Meeting Time: October 21, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I love our tennis courts in Kula, Wells, KCC...It is very important to my life. We have lots of competition for court time with other tennis players but we always work it out. I have been playing for many years now on the Kula Courts in the is very disruptive to have pickle ball playing as it is very loud, crowded and they tape lines on our courts. They should have pickle ball on Haili Maile, Pukalani Community Center or Eddie Tam courts. Tennis courts are very expensive to build and maintain. Pickle Ball can be played in a driveway! Thank-you for listening.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Good morning, I have been playing tennis here on Maui since I began taking lessons in elementary school. I usually play about once a week. Sometimes it feels like Pickleball is taking over the courts, but I believe that all fun, outdoor sports should be supported. Pickleball is a surprisingly loud sport. There are often big groups of people that get together, at least 4 times the amount of people than if they were playing tennis. Pickleball itself is very loud. I've had Pickleball players start up a game in the court next to me while I'm playing tennis and it is quite disruptive. That being said, I feel that our courts should be enjoyed by all. What if some of the tennis courts were designated for tennis on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then designated for Pickleball on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All taxpayers have contributed to these courts and they should be shared throughout the community. Most of the Pickleball players that I see buy their own blue tape and tape off their game lines. I'm sure this costs quite a bit of money, but they do it so they can play. It would be incredibly distracting to try to play tennis with new painted Pickleball lines, so I don't advocate new lines. I think we should find a way for both types of players to coexist. Thank you for your time- Jody Bowman

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    We do need courts that support all racquet sports: Tennis, Pickleball, etc. However, dedicated courts for each sport, are the most preferable. Dual courts are difficult to use for sanctioned league events. USTA MAUI continues have hold sanctioned leagues and tournaments. We need to have good courts for these events. Pickleball is currently a dropin acitivity on the current area courts. There are no sanctioned, organized leagues requiring additional courts, although more and more visitors to the island like to play while being here on island. Tennis remains strong in the islands and we need to keep our dedicated courts for sanctioned league play.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please keep tennis courts as tennis courts and build some dedicated pickle ball courts. I play regularly at the Kula tennis courts and the morning and afternoon hours are usually busy with tennis players. Sometimes pickle ball players are there and it very distracting because of the noise and so many players on the court. Thank you for your consideration. Christiane Santoro, Pukalani

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    My position is that I am for tennis courts staying as tennis courts. The tennis community has in some areas has worked hard for many years to get courts built as needed. I feel that those who like pickleball need to lobby to get courts built, or courts that were offered, such as Eddie Tam, or Haili'imaile restored by the county for pickleball. The sports are not compatible due to the people noise and bat/ball noise, and the courts can't be lined or marked for both. I play 3 or more times a week, Kula, KCC and Wells for league play. Last week whilst playing tennis in Kula, there were 16 people with 2 portable nets that came to play pickleball on the court next to us. A nice group of people, nothing against them, but I could not focus on my game any more and just wanted to get off the court due to the noise. I ask the county and pickleball players to come up with their own solutions for space, and not take from the tennis community. I know the courts are not busy every hour of the day, yet it can often end up we'd all want to use the courts at the same time, and this results in waiting for a court, noncompatibility as stated and a lot of resentment and division between the sports.
    Thank you for listening to my concerns.
    Helen J Moyes

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please please the pickle ball sport needs to get their own dedicated courts built at least 5 miles away from tennis courts so we tennis players don’t have to deal with the following;
    Masking tape on tennis and practice courts (War Memorial), or, deal with PB players abuse time limits on tennis courts (no courtesy), or deal with PB lines painted on tennis courts that confuse and drive tennis players crazy. Especially for senior tennis players who have dimmed eyesights, added PB lines causes much confusion and many times missteps, stumbles.
    Or deal with someone Etched out lines on the newly surfaced tennis courts at KCC.
    So very tired of dealing with the selfish, the self centered.
    Again, please get PB players off tennis courts by building PB courts far from tennis courts.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    To Whom it might concern:
    I am a full time resident of Kihei and an avid tennis player. I am just one of a handful of people that use the public tennis courts at Kalama Park. We only have four courts (BTW courts have so many cracks and the lights are terrible) most of the time we have to wait to get a court, trying to play in the morning is so difficult because there are so many people playing. Please built new courts for the needs of other sports but do not take away the few courts that we have available.
    Respectfully yours,
    María Bews

