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Legislation Text Resolution 22-80 Resolution 22-81 Resolution 22-82 County Communication 22-82 Resolution 22-96 Bill 69 (2022) Bill 70 (2022) Bill 71 (2022) Bill 72 (2022) Bill 73 (2022) Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2023 Budget bills) 03-24-2022 FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program (03-24-2022) FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis (03-24-2022) (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-24-2022 and response 03-30-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 Executive summaries for 04-05-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-28-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-06-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2022 (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-29-2022 and response 04-07-2022 Executive summaries from Committee Chair 04-01-2022 Executive summaries for 04-07-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 Executive summaries for 04-11-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 (CC-1) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-03-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence from Budget Director (revised title) 04-03-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-12-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-04-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director (revised Page 9 of Appendix B) 04-04-2022 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (AG-1) Correspondence to Management 04-04-2022 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 04-04-2022 Member Priority Proposal Compilation Matrix FY23-2 04-04-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-05-2022 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-05-2022 Executive summaries for 4-13-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-05-2022 Informational documents from Councilmember Johnson 04-05-2022 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-05-2022 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2022 eComments Report 04-05-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-06-2022 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-06-2022 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 04-06-2022 Informational document from Councilmember Johnson 04-06-2022 (HHC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-06-2022 eComments Report 04-06-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-07-2022 Priority justifications from Councilmember Kama 04-07-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director 04-07-2022 (revised Financial Summaries pages - Program Budget) (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 04-07-2022 (OM-1) Correspondence to Mayor 04-07-2022
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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    TO: Maui County Council Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee:
    Keani N.W. Rawlins-Fernandez, Chair and Tamara Paltin, Vice- Chair; Members
    FROM: Wallette G. Pellegrino, Maui Historical Society Board of Trustees
    DATE: April 6, 2022
    SUBJECT: $150,000 Request in FY 2023 Proposed Budget of Mayor Mike
    Victorino for Maui Historical Society

    Aloha mai kakou,

    As a current trustee of the Maui Historical Society, I would like to express my appreciation to Mayor Mike Victorino for including a request for $150,000 for the MHS to continue the work they do in historic preservation in Maui County. I would also like to thank the Maui County Council for its past and current support of the MHS through various grants and allocations as well as collaborations with projects including Small Town Big Art in Wailuku. There is no doubt about the impact that the proposed funding will have on maintaining cultural and historical sites and information for future generations.

    The funds that Mayor Victorino is requesting on our behalf will be used to strengthen the MHSʻs mission especially by upgrading and enhancing the archives (artifacts, photo and book collections, cultural objects, and more). This important part of our strategic plan will benefit not only the MHS but also the community-at-large through its educational value, research capabilities, preservation of Mauiʻs history, and even as a possible resource tool for various County departments and programs (e.g., planning research, old maps, early legal documents, archaeologic findings, mo`olelo).

    This partnership between the County of Maui and the Maui Historical Society as well as other community organizations acknowledges the absolute need for relevant collaboration to preserve the physical, cultural, and historical uniqueness of Maui. Mahalo nui loa for giving Mayor Victorinoʻs budget request your generous consideration.

    /s/ Wallette G. Pellegrino
    P.O. Box 967
    Wailuku, HI 96793

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts

    My name is Robyn Māhealani Kneubuhl and I am writing this testimony in support of Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts. Hula and music have been a huge part of my life since I was very young. My mother, Emma Veary, perpetuated our culture through music. I was a student of Hōkulani Holt here on Maui and danced for many years at The Tropical Plantation. I have been an informal hula teacher for the last 30 years and realize the need for our kumu to have a hālau to be able to offer the knowledge and guidance that has been passed down to them through generations. Itʻs so important that we honor and treasure these teachers who have so much to offer our community and our keiki. Hula is a pillar of Hawaiian-ness and unfortunately has never gotten the support that it deserves.

    Itʻs high time we recognize the importance of all Hawaiian arts and take pride in those things which set us apart and give us a sense of place. What a wonderful opportunity for Maui to be a leader by supporting a space that would allow these practices to be honored and perpetuated.
    I can’t stress enough how important the funding for this project is and what a huge, positive impact it would have on our community.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    My name is Shane-Earl Kaniela Naeole, and I was born and raised on Maui. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special. Hula is integral to the culture of our community. It preserves knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for generations. Hula and hālau hula also represent our islands throughout Hawaiʻi and the world. On Maui, so many of the hālau hula, kumu hula, and practitioners have brought so much joy and pride to our island. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate the arts and practices of our home.
    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster relationships, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence.

