Meeting Time: April 18, 2022 at 9:00am HST
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Agenda Item


Legislation Text Resolution 22-80 Resolution 22-81 Resolution 22-82 County Communication 22-82 Resolution 22-96 Bill 69 (2022) Bill 70 (2022) Bill 71 (2022) Bill 72 (2022) Bill 73 (2022) Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2023 Budget bills) 03-24-2022 FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program (03-24-2022) FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis (03-24-2022) (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-24-2022 and response 03-30-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 Executive summaries for 04-05-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-28-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-06-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2022 (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-29-2022 and response 04-07-2022 Executive summaries from Committee Chair 04-01-2022 Executive summaries for 04-07-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 Executive summaries for 04-11-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 (CC-1) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-03-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence from Budget Director (revised title) 04-03-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-12-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-04-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director (revised Page 9 of Appendix B) 04-04-2022 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-04-2022 and responses 04-07-2022 and 04-08-2022 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (AG-1) Correspondence to Management 04-04-2022 and response 04-12-2022 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 04-04-2022 and 04-17-2022 Member Priority Proposal Compilation Matrix FY23-2 04-04-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-05-2022 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-05-2022 and response 04-11-2022 Executive summaries for 4-13-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-05-2022 Informational documents from Councilmember Johnson 04-05-2022 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-05-2022 and response 04-12-2022 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2022 and response 04-08-2022 eComments Report 04-05-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-06-2022 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-06-2022 and response 04-11-2022 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire Chief 04-06-2022 and response 04-14-2022 Informational document from Councilmember Johnson 04-06-2022 (HHC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-06-2022 and response 04-11-2022 eComments Report 04-06-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-07-2022 Priority justifications from Councilmember Kama 04-07-2022 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 04-10-2022 and response 04-12-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director 04-07-2022 (revised Financial Summaries pages - Program Budget) (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 04-07-2022 (OM-1) Correspondence to Mayor 04-07-2022 and response 04-11-2022 eComments Report 04-07-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-08-2022 Informational document from Councilmember Sinenci 04-08-2022 Priority Justifications from Councilmember Kama 04-08-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director (Dept of Police vehicle priority list) 04-08-2022 eComments Report 04-08-2022 (PS-1) Correspondence to Personnel Services 04-10-2022 and response 04-14-2022 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 04-10-2022 (PR-1) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 04-10-2022 and response 04-13-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-11-2022 (PA-1) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-11-2022 and response 04-14-2022 (PD-1) Correspondence to Police 04-11-2022 and response 04-14-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember King 04-11-2022 (PW-1) Correspondence to Public Works 04-11-2022 (TD-1) Correspondence to Transportation 04-12-2022 and response 04-14-2022 (WS-1) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-12-2022 and response 04-14-2022 eComments Report 04-12-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-13-2022 Draft Final Funding Priorities Councilmembers Combined 04-13-2022 eComments Report 04-13-2022 Correspondence from Council Services 04-14-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Sinenci 04-11-2022 eComments Report 04-14-2022 Priority Proposal Grouping for Mayor 04-11-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Sinenci 04-11-2022 eComments Report 04-11-2022 Priority Justification from Committee Vice-Chair Paltin 04-12-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule and PP Grouping Proposal- Public Works 04-12-2022 Priority Justification from Councilmember Kama 04-13-2022 Final Member Priority Proposals and Supporting Documents 04-18-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-18-2022 Informational Document from Councilmember Johnson 04-18-2022
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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!


    I am the president of the AOAO for Ma’alaea Yacht Marina at 30 Hauoli Road, Wailuku. Our building was constructed in 1979 and does not have public water and sewer service. It is a disservice to the entire community that this ecologically very important area does not have the ability to adequately treat and dispose of human wastes. Property taxes in Ma’alaea are no different than those elsewhere in Maui where those vital services are available to all.

    I urge you to appropriate funds to develop and operate a wastewater system for this important community.


    Meera Kohler

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Ma'alaea Regiional wastewater facility funding

    We have been a condo owner in Ma’alaea since 1984; and are definitely in favor of the County Council approving the $9.5 million funding for the above referenced wastewater facility. Such a facility will serve the Ma’alaea community for years, improve the Ma’alaea Bay ocean water, stop the coral destruction, and reduce beach erosion.

    Every homeowner I’ve talked to is in favor of this project; and we sincerely hope the Council members feel the same way. Thank you, for reading my email.

    Robert Arboit
    300 Hauoli St. #B-1

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    We support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    My husband and I have owned our home here in Ma’alaea since 2011. We have watched our beloved bay become sicker and sicker with polluted run-off.

    We strongly support the Council Member Kelly King’s proposal to include $9.5 million for a Ma’alaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation System in the 2023 budget.

    Nancy and John Norman
    70 Hau’oli St. Apt. 205
    Wailuku, HI 96793

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    We support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    Marshall and Susan Mortenson
    Owners of Unit 310 Kanai A Nalu
    250 Haouli Street
    Maalaea, Maui

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Wastewater Reclamation System for Maalaea

    I would like to express my support for the proposal for a new wastewater reclamation system for Maalaea, The system would be of immeasurable benefit in recovering the waters and wildlife of Maalaea Bay. Maui county funding of the proposal for this up-to-date technology would be a great investment in the health of the island.


    Peter LeMotte
    Milowai 305, Maalaea

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Build a Maalaea Regional Plant

    We are requesting that the County Council include in their budget to build a Maalaea Regional Plant to fix the injection well problem that is being experienced.

    We are owners in the Milowai condo complex.


