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Agenda Item


Legislation Text Resolution 22-80 Resolution 22-81 Resolution 22-82 County Communication 22-82 Resolution 22-96 Bill 69 (2022) Bill 70 (2022) Bill 71 (2022) Bill 72 (2022) Bill 73 (2022) Correspondence from Mayor (FY 2023 Budget bills) 03-24-2022 FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program (03-24-2022) FY 2023 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis (03-24-2022) (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-24-2022 and response 03-30-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-24-2022 and response 03-28-2022 Executive summaries for 04-05-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-28-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-06-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 03-31-2022 (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-29-2022 and response 04-07-2022 Executive summaries from Committee Chair 04-01-2022 Executive summaries for 04-07-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 Executive summaries for 04-11-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-03-2022 (CC-1) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-03-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (BD-2) Correspondence from Budget Director (revised title) 04-03-2022 Executive Summaries for 04-12-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-04-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director (revised Page 9 of Appendix B) 04-04-2022 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (AG-1) Correspondence to Management 04-04-2022 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 04-04-2022 and response 04-07-2022 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 04-04-2022 Member Priority Proposal Compilation Matrix FY23-2 04-04-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-05-2022 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-05-2022 Executive summaries for 4-13-2022 meeting from Committee Chair 04-05-2022 Informational documents from Councilmember Johnson 04-05-2022 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-05-2022 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2022 eComments Report 04-05-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-06-2022 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 04-06-2022 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 04-06-2022 Informational document from Councilmember Johnson 04-06-2022 (HHC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-06-2022 eComments Report 04-06-2022 DETAILED Daily Budget Schedule 04-07-2022 Priority justifications from Councilmember Kama 04-07-2022 Correspondence from Budget Director 04-07-2022 (revised Financial Summaries pages - Program Budget) (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 04-07-2022 (OM-1) Correspondence to Mayor 04-07-2022
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    Guest User over 2 years ago

       Aloha Mayor Victorino and Council members,

    I wish to support the mayors budget for fiscal year 2023, we kupuna have benefitted greatly through Molokai Rural Health Community Association through computer classes, help with household maintenance, lomilomi, haircuts and so much more. Thank you so much for including us in the next fiscal budget.


    Carol Hinton
     

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Rural community health association

    Aloha, my name is April Kealoha and I have used services from the rural community health association here on Molokai. The appointment was very pleasant, and the service needed was excellent.

    I ask you to support this program, many kupuna will enjoy it and love it as I did.

    Mahalo for your support.

    Aloha pumehana,

    April Kealoha
    6501 Kamehameha V Highway
    Phone: 808-658-9543

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Testimony for Molokai Rural Health Community Association

    April 7, 2022
    PO Box 292
    Kaunakakai, Hawaii 96748

    Dear Keani Rawlins-Fernadez,
    I joined the Molokai Rural Health Community Association in 2021, a few months after it began. It is lovingly known as the “Kupuna Program”. I am so happy that this program is available and that I found out about it. I have participated in Zoom classes on dementia, gerontology and baking, lawn mowing; haircuts; and lomilomi massages. I enjoy and appreciate the services and the knowledge they provide.
    I also like the fact that it provides employment for those providing the services.
    I hope that you will continue this wonderful program for the kupunas of Molokai.

    Sincerely yours,

    Roberta Mangca

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Support of MRHCO

    Roy M Horner
    P O Box 371
    Hoolehua Hi 96729

    To Whom it May Concern:

    I am Roy “Sonny” Horner, born and raised in Hoolehua on Molokai. I once worked in law enforcement before venturing into my own businesses. Today I am semi retired and live with my wife Faith whom I have been married to for 51 years.

    The Molokai Rural Health Community Organization has served many of our seniors here on our island. My wife and I have benefitted going through some of the programs that the organization has offered.

    The program is efficiently operated and has allowed us to save funds by covering what we would we would normally render as “Co-Pay” or “Co-Insurance.

    We have appreciated the “fairness” in the distribution of the services and the coordination through appointments and follow ups.

    We ask that the County of Maui with its Honorable Mayor Mike Victorino and the Council consider additional support in funding towards the next fiscal time period or year ahead. We thank you very much for your time.