    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come. Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo Nui Loa,

    Shane-Earl Kaniela Naeole, PharmD., BAPS
    Phone: (808)264-6404 | email:

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    April 6, 2022
    Re: Testimony in strong support of Funding for the Halau of ‘Oiwi Art (“HOA”)
    Aloha Council Members,
    My name is Dwight Burns and I was born and raised on Maui. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Halau of Oiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget. As it was said by King Kalakaua “Hula is the heartbeat of our people.”
    Hula is the heartbeat of our Hawaiian people, and we need to keep that “heartbeat” strong and healthy by preserving Hula traditions.
    Hula is our bridge to the past; thru Hula it speaks of our history, our genealogy, our myths and legends of our gods and goddesses and of our wars and battles.
    Hula is the foundation of our Hawaiian people and now a universal language learned and loved by other cultures globally. Hula brings comfort to others as did the Ukranian woman who shared on the news that she finds comfort dancing hula during times of crisis and war.
    HOA would provide continued education to pass on to our future generations as Hula has been passed down from generations before us. HOA will serve as an inspiration to all who are associated with Hula.
    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come. Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.
    Mahalo nui,

    Dwight K Burns
    Hawaii Operating Engineers Industry Stabilization Fund
    Maui Island Representative

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony in favor of funding for the Maui Historical Society that is currently in the proposed county budget for FY23.

    The Maui Historical Society/Hale Ho'ike'ike holds and stewards artifacts and documents which are the center of Maui's story. The property on which Hale Ho'ike'ike (also known as the Bailey House) sits is a site of historical significance all the way back to Kahekilinuiʻahumanu II upon whose property the Bailey House sits. It is imperative that this property be preserved as a link to to Maui's past and its future. Additionally, its archives which houses a plethora of cultural resources is in dire need of renovation in order to provide maximum protection for these treasures. Its holdings provide resources for educators, researchers and the general community.

    I encourage you to approve funding for the Maui Historical society to help it continue its vital mission to provide stewardship of Hale Ho'ike'ike/Bailey House and its unique cultural resources.

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Terri Gavagan
    Maui Historical Society

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Please support full funding for HOA

    Aloha Kakou,
    My name is Piʻilani Lua, and I have been a Kumuhula here in Hawaii for 50 years. I am also a Merrie Monarch Judge for four years recently. When I was younger, I entered my halau 12 times. I teach hula not only in Hawaii, but in Mexico, Japan and other places in the world.
    My maternal lineage comes from Hana, Maui and has for the last 10 generations. It is where I presently live. I am a Hawaiian Studies teacher at Hana School, and I teach PreK through 8th grade. Thank you for the opportunity to testify for your full support for the Halau Oiwi Arts, (HOA).
    The Halau Oiwi Art would provide many opportunities to preserve and at the same time, perpetuate the hula, its protocols, traditions and practices in perpetuity. I look forward to the next generations having a place and an opportunity to carry on learning this most precious art. I come from a long line of Kumuhula, and we have learned hand to hand, generation to generation.
    I believe an investment into this important cultural endeavor would benefit more than can ever be anticipated. Mahalo for considering to make a contribution to this dream!
    Please vote to support full funding for Halau Oiwi Arts.

    Aloha Pumehana,
    Kumuhula Piʻilani Lua

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Mayor's budget request:Testimony in SUPPORT of grant funds for Maui Historical Society

    I am writing in support of Grant funds for the Maui Historical Society. We have a responsibility to continue cultural Outreach in our community. The Maui Historical Society provides opportunities for visitors, residents and volunteers to participate and support Hawaiian culture. I am a volunteer with the Maui historical society, and they have welcomed me and taught me aloha. It is imperative that we preserve Maui's culture.
    I strongly encourage you to support this grant request.
    Patricia Macklin
    Maui Historical Society

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    April 6, 2022

    Aloha mai kākou,

    My name is Jaydon Isobe and I was born and raised on Maui. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    As a public school educator, the importance of place based learning is being pushed to the forefront by the Department of Education. However, our school system fails to give cultural support to develop a sense of place for our keiki. Passionate educators need to create their own understanding of Hawaiian culture to bring it into the classroom. But it is so difficult to find resources, classes, and instructors that have been properly trained.

    Think about our most culturally celebrated event in elementary school, May Day. A day filled with lei, Hawaiian music, and hula. Most educators don’t have the training or support to teach these hula and rely on using YouTube to replicate a dance. Having the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art gives a space that makes hula accessible. It would amplify the capacity needed to serve our future needs. I can see all the potential that this building, this home will enrich our lives.

