Meeting Time: August 30, 2022 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Please remove the minimum age requirement.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this resolution. As a recently retired Maui LEO, I can attest to the toll this profession takes on the physical and mental well-being of an individual and their family. It’s a stressful and many times unappreciated job. Many times a broad brush is used to paint all LE officers by the unlawful actions of an officer. I believe if the age requirement for retirement is removed, this will make the LE profession a little more attractive to those who want to serve their communities.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I strongly support this proposal. It is a great incentive that would definitely help with recruitment. This career is one of the most physically and mentally demanding ones out there; officers shouldn't have an age requirement to retire. The current and future officers deserve better.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Policing is unlike any other profession. It takes it tole on those who step up. Also it is just not safe to have older cops on the road dealing with young offenders. The average police officer only lives 10 years past retirement. Let them retire in price.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Removing the minimum age requirement for retirement would make this career more appealing to men and women aged 21-29. We need more officers, and this will help.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Although this does not affect me. I support the change for my fellow Officers who this does affect.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support this change! I'm only hoping the same can be done across all counties.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Please consider the proposal change which will help with recruitment and retention. Mahalo

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    Guest User about 2 years ago


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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Please remove the requirements on age for police officer retirement. Support this agenda item.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I am greatly for this bill. I feel all Officers should be on the 25 year retirement

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I strongly SUPPORT the proposed resolution to amend the retirement age and service year requirements for Police Officers. I am currently a Police Sergeant with MPD with 27 years of service.The proposed resolution will help with keeping officers on Maui and will definitely help with recruitment to serve the County of Maui and help end the shortage of Police officers. If you care about the community of Maui County and the citizens pass the proposed resolution.

    A lot of Departments on the mainland have 20 years of service for retirement. For 30 years of service to retirement for Police Officers in to long. The stresses on officers and their families, liability, and physical strain on the job 30 years is to long. Do what is right and please pass the proposed amendment.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago


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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Respectfully support the removal of the minimum retirement age requirements. Not only would this show our support for officers working today but also we need to bring back any incentive we can offer in order to make a dent in the dire recruitment shortage of police officers for the future.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Strongly support.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose the removal of being able to retire @ the age of 55 without 25 yrs of service. Being a police officer at any age pass 55 or older is physically challenging and we should be able to choose to retire even without 25yrs of service. Exposing ourselves to the normal volatile conditions involving people 20 to 30 years younger than ourselves, pushing our body to pass our own physical limits and beyond exhaustion wears and tears on us as Police officers especially pass the age of 55. If I could start life again, I would still choose to be a Police officer. I love my community, I love knowing that I've made a difference and helped families, but I want others to know and to be heard on how physically, mentally draining & stressful this career can day after day, year after year especially at or after the age of 55. I should be able to retire if I choose to at 55yrs of age without 25 yrs of service if I know it time my time.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor and County Councilmembers,

    I would like to write in SUPPORT of the proposed resolution to amend the retirement age and service year requirements for Police Officers. I am currently a Police Officer with the Maui Police Department and was hired prior to 2012. Though this proposed resolution will not affect me, I am still in strong SUPPORT for this amendment. There currently exists two groups within the Maui Police Department (MPD). Those on the old retirement, with 25 years or age 55 and those on the new retirement with 30 years or age 60. This creates somewhat of a resentment amongst some officers who must work side by side with officers, and yet receive a lesser retirement. The “old” group works 25 years and get 2.5% per year of service of their average final compensation (or what is known as “high three”). The “new” group works 30 years and gets 2% of their 5 years base salary rate. Therefore, the old group gets 62.5% at minimum for 25 years, and the new group gets 60% minimum on a lower final compensation amount for 30 years of service. They must work 5 years longer to receive less percentage of a retirement. Most officers understand this difference and have already expressed a desire to leave if this is not changed in the future.

    Please consider passing this new amendment to restore equality in retirement amongst MPD officers and to help protect and retain officers currently working for MPD.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I am in support of removing the age requirement for police officer. We also need to do more to support and keep them here, this is a good start, but more needs to be done. Thank you

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    Guest User about 2 years ago


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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I fully support the removal of the minimum age requirement for retirement. With the cost of living and housing on Maui, it's already hard enough to recruit and retain qualified officers to keep us safe from the ever increasing crime on the island. If we wish to be able to compete for qualified men and women to be police officers with departments on the mainland that pay more and have a lower cost of living, we need to start by removing the minimum age requirement for retirement for officers, and putting it at or below the number of years required by those departments on the mainland. Additionally, to ask someone to work under the conditions that are required for police work for 30 years is too much. The physical training, long hours, lack of sleep, shift work, stress, diet, sitting, exposure to elements and other hazards, and generally unhealthy lifestyle that is officers are subjected to, substantially shortens the lives police officers. Requiring the men and women who knowingly subject themselves to the dangers of police work, to do it for 30 years, is a disservice to the officers, and the community that they keep safe.