

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee,

    I would like to take a moment to share some mana'o on the current meeting. In reference to the Maui Community Water Authorities: I would recommend and support the Inclusion of funding to support 10 full months of Water Authority director salary . To amend the proposed Administrative Assistant position description to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board. We support the East Maui Regional Board creation.

    Also to Include funds to hire Professional Services for: An engineering analysis of the system, A financial plan and business model, Provide an overview of available grants and other municipal funding options.

    Thank you for your time and wishing the best.
    Jason Medieros

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Aloha Chair and Council Members!

    Please provide our new Community Water Authority with the resources it needs to succeed!! Please make this happen now so that we can finally realize a managed and heathy water department that recognizes our precious water resources, including watershed's, water delivery systems and community input into decisions being made on our behalf. Provide a generous salary for the position’s available, so that we can attract and retain the best and brightest to work for a better, stronger and more resilient Maui.

    I also support the idea of creating a compost facility in the Kula Ag Park ~ fantastic idea! Now that Kihei Compost is closing and there are no other compost facilities, we must act quickly to support our essential and growing farm community.

    Colleen DeLima

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    Bobbie Best almost 2 years ago

    Suggested Budget Recommendations for the Maui Community Water Authorities:

    Include funding to support 10 full months of Water Authority director salary

    Amend the proposed Administrative Assistant position description to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board, which is currently in the process of formation

    Include funds to hire Professional Services for:

    An engineering analysis of the system

    A financial plan and business model

    Provide an overview of available grants and other municipal funding options

    Mahalo for allowing this input and considering it.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    I would firmly request that suffisent funding be given to The Maui Community Water Authorities.
    It would be a violation of the public trust to have an initiative passed by voters and choked by lack of funding.
    Water Authority director salary should be taken care of as well as funds for
    engineering analysis of the system, municipal funding options and grants.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    Please finally fully support out water 'for Maui people; You need to remember that the Directorr needs a decent salary 10 months each year and that you should amend the Admin. Asst position to also serve the E. Maui Board now forming. The whole system needs to be professionally analyzed by a prof. engineer. Water should be your top priority.

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    Guest User almost 2 years ago

    „Water is Life“- I urge you to please support the implementation of the following.
    Include 4 additional months of Director salary to bring the positionʻs funding to a total of 10 months for the year
    Amend the Administrative Assistant position to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board, which is currently in the process of formation
    Include Professional Services for:
    An engineering analysis of the system
    A financial plan and business model
    An overview of available grants and other municipal funding options.
    Include 4 additional months of Director salary to bring the positionʻs funding to a total of 10 months for the year
    Amend the Administrative Assistant position to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board, which is currently in the process of formation
    Include Professional Services for:
    An engineering analysis of the system
    A financial plan and business model
    An overview of available grants and other municipal funding options.

    Include 4 additional months of Director salary to bring the positionʻs funding to a total of 10 months for the year
    Amend the Administrative Assistant position to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board, which is currently in the process of formation
    Include Professional Services for:
    An engineering analysis of the system
    A financial plan and business model
    An overview of available grants and other municipal funding options.
    Thank you and Aloha,
    Bernard Lassalle

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    Joseph Kohn almost 2 years ago

    Our new Community Water Authority needs proper funding to succeed in bringing public water resources under public management. The Mayorʻs office has submitted a draft budget proposal that only includes 6 months of salary for a Director and a Secretary to the Director. We made our voices heard in the last election and Charter Amendment 12 passed by a two thirds majority. We ask the County Council to recommend the following budget allocations to the Mayor in order to operationalize our Water Authority as soon as possible.

    Budget Recommendations

    Include 4 additional months of Director salary to bring the positionʻs funding to a total of 10 months for the year
    Amend the Administrative Assistant position to serve both the Director as well as the East Maui Regional Board, which is currently in the process of formation
    Include Professional Services for:
    An engineering analysis of the system
    A financial plan and business model
    An overview of available grants and other municipal funding options.

    Mālama Pono