Meeting Time: October 21, 2021 at 1:30pm HST
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Agenda Item


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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I oppose existing tennis courts being used/modified for pickleball. Pickleball players should have their own dedicated courts- it is a different sport than tennis, louder, and more raucous in general. There aren't enough tennis courts as it is.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    May we please get more PB courts on Maui. New ones would be incredible but we are also very happy to share existing tennis courts with the tennis players. The courts are easy to convert so that both sports can be played. Thank you!!!! Hawaii resident for 40 year, PB is great to keep us active and healthy. Thank you!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    We desperately need more Pickelball courts on Maui. This sport is both physically and mentally stimulating and has been my stress reliever during the pandemic. Please consider courts in a low wind area. Thank you for your consideration!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am an avid pickleball player and am in support of the county constructing more pickleball facilities. The game of pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the USA. Pickleball players do not want to encroach on tennis facilities but in lots of areas its the only place to play and that can cause frictionj between the two groups. If new courts were to be constructed the wind factor needs to be taken into consideration. Courts in windy areas without effective wind blocking will probably not be used as much they could or should. thank you, Steven Loney

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    We need more pickle ball courts in Maui for the health and well-being of people in our community. Thank You, The McNeil Ohana

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    CYNTHIA GREENWELL almost 3 years ago

    Aloha: I would like to express my support for more pickleball courts on Maui. I have been playing for about 2 months and every time I show up at the existing courts there are at least 30 people there compared to either 0 or 2 on the tennis courts. The current pickleball playing set up is round robin so it affords many more people the opportunity to play constrained only by the limited number of courts. Existing courts have been converted from tennis courts without removing the tennis lines which makes it very confusing. Also we must use the existing tennis nets which limits the number of PB courts that can be created. Please consider creating additional courts and renovating existing courts to remove tennis lines and nets and replace with PB ones.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I have lived in Kihei for the last 15 years and I play tennis on the Kalama Park courts. I work full-time. In the time I have available for tennis the courts are almost always full. Most tennis players are courteous, and I willingly wait my turn, but I'm pretty sure that if courts were added at this location, they would be used and appreciated. There is space available adjacent to the present courts. If the county does not choose to add courts we should at least repair and maintain the four existing courts - they are in terrible shape, with cracked and uneven surface on all courts and inadequate lighting.
    There are also six county courts makai of the Maui Sunset condo. These courts are in worse shape than the Kalama courts, and without lights. Four of these courts have been modified for pickleball use. It would be logical for the county to make two additional Maui Sunset courts mixed-use for pickleball after resurfacing them. That would expand access for pickleball in a single location. The Kalama courts are already used to the maximum by tennis players.
    Tennis is a growing sport on Maui. The island's high schools have active teams, and there are several nationally-sanctioned adult leagues playing on Maui's courts. Adding pickleball to the courts at Kalama and Wells would be going in the wrong direction, restricting playing time to this growing sport.
    As elected officials the council should be aware that both tennis and pickleball players tend to be active members of the community. They vote in elections and contribute to political campaigns. They are representative of every segment of Maui's people, and they have a voice. That voice is saying "We need more courts, not more congestion! Repair and take better care of the courts we have, and build more!"

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    My friends and I use Wells courts just about every day for tennis. We’ll use them in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. On the weekends they are utilized mostly for league matches, but we also use them for practices as well. These courts are usually full every day and many times there’s a waiting time to get on the courts. The courts are being used from adults to young children. Taking away any of these courts would be taking away tennis from the entire tennis community.

    Currently War Memorial and KCC has pickleball players using the courts just about every day. Maybe one of the courts or two at each location can be dedicated for pickleball courts. For one tennis court you can get two pickleball courts, so that would double the pickleball courts for those players.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I oppose tennis courts sharing with pickleball courts!! Confusing multiple lines, pickleball noise, not enough tennis courts already! County should build dedicated pickleball courts!!

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I live in Wailuku, but I drive up to the Kula Community Courts because they are the best on Maui. I oppose the use of these courts for anything other than tennis. It is already difficult enough to secure a tennis court because of their popularity. If anything, we need MORE tennis courts, not less - and by converting the courts into “multi-purpose” courts, the community will have less tennis courts. Please do not take away our tennis courts.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I'm semi-retired and an avid tennis payer here on Maui. I oppose the use of the tennis courts for anything other than tennis.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I'm not sure what motion is being discussed, so I can't say that I Support or Oppose the events of this meeting.
    However, I've been on Maui for 20 years and playing TENNIS for about 10 years along with my wife and children. What I've learned in all that time is that there are NOT ENOUGH TENNIS courts. The few that are available are almost always being used. This means that I, my family and my tennis partners have to wait in order to play. If the few TENNIS courts available are converted to share with Pickleball that means more waiting times.
    If the Pickleball folks want courts, then the county should build them something separate. In addition, the current tennis courts are in need of better maintenance, repairs and better lights.
    Thank you,

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am grateful to be able to play tennis here on our beautiful island. The tennis community in Maui is large and I see more and more seniors staying active through tennis. Now that I am retired I am able to play during the day. The tennis courts are always occupied with tennis players and sometimes there is a wait.
    It is very important that the County consider building NEW additional designated pickle ball courts for the pickle ball players so they can enjoy their sport as well without using courts designated for tennis.