    Roy Horner (And Faith Horner) [sig]

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    To whom it may concern:

    My name is Karen Poepoe and I am a resident of Hoʻolehua, Molokaʻi. I would like to take this opportunity to testify in SUPPORTof the Molokaʻi Rural Health Community Association, and I ask that you give well deserved consideration in the inclusion of this program as part of the mayorʻs fiscal year 2023 budget. This program has provided kupuna such as myself with an array of much needed services that are not available in other capacities. The staff has provided excellent outreach service which has been friendly, consistent and caring.

    Karen Poepoe

    Kuulei Arce
    Program Coordinator
    Molokai Rural Health Community Association
    PO Box 290614
    Hoolehua, HI 96729

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Kupuna Program on Molokai

    We are grateful for the services that have been provided for our family. We have participated, in the yard services, computer services, geriatrics services, pharmacy awareness, and the lomi lomi services.

    Ordinarily, we would know to participate or enroll in such programs because we live within a retirement budget, and extra services are not affordable for us. However, through the efforts of the Kupuna program, we have been the recipients of those programs offered.

    It has increased our awareness of health issues, and discovered techniques we could practice that ease body pain and loss of muscle. We feel revitalized after a session.

    Therefore, we support the Mayor's budget and support his vision for us on Molokai.

    Mr. and Mrs. Meyer

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    My name is Roberta Pauole Helm and a Kupuna residing on the island of Moloka'i. I would like to show my support for
    the Moloka'i Rural Health Community Association.
    This program is a godsent to we Kupuna who live on this little island. As you may well know, we are very limited in our travel capabilities with only Mokulele to depend on. This helps us to get help/assistance with our yards, hair needs, health lomi lomi, and even offering us the ability to learn how to work a laptop/computer.
    There are other needs as well which I hope will be offered in the future such as shopping for those who are unable to shop for themselves, don't drive and handicapped in other ways.
    Kuulei Arce and Pilahi her daughter have been very helpful, pleasant and respectful and I want to commend their outreach workers who are very skilled in their specialties as well.
    Please extend this program for us. I know myself and many of my Kupuna friends are thrilled when we get the calls from Pilahi that it's our turn again; it brightens up our lives!


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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    April 7, 2022, Haiku, Maui

    I am writing in support of the mayor’s line item of $25,000 for Adaptations Dance Theater’s program Bring it Home. My name is Susana Browne, and I am a 40-year resident of Maui with 35 years’ experience in education and the arts. I have been following ADT since they began as a small contemporary dance company in 2013. Their dedication to contribute to the artistic excellence of Maui is inspiring. As the only professional contemporary dance company on Maui, they provide excellent performances and a much-needed avenue for our young people to see dance as a viable career. An all-too-common phenomena is “brain drain,” where our talented and educated youth leave the islands to pursue careers on the mainland. One of ADT’s goals is to prevent that by providing a home on Maui for professional dance artists. Since 2018, the Bring it Home performance has brought Maui raised dancers who are living on the mainland back to present culturally relevant and creative dance to an enthusiastic audience. The program inspires our young people to continue their dreams of being a professional dancer and demonstrates the importance of investing in our own Maui dance company. Thank you for supporting the arts in our community.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    April 7, 2022

    RE: Testimony in Support of Funding for the Halau of ‘Oiwi Art


    My name is Shelley Kekuna and I have lived in Hawaii for 32+ years and been in the hospitality sector the entire time. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in support of funding for the Halau of ‘Oiwi Art in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    Our island of Maui has sadly lacked a central place to foster culture and support our practitioners that carry the responsibility of keeping the cultural knowledge and ways alive. As our island changes and the world stage presses upon us, it is paramount that we turn to the wisdom keepers to keep our growth direction focused and rooted in Hawaii’s unique cultural practices. Supporting construction of Halau ‘Oiwi Art will create the space and environment for the preservation, education and honing of excellence of cultural learning.

    Maui has always been a leader and the maverick island, in that it has done things differently than the other islands. It has always been ahead of the “trends” in preservation and integration of communities who continually contribute to Maui’s way of life. Investing in a cultural center will not only benefit Maui’s people, but will showcase the acknowledgment by our civic leaders that they understand and respect the importance of correct cultural impact on generations to come.

    Support of this project is an investment in a pono future.