    Hula brings each individual student together to learn in unison, it's more than a dance, it is a vehicle for deeper learning. Students learn the story, language, build body awareness, self-expression and build a sense of belonging. When students dance together it builds a bond to music, each other, and our home, Hawaii.

    As an alaka‘i for Hālau O Ka Hanu Lehua, I am so thankful to have a space to learn from my kumu. I see all the hard work and dedication my kumu puts into financially keeping our Hālau space afloat. But so much of our tuition, fundraising, and energy goes into paying for rent when those resources could be used to deepen our practice.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special. Hula is integral to the culture of our community. It preserves knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for generations. Hula and hālau hula also represent our islands throughout Hawaiʻi and the world. On Maui, so many of the hālau hula, kumu hula, and practitioners have brought so much joy and pride to our island. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate the arts and practices of our home.

    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster relationships, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence.

    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come. Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,

    Jaydon Isobe

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    Gabriel Hoeffken over 2 years ago

    Testimony re: Hana Affordable Housing Project (BFED Committee meeting 4/7/22)

    My Name is Gabriel Hoeffken, I am the manager of GTH Land Company. My father and I with help from Habitat for Humanity have been trying to develop a 25 lot 100% affordable housing project in Hana since 2013. We are in the process of getting our construction plans signed which is one of the last steps before we can begin construction. In the last 4 years since having our 201H approved we have seen significant cost increases for a variety of reasons. We are in support of Council Member Sinanci's request for additional funding as without it the project may not be viable to construct. Attached is a letter with a breakdown of the additional costs since we received our 201H approval in 2018. Thank you for your consideration.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Testimony re: Hana Affordable Housing Project (BFED Committee meeting 4/7/22))

    My name is Max Tornai and I'm the development director for Habitat for Humanity Maui. I am writing today in support of Councilmember Sincenci's request for additional funds for the Hana Affordable Housing Project in Wakiu. We can confirm that the cost of building and construction materials has risen significantly, even within just the last 12 months. This is a reality we've definitely encountered and have been struggling with as well in our other projects. We do expect that costs will continue to increase for some time.

    Habitat Maui has been and continues to be ready to begin building these homes as soon as the lots are finished and we are able to obtain site control. We continue to see a lot of interest in this project locally, especially from Hana residents - some of whom have been diligently calling us weekly, just in case there has been an update.

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Max Tornai

    Max Tornai
    Development Director
    Habitat for Humanity Maui
    1162 Lower Main Street
    Wailuku HI 96793
    Phone: (808) 242-1140
    Fax: (808) 242-1141
    Habitat for Humanity Maui builds strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter. You can help! Donate here.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    April 7, 2022

    RE: Testimony in SUPPORT of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Budget for the County of Maui – Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art

    Aloha Chair Rawlins-Fernandez, Vice-Chair Paltin and Members of the Committee:

    My name is Karey Kapoi, and I am a resident of Waikapū, Maui. I am offering my testimony today in strong support for the funding of Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Since returning home to Maui in 1997, Iʻve been fortunate to participate in, promote and/or coordinate a variety of events, task forces, and fundraisers across the state. Many of these efforts were rooted in Hawaiian Music and Hula, and all of them were dependent on the guidance received from Kumu Hula and their students.

    As is often the case in Hawaiʻi, Kumu Hula get called upon in times of need, celebration and crisis - their counsel, reflective of years of tutelage, provide calm, reassurance and credibility, and are an invaluable and unique resource to our community. As a community, however, we have not always provided that same care in return, and even though it is not requested, the protection of that expertise and its teachers require safeguard, and deserve the support of all of us, because we have all benefited.

    Our Kumu Hula enable the passage of knowledge to others, shouldering the burden in full, for protecting many aspects of our culture – culture, that serves as the foundation for our modern economy, and is integral to the fabric of our county. Protection of Hālau and Hula is an economic imperative, a moral responsibility and a just investment in who we are, and I humbly ask for your support of this proposal to enable the creation of a space that is generations overdue, and critical to the protection and preservation of our islands history and lessons for generations to come.

    Thank you for the opportunity to testify and for your service on the Maui County Council.


    Karey Kapoi
    (808) 870-5171

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    Debbie Cabebe over 2 years ago

    We respectfully ask for the County Council's support of Maui Economic Opportunity's budget proposals in the Mayor's budget as a baseline. Attached is a list of MEO's budget proposals in the Mayor's budget.