Meeting Time: August 30, 2022 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Based on the stress of the job and traumatic situations Police encounter regularly the amount of years served should be brought down. Fully support!!

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I am strongly suggesting this resolution, this profession is a lot different than sitting behind a desk for just 8 hours a day and wondering what’s for lunch. Dealing with all the negative things and resolving them takes a toll on the human body, mind and soul. Please have this changed for the greater good for the men and women who put their lives on the line every day. These are the people who may one day save your life or someone you love.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    We need this for our officers.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    This is a very important resolution to not only help the current Officers get back to the 25 year retirement option but also helpful with bringing in new recruits. Full support!!

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    25 & Out!! NO age requirement!!

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    This will assist with recruiting and retaining current officers from leaving for mainland departments that have better retirement packages.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this resolution. This will help with retention and recruiting.

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    Lonnie Kaai about 2 years ago

    Return the age of retirement for police officers to 25 years of service.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I absolutely support this resolution.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this resolution as we need to do everything in our power to help with recruitment and retention of our police officers.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    To hear that Officer generally live about 7.8 years after retirement is very concerning. After working hard doing my duty for society, I hope to enjoy a long retirement with my family. I would agree with retiring after 25 years opposed to 30 years as it express in the bill that this will help reduce negative health factors.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I'm in support of this

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this!

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    This will go a long way im retention and recruitmemt of new officers state wide. I support any action that would bring us back to a 25 year system.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I strongly support the change back to 25 years. I've been employed by the Maui Police Department for more then 20 years now and for officers that are hired after 2012 to have to work 30 years instead of 25 is very heart breaking. We all know being a police officer is one of the most stressful jobs out there and studies have shown nation wide that most officers don't live far to long after retirement and this was shown with 20 and 25 year plans. For an officer to have to work 30 years to be eligible for retirement has to change. From what I've seen ever since the Department adopted the 30 year plan it has been much harder to retain police officers in the County of Maui as the plans in the mainland offer better retirement of 20-25 years. What person wants to work and extra 5-10 years now when they can move to the mainland and retire much earlier then in Hawaii. I think this change alone will help bring in more officers and help retain them from leaving to other outside agencies with better options. We need to keep Hawaii safe and part of that solution is with police officers working in our neighborhoods. And in order to do that we need to bring our recruitment up and this is one way to do it is by changing our retirement back to a better retirement age that will benefit the officer, his/her family, the department, and the people of Hawaii where they will have this officer working their community instead of possibly leaving to work somewhere else with a better plan.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I strongly support the resolution to remove the minimum age requirement for police officer retirement.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Who ever agreed to the current retirement plan sold out the future police officers. They didn’t care because it didn’t affect them. I would say 20 year retirement system is ‘best’ but 25 years is ‘good.’ Let’s change politicians to 1 term and go get a real job too.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Who wouldn’t support a better retirement plan.. obvious choice