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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    From: Jeremy Levien <>
    Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 12:30 PM
    To: County Clerk <>
    Subject: Support for Reso 22-158
    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions: Corporation Counsel must be excluded: The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.
    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown: The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property.
    Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council! This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.
    Additionally she has stated publicly that the signature on the original permit was forged by one of her employees.
    I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.
    Purchase through eminent domain is one path. I believe that the permit can be revoked because it is clearly tainted. If everything was as legal, clear and ethical as Greg Brown says it was, then he should have no problem with that…

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    From: Slainden Kauhaahaa <>
    Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 11:43 AM
    To: County Clerk <>
    Subject: Support for Reso 22-158
    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions: Corporation Counsel must be excluded: The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council. This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown: The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property. Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council! This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one. I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:

    Corporation Counsel must be excluded:
    The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.

    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown:
    The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property.

    Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council!
    This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.

    I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.
    Carla Wertman <>

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Dear Maui County Clerk:

    As a resident of Napili I am extremely displeased with the inaction of our elected officials in light of Mr Brown’s ongoing , flagrant disregard for local building permit procedures, ordinances, codes, and the special “ village’ character of the Napili community.

    I support Resolution 22-158 to acquire the property for public purposes. One possible use of the land is a small public park . A park would truly be an asset to our community.
    Mr. Brown’s "monster house” threatens to severely damage the special “village” nature of our small community. It creates a precedent for others who would like to irresponsibly develop coastal areas of our island, especially in the Napili area.

    Mahalo for your attention and consideration.
    Please consider the voices of the citizens of Napili.
    It is really shameful that the building has gotten to this stage…someone has not done their job…take action now to rectify this illegal building. Do what’s right, it’s not too late.

    Rosemary Jansma-Fox

    120 Hui Rd F APT. F12
    Lahaina, HI

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:<BR><BR>Corporation Counsel must be excluded:<BR>The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.<BR><BR>This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown:<BR>The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property. <BR><BR>Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council!<BR>This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.<BR><BR>I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I don’t know how this building was approved Before a building is built A letter usually is circulated to the neighbors asking for their approval If the answer is no then they can’t build it So u need to go to the source The beginning of building this monstrous hotel Maui people have been sleeping too long So now they r speaking up N watching those illegal homes being built I say to break this building down It is not a residential home like the neighbors
    From: Lettitia Maika <>

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:

    Corporation Counsel must be excluded:
    The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.

    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown:
    The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property.

    Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council!
    This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.

    I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.
    From: michael gilbert <>

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I have watched the Brown property be built over the last months, and continue to be offended and horrified that such a monstrosity is now in Napili. It should never have been allowed. I spend a lot of time in and on the water of Napili Bay, and that building towers over any building in the neighborhood. Considering the irregularities in the permitting process, and Brown's blatant lack of concern for the law and the community, it should be torn down.

    I strongly support Kelly King’s resolution 22-159 and Tamara Paltin’s resolution 22-159.

    Don Whitebread

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Aloha and Good Morning Council Chair and Council Members,
    Thank you for your time, efforts and this platform.
    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:
    We simply ask that you please do the right thing and show the community that by working together all things are possible. We must give the ʻaina a break. Too many investors, developers have used our home for profit. We can clearly see by default that this type of action is documented even by Hollywood films of our history of folks looking at Hawaiʻi as their own pot of gold. Whereas the residents just want to live our lives best as possible. treating one another with respect as we would like to live and be treated is something I believe most or many of the locals want to live by. We understand “Lucky we live Hawaiʻi” but please have our best interest at heart. It is not getting any easier or cheaper to live in our own birthplace.

    Mahalo Nui Loa,
    Jamie Lum Lung-Kaeo <>

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I agree with the cut and paste statement below!!

    The local community needs and deserves something like this to be done.
    Please do not allow the capitalists to win and strip away all that once was local. Without the local vibes these land will fall to darkne$$.
    Malama the land sea and people of this great place “WE LOCALS” call home❤️🙏🏽🤙🏽

    Mahalo nui Loa for your time
    Danie Bardos

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions: Corporation Counsel must be excluded: The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council. This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown: The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property. Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council! This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one. I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Aloha - I was born and raised in the Napili/Kahana area and write in support of Resolution 22-158. I support shutting Greg Brown down and launching an investigation into Public Works, Planning, and Corporation Counsel's abuse of their authority. Greg Brown's illegal hotel is inappropriate and illegitimate on its face. I support the efforts of our Napili community to demand accountability. Mahalo.
    - Jackie Levien

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support resolution 22-158 to apply Eminent Domain to Greg Brown's hotel in Napili. Greg Brown has consistently skirted the law in West Maui in order to get his way and this is just his latest caper. In order to avoid a conflict of interest, the County Counsel should exclude legal advice from corporate counsel. They are obviously in Brown's pocket.
    Renee S. Bayes

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:

    Corporation Counsel must be excluded:
    The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.