    Carey Clenchy
    Unit 405

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    The need for a MAALAEA regional plant to fix injection well problem

    As a 37 year resident of Maui, tax payer, and ARDENT voter, I am asking the Maui County Council to include $9.5 million on the County budget to build a Maalaea regional plant and fix the injection well problem. We need this facility to protect our beautiful Maalaea community, seaside, and aina. I will be watching this issue closely and voting in November with the results of this issue in mind. Noreen Joyce LCSW

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    County well in Ma’alaea

    County Council:
    Please include 9.5 million of the county budget to build a much needed Ma’alaea regional plant and fix the injection well problem!
    Thank you,
    Owners at Island Sands
    150 Hauoli St. #604
    Vicki and John Stewart

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Wastewater Treatment Plant Maalaea Approval Respectfully Requested

    Aloha County Counsel: As Maalaea home owners, we respectfully request you approve the Wastewater Treatment plant which hopefully will serve as a template for success for all of Maui. Aloha and Mahalo, Joseph and Mary Anna Walloch

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    We support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    Aloha Honorable Mayor Victorino and Esteemed Councilmembers,

    Please support and approve the amendment to the FY2023 Maui County budget to include $9.5 million for the Ma'alaea Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation plant. This is the solution Maui needs to rid itself of most of the remaining wastewater injection wells which have contributed to the impaired water status designation of Ma'alaea Bay. Forward thinking and economically and environmentally sound solutions to waste management are what our county and community need to help keep Maui county residents and our surrounding waters healthy and thriving.

    Again, we wholeheartedly support the full funding of the proposed regional WWTP for Ma'alaea, and we respectfully request support from the Mayor and Councilmembers as well.

    Mahalo for your time and consideration of this project funding request!

    Mahalo With Aloha,

    Lora Harbo
    David Liebersbach
    Gayle Harbo

    Ma'alaea property owners/residents

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Maalaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility

    Good morning council members and thank you for your service to our community!

    My name is Leif Bjornson. My family moved from Minnesota to Maui in 1966 and for 4 years lived in a small house about halfway between the Maalaea harbor and the end of the road near what is now Haycraft park. My brothers and I with a few neighbor kids grew up surfing from Freighttrains to Rusty pipes and Saltflats. If there were no waves we snorkeled and occasionally spearfished in the beautiful water of Maalaea bay. In the late1970's the Lauloa condominium was built and my family owns an apartment here. I now live in Wisconsin and return to Maui for 2 months or so each year, so over the years I have seen the changes. There is now almost no seaweed and the reef is gray/brown. With waves of 2-3 feet this past week the water was churned up and murky but alarmingly it TASTED bad! Yuck!

    Here at Lauloa we just spent millions to upgrade our wastewater treatment plant but it is still the old-fashioned injection well system that is clearly contributing to the damage of the bay waters.

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency now lists Maalaea Bay as an impaired body of water. Just imagine the impact on our tourist industry and economy if word got out that Hawaii's coastal waters are polluted
    with human waste!

    We MUST DO what we can now to stop this damage to our "golden" resource! Therefore I strongly support Councilperson King's addition to the 2023 budget of 9.5 million dollars for a new Maalaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility. I urge moving forward ASAP!

    Thanks for your consideration and your service.

    Mahalo and aloha, Leif Bjornson

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    Good Morning!

    As Kanai a Nalu Condo Owner, I support the amendment Kelly King has proposed to fund the Maalaea Wastewater system. Kanai a Nalu currently operates it's own STP with injection wells.

    Thank you!
    Kevin Robinson
    250 Hauoli Street
    Wailuka HI 96793

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    As one of 500 condo owners in Ma’alaea I ask that you support and vote for the future wastewatersystem.

    Barbara Bromley Makani A Kai B7

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    Please include $9.5 million of the funding for a new Ma'alaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility in the 2023 budget, as referenced in Kelly King's proposed amendment.

    Sent from my I Pad.
    Cheryl Sloan
    Compliance Officer
    Maui Clinic Pharmacy
    The Pharmacy Group
    Cell: 808-298-5609
    Fax: 808-442-0019

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    Please include $9.5 million of funding for a new Ma'alaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility in the 2023 budget

    William Battles

    Dr. William Battles
    16 Hobron Ave #205
    Kahului, Maui, Hawaii 96732
    O 808 893 0590
    F 808 893 0591

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    Please include $9.5 million in the 2023 budget for the Ma'alaea waste system plant per Kelly King's proposed amendment. There is an urgent need for this project.
    Thank you,
    Bill Lamkin

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    Aloha County of Maui Mayor and Council members,

    My name is Jim Zarley. I am an owner of condos and a current board member of Milowai Ma’alaea AOAO. I am in support of Council member Kelly King’s proposal for $9.5 million of funding for a new Ma'alaea Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility in the 2023 budget.

    I strongly believe that this proposal is in the best interest of the County, the State of Hawaii and the habitat along the shoreline of Ma’alaea Bay. It will expand the life of the coastal waters and addresses a serious challenge to all who inhabit the Ma’alaea area and gives promise to a solution of Effluent disposal through injection wells that has lingered for many many years.

    Thank you for your leadership and commitment in resolving a long standing issue.

    Jim Zarley
    Cell: 702-521-6741

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    Please take steps to provide this important improvement, while taking advantage of the federal monies available to help!

    Kenneth W. Hoehn
    190 Hauoli St #208
    Wailuku, HI 96793

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    As a property owner at Hono Kai please include funding for a new Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility in the 2023 budget.

    Jason Stevens <>

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I support funding for the Ma'alaea wastewater system!

    I support funding for Maalaea wastewater system. The real estate tax GE and T A taxes generated by all of Hauoli Street pay for this in short order.
    Ronald and Dianne Rascia
    300 Hauoli street A 10