    Diane Chaves

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    As a 25 year tennis player on Maui and a new pickleball player, I can affirm that though the sports appear similar, they are very different and should be given different court space to benefit the community. There are few tennis courts available to the public and require much more intense and specialized surfaces. Pickleball is conducive to a cheaper court, even blacktop conditions. The noise of pickleball is much louder than a typical tennis game, both from the sound of the plastic Hollie ball hitting the solid paddle, abd with the cheering and boisterous participation of the players. Tennis is a more quiet focused sport and does well in neighborhoods that appreciate the quiet. We have lost many tennis courts to development and disrepair. The tennis games are typically an hour long while pickelball is maybe 20 minutes. It’s popularity comes from the ease of learning and party like atmosphere. Pickelball courts are needed but should not be at the expense of tennis courts. The multiple lines are the wrong way to go. Thank you for openjng This up to input.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Kalama tennis courts, only 4, are used for public play, adults classes, kids classes, high school practice and matches and even a free place for our tennis playing tourists. Tennis and pickleball are not compatible for many reasons, lines on courts, noise levels from balls and participants. If a new sport is invented it doesn’t mean they should take the existing sports space.
    Courts for pickleball have courts at a location that does not mix the two. If more courts are needed raise money and build don’t take from the few tennis courts we have. They are tennis courta, not pickleball, not skating rink, not soccer field, not skateboard park. Please save our courts for tennis only , yea all 4 of them, it’s all we have

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I am a long time Maui resident and enjoy living here because of the outdoor sporting activities such as tennis. Our tennis culture is very active, friendly and growing steadily. I am really surprised that a designated area for tennis can be repurposed for another sport without given much consideration to the impact it has to the tennis community. 
    Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t the purpose of a tennis court to play tennis on it?
    Pickle ball players have every right to practice their sport and they should have a place to enjoy their hobby. But they should do so on pickle ball courts, not on tennis courts. And here are the reasons why:
    1. Not only are the new lines distracting to tennis play, but when tennis tournaments are played on the courts the extra lines would make the courts non-conforming with the ITF rules concerning court layout. It is a shame that the integrity of the courts would be degraded in this way, and it might affect the legitimacy of tournament play.
    2. The net height is not the same as for tennis play. Constantly changing the height degrades the nets.
    3. The game does not have the same rules for play time. In matter of fact there are no rules! Once pickle ball players are on court they don’t leave.
    4. There are not enough tennis courts to support an already large and growing tennis community.
    5. Distraction / hindrance when both sports are being played at the same time. Pickle ball is loud and so is the crowd.
    6. As many supporters of pickle ball have stated the sport is growing continuously, so if tennis courts were indeed be shared with tennis players soon we’d be outnumbered and would end up in continuous fights over who is to use the courts. It creates a hostile environment where fun and play should really rule.
    I understand that pickle ball has become a popular sport and that they are looking for a place to practice. 
    I also understand that it has been a quick and easy solution for this growing community to set up camp at the few public tennis courts but don’t think this is sustainable for the reasons outlined above.

    A much better and permanent solution to the problem could be to carve out space within some of the parks’ green areas where there are natural wind breaks or even better build indoor courts for them. Most park lawns are not used AT ALL and the green spaces are huge. For example across from War Memorial down below the skate park, no one uses that empty lawn area. Could you see a few pickle ball courts built there? 
    I sincerely hope that Parks and Recreation is going to come up with a building plan soon for pickle ball play.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Tennis and pickle ball, though look similar, are two very different sports requiring different skills, court setup, and facility needs. I believe that sharing courts by players of these two different sports would only worsen conflicts and increase complaints from both sides. I am a tennis player but may try to play pickle ball in the future. I strongly believe that the county should build new courts for pickle ball players while improving existing tennis courts for tennis players. The court size for pickle ball is much smaller, and building new pickle ball courts should not take up a lot of park space. We understand that building new pickle ball courts and renovating/maintaining existing tennis courts take time and financial investment, but it would be all worth it if positive outcome from these investments is taken into consideration. I live in south Maui. The tennis courts at Kalama Park are almost always full in the mornings and in the afternoons from 4:30 to around 8:30. I can hardly imagine how sharing courts by these two different sports would satisfy the needs of players from both sports. I sincerely hope that the county will consider designating new park space for pickle ball players.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    I play tennis in Kula and KCC every week for the last 20 years. These courts are in great condition and should be considered a jewel in parks and recreation department. To superimpose pickleball court lines on them would degrade them into a second class facility. The kula tennis community lobbied many years to get the county to build those courts and now the pickle ball community can do the same to get courts exclusively for pickelball.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Please don’t take away our tennis courts. We already have to share our courts with all the tennis players on Maui. I understand pickle ball is very popular so please make separate courts for them.

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    Guest User almost 3 years ago

    Tennis and Pickle ball courts should be kept separate.
    Let's grow both sports on their own courts rather than ruin the experience for both.
    Both sports while they look similar have VERY different setups and different needs.
    The sport of tennis has 4 players max on a court, the balls are quieter, you.need concentration.and the court line dimensions are different and so is the net height.
    By packing Pickle ball players to already crowded tennis courts, ruins the whole sport of tennis since pickle ball is noisy like ping pong, lines get drawn over tennis lines which confuses tennis players and ruins their game, nets heights are changed by pickle ball players, damaging tennis nets.
    These 2 sports are not compatible to be played in the same space.
    Tennis players waited patiently to get the tennis courts built.
    Pickle ball players can come up with other solutions for their sport rather than taking away courts from another sport.
    Here are some - convert parking lots so.e

    where else, built your own courts somewhere else, use your own private pickleball courts, get funding like the tennis community did and work on building your own courts.
    This way we have 2 thriving separate sports.