    Shelley Kekuna

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Molokai Kupuna program funding

    My name is Elaine Johnson. I live in senior housing on Molokai at Home Pumehana. I have received help with house cleaning and I have also received a haircut and a couple of lomi lomi treatments. These are things that I can’t afford on my limited monthly income. These services have been a huge blessing for us Kupuna on Molokai. Please continue to fund this wonderful program!


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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Support Testimony for Hale Ho'ike'ike at Bailey House Museum

    Aloha e Committee Members of the Maui County Council Budget, Finance and Economic Development Committee,
    I am a retired teacher and weekly volunteer at Maui Historical Society's Hale Ho'ike'ike at the Bailey House Museum.
    I would like to humbly ask for your consideration of our request for funding of $150,000 for the continued care for this historical site; to maintain the Hawaiian culture and to cultivate the important resources housed here for future generations.
    My Maui Historical Society story begins with visiting the kapa exhibit as I became a kapa maker some years ago and joined with others wanting to grow the wauke, make tools fashioned from archival photos, seeing the 'real' implements and fabric created right there displayed in the museum! Along with the Kapa journey, I became interested in lauhala processing and weaving and utilized what I learn by teaching my own students in public and private schools as well as teaching guests to the museum how to weave lauhala into simple ornaments and a bracelet during my weekly Thursday volunteer time. I have seen my friend Lisa Schattenburg-Raymond, lecturer at UHMaui bring her Ethnobotany classes through as well as my former KubaKid Second grader, Christopher Ikaika Nakahashi also a UHM Ethnobotany lecturer and DLNR employee do the same with his students. Many of the artifacts here are equal to what the Bishop Museum has in their collection.
    Together we can preserve Maui's history/artifacts and continue to inspire countless others/visitors to our island through the cultural roots housed at Hale Ho'ike'ike at Bailey House Museum.
    Mahalo nui loa for your consideration!
    Aloha e Ke Akua,
    Gail H. Kuba
    Life-Long Learner, Retired Teacher and Volunteer ; )

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    To whom it may concern,

    I am writing in support of funding for Halau of 'Oiwi Art. (My apologies for lack of kahako.) I believe it is important to provide a space where the histories of our host culture are preserved for, and shared among, the community. Please allocate funding in the budget for this project.

    Thank you,
    Marissa Kennedy of Pukalani

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    April 5, 2022

    Re: Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    Aloha nui kākou,

    My name is Joe Souza and my wife Kristen and I are the owners of Kanile’a ‘Ukulele. As a ‘ukulele manufacture, we have been servicing the healthy Hula and ‘ukulele community on Maui for nearly 25 years. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will create a long overdue, safe space for knowledge to be perpetuated and passed on which will bring about that sense of community. Hula – this fine thread of knowledge – is not only integral to Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian), Kama’āina (Native Born) and Malihini (Visitor)– but is vital to the healthy cummunity of Maui County. As this finely woven thread that links us back to our ancestors, the knowledge of kuleana (responsibility), stewardship, and a genuine approach to aloha ʻāina (love of the land) will be preserved.

    Today, the ʻukulele has become an intregal part of Hula ʻAuana (Modern Hula). We understand the long lasting effect that music, dance and culture have on a community. These forms of Hawaiian arts are recognised the world over. We as leaders, have an opportunity to strengthen that thread, bring to light the knowledge that has been preserved through Hula and ennsure that this knowledge will be available for everyone in our community... for generations to come!

    For those in opposition, I would kindly ask for you to listen to these words with an open heart and mind. Our ancestors have thought us that “All knowledge is not taught in the same school”. Yet, if we don’t build that school, the knowledge will never be taught.

    As leaders we have an opportunity to build that school, that will be utilized by our kupuna (elders), our keiki (children) and our grandchildren who are our future community leaders. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will be that example to all in our community, our State and visitors to our island home. This long lasting, safe space will enrich the lives of the leaders of today and the leaders of tomorrow!

    Mahalo for your enduring service. We appriciate this opportunity and kindly ask for your vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo ā nui,
    Joe and Kristen Souza
    Kanile’a ‘Ukulele

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Bring It Home Testimony

    April 7, 2022

    To whom it may concern:

    Hello, my name is Kathleen McKeon. I have been a dance artist here on Maui for over 40 years having started my teaching and choreographic career at the Maui Youth Theater which then evolved into the Maui Academy of Performing Arts. I am presently teaching and choreographing at Momentum Dance Maui.