    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown:
    The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property.

    Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council!
    This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.

    I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.
    From: JIM VERBICK <>

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:

    Corporation Counsel must be excluded:
    The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.

    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown:
    The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property.

    Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council!
    This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.
    I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.
    Dr. Bonnie Marsh
    Haiku Town

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:

    Corporation Counsel must be excluded:
    The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.

    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown:
    The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property.

    Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council!
    This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.

    I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.
    From: Glenn Thielk <>

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:

    Corporation Counsel must be excluded:
    The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.

    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown:
    The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property.

    Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council!
    This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.

    I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    I support the Eminent Domain process with certain conditions:

    Corporation Counsel must be excluded:
    The County Council must secure legal advice that does not come from Corporation Counsel. Moana Lutey, John Rapacz (retired), and others are deeply conflicted and have repeatedly misrepresented the facts to the Council.

    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown:
    The many proven layers of misrepresentations by Brown, to secure exemptions and permits that he was never entitled to, must limit the "fair market" value of the property and the public's outlay to "take" the property.

    Michelle Mclean has been lying to the Council!
    This property is in a Mixed-Use district that includes Hotels. Short-term rentals with no permits are how it's done in Napili Bay because it is zoned for that. McLean's promise that the County "will never issue a short-term rental permit to Brown" is intentionally misleading because he's not required to ask for one.

    I understand that the pushback from several groups of entrenched exploiters will be fierce. The Council must prepare itself for a very bumpy ride! But with your support, we can move Maui County into a new era as a modern municipality that serves the best interests of its residents, not the Fat Cats.

    R Carolyn W Lawson
    Napili Shores Resort

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    The council should remove this property from Greg Brown who has abused the County rules in building this non-code building that is completely out of fitting with the Napili community.

    Hamish Craig,
    West Maui Resident

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    Dear Maui Coucil

    I strongly support the Eminent Domain process to take over the Napili property of Greg Brown which was not properly vetted or scoped. Ideally, a community resource should be located there such as cultural center or local crafts/farmers market.

    However, I support it with certain conditions:

    Corporation Counsel must be excluded to eliminate conflicts and hand-waving to muddle the facts. They have not served the County or citizen of Maui to this point and there is no reason to believe that will change.

    This must not turn into a "Payday" for Greg Brown. He has lied too long and too deeply for him to act surprised that he was caught. No reparations should be paid for the structure he has built illegally. The market value should be the same as he paid for the property to keep it a reasonable cost to Maui County take over the property.

    And the county and other representatives must stop saying that Greg Brown couldn't rent out his hotel because without getting a short-term rental permit. This entire Napili area is zoned for short-term rental and he doesn't need a permit from the county or anyone else to open as a hotel, if the structure is completed.

    The Council must honor their kuleana to protect the 'Aina and the people of Napili from this blatant mis-application of rules and the bald-faced deception he is pursuing.

    I support resolution 22-158 and you should too. Show the people of Maui that you care about the island, the residents, and the Napili community.

    Please stop this massive, illegal development!!

    Best regards
    Paula Opal

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    Guest User about 2 years ago

    As a thirty year resident of Napili, I am appalled that the monster house under construction on the lower road in Napili was ever approved. It is an eyesore that is totally out of place in our quiet residential area where the height limit for buildings has been in place for generations. Greg Brown’s home is so obviously in violation of both size and height restrictions that it is ludicrous. I walk on the lower road almost daily, and it is becoming more of an ugly neighbor with each passing day.

    Please revoke Greg Brown’s building permit and require him to tear down that monstrosity. This is not Beverly Hills. Napili has always had a quiet charm about it that separates it from the high rises of Ka’anapli and other parts of the West Maui shoreline. Let’s keep it that way and not give in to big money that is only out for personal gain at the expense of the neighbors.
    Aloha, Koana (Joan B.) Smith