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Tennis and Pickle ball are separate sports and should be kept separate. All players of both sports deserve a place to play separately without taking away from each other.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please keep pickle ball off our tennis courts. Since it's a sport in demand, allocate areas for pickle ball courts to be built.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please do mot convert any of the 4 tennis courts at Kalama. They are heavily used with wait times as it is to meet the needs of the tennis community. I support building additional courts specifically for pickle ball but in a different location. I recommend dedicated courts at the new South Maui Regional Park or additional court conversions at Waipuilani. That way the pickleball community can play together with multiple pickleball courts and the tennis players can play on dedicated tennis courts - this is useful for both types of players on teams holding practices and/or round robin play rotations.
    Thanks you,
    Gage Beerer

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please don’t take more tennis courts away from tennis players. Multi lined courts IS CONFUSING. Bungee cord to lower the net affects the tension and does affect the tennis game. Similar to using a fresh can of ball versus old tennis balls. Tennis courts have already been taken away at Waipuilani and Lahaina.
    At least 6 gyms are available: Kula Gym, Haliimaile Gym, Eddie Tam Gym, War Memorial Gym, Lahaina Civic Center and Kihei Gym can be used for Pickle Ball until funds can be allocated for designated Pickle Ball Courts.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I hope that tennis courts will not be converted to pickle ball courts or that pickle ball lines be drawn on tennis courts. Too many lines makes it very confusing for players. I think the County should build some pickle ball courts.

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    Ramona Akima almost 3 years ago

    This is my grandson testImony video link:

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Carol Wallack. I am a former tennis player turned Pickleball player. We need more pickleball courts available (and / or resurfaced). At Waipulani Park, the pickleball group is overflowing. there is rarely ANYONE playing on the tennis courts in the morning. The Kula Community Center is full every tuesday and thursday morning, with few on the tennis courts. We currently have to tape off the courts and bring our own portable pickleball nets to play in Kula. Again, Pickleball is a growing, RAPIDLY, sport that needs the support of the County. they are two different sports and require their own courts.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Aloha Council Committee Members,

    My name is Alton Watanabe and I oppose converting any tennis courts to allow pickle ball or basketball on those courts. I am recently retired and play tennis almost every day. The tennis courts on Maui are already busy with tennis players trying to find the best times to play when there are leagues, tournaments, and junior practices to compete with. In addition, pickle ball court dimensions are different from tennis court dimensions and playing on those courts (such as at War Memorial courts #3 & #4) is too confusing with dual lines either temporarily or permanently painted on the courts. I Lastly, pickle ball is a much louder sport than tennis and I fear that those living near the courts will become upset if pickle ball is allowed. Although I know pickle ball a growing sport, I hope you will be able to find a different resolution other than converting existing tennis courts for dual/multiple sport purposes.

    Alton Watanabe

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    The 4 courts at Kalama are highly used and often full with tennis players. If needed, please build a separate court for pickleball, preferably away from the tennis courts because of the loud noise.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Dear Commitee Members:

    I write to oppose converting any tennis courts to pickle ball. There is hardly enough courts for tennis now.

    Thank you,
    Catherine Hall

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am a tennis player and utilize the Kula courts. The kula community has players use the Kula courts on a DAILY basis at different hours, morning to night sessions. The pickle ballers alter the court lines, lower the tennis net, and the noise from the pickleball is noisy and distracting. The pickle ballers need to have their own courts but do not take our tennis courts. Find a parking lot that is not being used and convert that to courts for them. It will easily convert to four courts.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please do not ruin any more tennis courts by painting pickleball lines on them. It is very hard to teach kids how to play tennis with so many lines all over the place. It is also difficult for adults to tell if the ball is in or out with so many lines present. We have waited for ten years to finally get Wells courts resurfaced and repainted for tennis. Please don't ruin them by adding pickleball lines to them; this ruins the experience for us all.
    Pickle ballplayers should have their own courts. Four pickleball courts can fit in the space of one tennis court and could be built in the Kihei area or Keopulani park. Please leave the few tennis courts we have left alone and build pickleball courts at other sites. The dual-painted courts at War memorial should be converted back to tennis courts when the pickleball sites are built. We have had problems with the Nets being damaged by the different height requirements for the pickle ballers.(use of bungee cords to pull the nets down). We need a long-term solution. These sports were not meant to be used in the same space. Mahalo Jonathan Lau

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am a tennis player and have played pickle ball in the past. The courts need to be separated as they are different sports.
    The tennis courts at Kalama Park are deteriorating and need to be resurfaced. They are busy and often have lines of people waiting to play with players spilling over to Waipuilani Park.
    That park has already had many courts converted to pickleball so there are often wait lines there. We want everybody to be healthy and play their own sport, why can’t we spend money for this cause and keep everybody happy and healthy and moving on Maui!