    My involvement with Bring It Home from its inception has been through my daughters Ali McKeon Pineo and Emily McKeon who have performed in every Bring It Home concert. It was gratifying to have my daughters who grew up dancing on Maui, go to college and dance professionally on the mainland, then come back to Maui to share their talents.

    Having been in the dance community for over 40 years on Maui, I have seen many of my students move away to pursue art and dance. Bring It Home is their avenue to return to the islands to practice their art in an accepting and collaborative environment. This in itself opens the door to welcome back many “Maui- bred” youngsters who feel they have to move away to pursue their art.

    Dance and art brings people together for creative purposes. Creativity leads to innovation. Maui needs innovation and creativity to continue the path to a higher quality of life. The Bring It Home Concert will do that for the Maui community.

    Best Regards,
    Kathleen McKeon M.Ed.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Re: Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)
    Aloha mai kākou,
    My name is Joylynn Paman and I am proud to say that I have had the privilege of being raised on Maui. As a cultural practitioner of loko i`a (fishponds) and oli (chant), I'd like to voice my strong support for funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special. Hula – a constitutionally protected traditional and customary practice – is not only integral to Kānaka Maoli, but the culture of Maui County, as well. It is a nexus for so many of our ʻŌiwi arts and practices to thrive. Over many decades, Hālau Hula and Kumu Hula have contributed to our community. They recognize the importance of environmental stewardship, educate ʻohana from keiki to kūpuna, tell and celebrate the stories of our home, sing
    of its beauty, and bring both joy and pride to our larger community. Cultural practitioners like Kumu Hula are experts and leaders of our community. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate these arts and practices.

    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster pilina, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence.
    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come. Mahalo for your service to our island home.

    Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,
    Joylynn Paman

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Testimony for Haleho’ik’ike

    Aloha mai kakou,
    My Maui Historical Society story begins with my first coming to these islands in 1986. I lived in a gazebo in Huelo, working construction, after an apartment in New York that looked onto the Empire State Building. The contrast couldn’t have been bigger.
    But Maui had her way with me. I remember my first trip up Haleakala and a vision of the curvature of the earth. Trips into Iao…….to Hana……to Lahaina…….the curves around Kahakuloa! Then, there was an overehelming sense of Aloha!
    Now, I am the Volunteer Coordinator at Hale Ho’ike’ike. We strive to know more of Maui’s history than the plantation era. We go back to the first travellers to arrive here, building our stories of conflict and construction, of Hawaian Royalty and the maka’ainana, of new societies and their implications, the whole spectrum of life on this island we call home, vaults briming with historic photos and documents. Our whole history, open to the public.
    Thank you for placing us in your budget. Thank you for helping to spread the beautiful story of Maui around the globe, and especially to the people of Maui!
    Kimo Guequierre
    Volunteer Coordinator
    Hale Ho’ike’ike, The Maui HIstorical Society

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    April 6, 2022
    RE: Testimony in FULL Support of Funding for Halau of ‘Oiwi Art (HOA)

    Aloha mai kakou,
    I send this testimony for FULL budget support of HOA, the Halau of ‘Oiwi Art.
    Over decades, I have seen on Maui the unifying power of halau and the positive effects Kumu Hula have on community. These past two years are a perfect example of this. During the pandemic, Kumu Hula not only decided to continue virtually to support the health and well being of their haumana, they continued it through structuring good eating habits, exercise through hula, creativity of learning not only dance but weaving, lei making, scholarly research of places, people, mele, environment, and so much more. I witnessed a harmony that was being brought forth by the selfless efforts of these Kumu in a time when there was great distress and unknowing of a disease that was radically altering our lives.
    With each haumana comes the families that directly benefitted from these Kumu Hula. Why is this important? There is a discipline that comes with hula, a responsibility and behavior that is dedicated to the care and well being of the halau, the community, the environment. All of this is done with a consistency and continuity packaged with aloha. Hula brings to the community an inclusiveness that is found in very few places in the world. Hula is also an action, a desired outcome whether one is just an active participant watching for the pure pleasure of the tremendous art or the practitioner that spends hours learning movement, language, chant, precision, rhythm, connection to oneself and your place in the environment and higher powers that guide all that is being taught and received. Hula exists worldwide because of these attributes that contribute to bringing balance to each individual and all those who touch that dancer, halau, and Kumu Hula. The ohana is solidly guided by the Kumu Hula who has been charged to ensure the well being of their haumana. This kind of dedication is rare yet it exists here and should be supported completely as it is well overdue. HOA will be able to serve many more and bring about another level of aloha, discipline, and courage to face the changing times.
    Hula competitions like Ku Mai Ka Hula, Hula o Na Keiki bring thousands of dollars and great joy to the local population as well as visitor industry. These competitions on Maui prepare the youngest of practitioners to the greater stage of Merrie Monarch where millions view from all over the world. Maui has been at the forefront each year with dedicated Kumu Hula who are asked to judge these competitions as well as participate. These events continue to inspire and rejuvenate this community at all levels. Support this funding, support the dedicated unsung heroes of our community who give, nurture and are responsible for the health and spirit of thousands in our community.

