Meeting Time: August 16, 2021 at 9:00am HST
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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Would like to submit my support for the continuation of the Paia Youth Center operations. It is a great place and much needed to make sure our next generation of humans grows up conscientious and active participants of the community!

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I strongly support HCP-20 CC 20-559 AUTHORIZING A GRANT OF A LEASE OF COUNTY RECREATIONAL SPACE TO PAIA YOUTH COUNCIL, INC. (HCP-20) because they do a lot for the youth of Maui.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Maintaining outlets for youths to attend habitually, socialize, be introduced to and develop new skills are absolutely crucial and this is a well documented fact. The Paia, and Haiku communities both have benefitted from the existence of the youth center whether its the genuine appreciation, nostalgia, and good-will that those who have attended it as kids or even the rates of other criminal activity or other adverse scenarios that arise in communities with young people who have too much free time an no outlets for their emotions and efforts. Investing in the youth center will ensure the sustainable growth of Paia town through a peaceful and pleasent culture, good reputation, and happy/healthy population. It is an investment that Paia has benefitted from for quite a while and should continue or even improve upon into the future.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    The PYCC has kept me safe as a child and taught me so many important things about life. Growing up in paia town, and having a difficult childhood, having a place to get away from all the negativity and being met with support and care from every team member was one of the most important things that has ever happened to me. I learned so much that I couldn’t have or might not have in my situation and I will forever be grateful for them. This is something we need for everyone in the community please continue supporting them

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    The PYCC is a so important to the north shore communities and Maui as a whole. When I first started visiting the PYCC at the age of 9 I took a special interest in the Hekili Media Lab. Specifically in photography and filming. Over the years Pete taught me everything I know about the visual arts. Now that I’m an adult I moved to California to pursue my passion and just landed a career job doing exactly what I love and I owe it all to the PYCC! In addition to the media lab there are so many other good programs to learn from. I truly believe the PYCC is the most influential place for the youth of Maui and must be preserved and funded for generations to come. I hope that you consider helping the PYCC expand its endeavors. The possibilities are endless. Thank you for your time.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I've only been to the center one time, but it seemed like a nice place for kids to go and alot of people visit on a daily basis. If many local people enjoy the center, then I believe it is useful for the community.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Social psychologists will tell you that the health of a community is in large part based on the health of the youth in that community. Hawaiians have always understood that the wellbeing of the community is of paramount importance to the wellbeing of the individual. Yet in today’s society we see more communities falling apart; separated. As parents in this North Shore Maui community, whether we grew here or flew here, we share some things in common: we want our kids to be healthy and happy, and we want to be a part of a healthy and positive community.

    This is the foundation of what the PYCC provides; it’s a container for the health of our kids and our community. Ask the kids and they’ll tell you it’s all about the skate park, or ping-pong tournaments, surfing and bodyboarding, helping Ben in the kitchen, or the adventures to waterfalls… Ask the parents and they’ll admit at times it’s just nice to have the kids out of the house and out from in front of a TV or computer screen. But underneath all of that are the building blocks necessary to healthy childhood development: safety, exploration, nurturing, connection and responsibility.

    We are a family with four kids; two involved daily at PYCC and two who cannot wait to turn nine years old so they too can be involved daily at PYCC. Even at three and five years old, they see and hear stories about what their older siblings do, the connections they have to friends and staff, and the overall excitement they exude about the time spent at PYCC, and understand that there is magic waiting for them as well.

    It cannot be understated what a beneficial impact PYCC provides to our families and community. Between the facility, the activities (including educational) and the amazing – and I mean AMAZING – staff, we have a unique situation that must be protected and advanced in any way necessary to ensure its longevity and continued positive effect.

    With much gratitude and aloha,
    Robb and Heather

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    PYCC has been such an enriching place for our children. They are able to stay active with skating and ocean activities. They love the field trips and the radio show. The staff is wonderful as well. Thank you for providing a safe place for our keiki to be healthy socially, physically, and mentally. PYCC has provided freedom within structure and allows the kids to thrive and be a part of a caring community. This program is essential.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    I support the new proposed plan for PYCC.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    We need to continue to have a safe place for our keiki to go, learn, have fun, and stay out of trouble.. PYCC has proven to demonstrate qualities that are beneficial in our community and our keiki.. continuing PYCC is amazing and just good business

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    Rhonda Fosbinder about 3 years ago

    Paia Youth and Cultural Center is an invaluable community resource that has proven time and again that it is an excellent steward of the local area and a tremendous support to local youth. For nearly 3 decades, PYCC has rooted and grown its values and demonstrated the ability to serve its mission of "building community through our youth". As the positive reputation of PYCC and its importance to the local community has grown, so to has its need to expand beyond its current structure. PYCC will simply not be able to serve the local youth and community the way it does now without the lease expansion, and there is really no good reason to deny that request. PYCC does so much with so little, but membership continues to grow and at this point the center absolutely needs to relocate. Any "better" uses of the area are merely theoretical, because PYCC has already demonstrated that ITS use is not only ideal, but also vitally important. It is all too easy to take a place like PYCC for granted, but when you stop to evaluate how truly much PYCC has done for the area and the youth, you can see what a huge loss it would be for them to falter because they were prevented from relocating to a structure that doesn't fill up with sand and water, and which could suffer a catastrophic loss of equipment at any time. There is no reason to limit PYCC's resources in light of its demonstrated value, integrity, stewardship, and skill in youth development. PYCC is an established organization with a truly solid history, and they should be granted the lease expansion for the benefit of the entire community.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    The PYCC is an amazing resource for children and parents! It gives children a safe place to gather and enjoy. Also teaching them valuable life skills like
    cooking! Please keep this valuable community resource available for the future generations of Maui.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    PYCC is an outstanding resource to the community, especially for working families. A safe haven for kids to learn, get exercise and make friends. All the staff are amazing! It’s every kids dream to have such a heart felt community to be a part of. It a place where childhood memories are made and lives in the heart of many a kid. Please extend the lease and make sure they are fully supported to keep this vital North Shore amazing kid scantuary thriving!!!

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Pycc is such an amazing part of our community. My two sons have benefited from this program immensely. Especially during a time of Covid when they were separated from their friends in school this community center case my boys an opportunity to connect with their peers and this was a tremendous benefit to their mental and physical health I support this program 110% and hope that they will be able to extend their lease and keep this amazing program going for the community.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Aloha! I am a PYCC parent. The incredible value of services provided by the PYCC for our young community during the pandemic is unprecedented. They have built such a wonderful and strong community, where kids can just be kids and play and learn. I hope the organization lives long into the future with the new expansion and improvements to the facilities. Mahalo for all you do to keep this dream going!

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    My two daughters go to PYCC and I find this place very amazing for our community and our youth. Mahalo for all your support

    Paula Daian, Haiku

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    The PYCC is an absolute treasure for Maui‘s youth and a necessity for many working families. A safe and fun environment with a multitude of enriching programs for kids to find enjoyment and inspiration. A fantastic and dedicated staff. Please support the lease expansion proposal so this wonderful program can continue to serve our children for years to come.
    Carrie Gebb

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    Guest User about 3 years ago


    I write the committee today in full support of an expanded lease of county recreational space to the Pa'ia Youth and Cultural Center. I have donated my time as backstage support to RadiOpio, KOPO-LP, at the PYCC for over ten years.

    Our broadcasters learn confidence and the joy of sharing music when they host their shows on the PYCC's radio station. Our broadcasters conquer the #1 fear of Western Civilization (public speaking) each time they speak into the microphone, and they speak proudly with excitement and fun. PYCC supports Maui youth with an abundance of love, wisdom, and guidance.

    I only visit your island for a few weeks each year, and I'll admit that I haven't visited since January 2020. However, I listen to KOPO-LP online almost daily, and I'm in regular contact with Laura Civitello, the program director. I have enjoyed each and every employee of the PYCC that I've met over many years. I've seen our broadcasters and PYCC members grow up before my eyes, and I see them share the lessons (and love) of the PYCC with their community.

    Beyond donating my time, I donate funds (or equipment) to the PYCC every year. If Maui County authorizes an expanded lease of county recreational space to the Pa'ia Youth and Cultural Center, I will be among the first in line to generously support the construction of PYCC's new building. The PYCC is a treasure for the north shore, and I hope your committee will support PYCC's growth and evolution.

    For what it's worth, I'm a fourth generation local of Amador County in Northern California. My community is quite similar to Maui's Upcountry and north shore, but we have vineyards and snow capped ski resorts, not tropical fruit and world class surfing. I wish that my home had more resources like the PYCC. The PYCC's members are fortunate to have such a home to share with one another.

    Anthony J. Spinetta
    Plymouth, CA
    Upcountry Maui someday

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    Pycc is a wonderful place that all kids feel they belong, it’s important for this age group to have activities and peers so they can grow with support and healthy challenges. Pycc offers counselors and an environment that nurtures this. We are so grateful to this community gem! I hope one day to pick up my grandchildren there.

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    Guest User about 3 years ago

    My son Joel has been going to PYCC for four years now. Joel is on the Autism spectrum and has been welcomed and mentored with open arms and Aloha. I watch the kids skateboarding when I'm there and they are serious athletes! They are not "playing around", they are practicing, and I'm quite confident that one day we will see one of our own in the Olympics! PYCC has been a refuge for Joel and so many of our kieki.