    I am Malia Davidson, born and raised on Maui, from Kula, a strong supporter of hula, language, education, health and balance of our community and environment.

    Mahalo nui for your consideration of this initiative.

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)

    Aloha mai kākou,

    My name is Jamie Ka'iulani Athearn and I was born and raised on Maui. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.

    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special. Hula is integral to the culture of our community. It preserves knowledge and traditions that have been passed down for generations. Hula and hālau hula also represent our islands throughout Hawaiʻi and the world. On Maui, so many of the hālau hula, kumu hula, and practitioners have brought so much joy and pride to our island. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate the arts and practices of our home.

    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster relationships, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence.

    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come. Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.

    Mahalo nui,
    Jamie Ka'iulani Athearn

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    April 7, 2022
    Re: Testimony in Strong Support of Funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art (“HOA”)
    Aloha mai kākou,
    My name is Devony Akiko Kawohikukapulani Asami and I was born and raised in Lahaina, Maui. Mahalo for the opportunity to testify in strong support of funding for the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Arts in the proposed FY 2023 budget.
    The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would provide long-overdue support for the culture and practitioners that make our home so special. Hula – a constitutionally protected traditional and customary practice – is not only integral to Kānaka Maoli, but the culture of Maui County, as well. It is a nexus for so many of our ʻŌiwi arts and practices to thrive. Over many decades, Hālau Hula and Kumu Hula have contributed to our community. They recognize the importance of environmental stewardship, educate ʻohana from keiki to kūpuna, tell and celebrate the stories of our home, sing of its beauty, and bring both joy and pride to our larger community. Cultural practitioners like Kumu Hula are experts and leaders of our community. The Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art would support and celebrate these arts and practices.
    An investment in Hula is ultimately an investment in community. Our island once again has the chance to be a leader for our state and global community. Providing a space dedicated to and designed through the lens of Hula creates a visible and reliable space for education, performance, preservation, and excellence of art and culture in our own home. Further, as a cultural center for our community and the world, the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art will foster pilina, inspire connection, and uphold cultural excellence.
    As an investment in the future, the proposed HOA will prove an essential element in the overall development in the Wailuku area, as it will bring practitioners and their families back to this district. The perpetuation of the Arts will also ensure the future practitioners who will continue to make our island home a destination for those who have come to love and appreciate the culture. A loss of knowledgeable practitioners would be a loss of the very essence of what people have come to know as Hawaiʻi.
    This space is not only an investment for the near future but will have lasting impacts on our community identity for generations to come. Mahalo for your service to our island home. Please vote to support full funding of the Hālau of ʻŌiwi Art.
    Mahalo nui,
    Devony Akiko Kawohikukapulani Asami

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    Guest User over 2 years ago

    FY 2023 in support of budget proposal for Halau o'iwi center

    Aloha kakou
    Im sending testimony is support of the build of halau o’iwi community center in Wailuku town. Having a core location on Maui to teach, learn and show case our traditional arts will be a very wise investment of our community funds. The priceless and epic impact on our lives will be instantly felt and will have a positive shift on our growing islands, land and people. This will also reverberate through to other traditional artists around the world and Maui can become leaders in hosting indigenous peoples also creating a new earth conscious minded visitor industry.
    Mahalo nui
    Wyonette from Haiku,Maui