Meeting Time: May 17, 2021 at 9:00am HST

Agenda Item


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Tourism on Maui has passed the point where it is serving residents, and is now negatively affecting our quality of life. While visitor arrivals have been breaking records lately, local resident sentiment about the visitor industry has fallen to an all-time low. This is a problem that is continuing to grow, and the first step in solving any problem is to stop making it worse. The proposed visitor accommodations moratorium will pause further development of new hotel, resort, timeshare, short-term rental homes, bed and breakfast homes, and transient vacation rental units. This moratorium will give us time to address the problem.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    In February of this year, the Maui County Council unanimously passed a resolution “EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM, EMPHASIZING QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.” That was a good first step, but we need to see action. I support the proposed "MORATORIUM ON BUILDING PERMITS FOR VISITOR ACCOMMODATIONS (IT-54)” This Moratorium needs to be island-wide, not just for the already overdeveloped areas in South and West Maui. Passing a moratorium will not discourage visitors from coming, in fact, it will enhance their Maui experience. Please don’t let this island become another Waikiki. Bette Belanger

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Please a halt to more hotels! We are over run with visitors as it is and the lack of housing for working locals is appalling. Our infrastructure is in bad need of repair and our quality of life is in jeopardy. STOP and think this through.

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    Margie Lang over 3 years ago

    PLEASE PLEASE stop the building!!!! No more hotel rooms or short term rentals and make a plan to control the number of tourists and rental cars allowed!!!! Maui is being Destroyed!

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Aloha, We support the Maui Island Pan 2030, which justifies the proposed Moratorium. Please read the recent article in Civil Beat regarding over tourism impacts upon the lives and 'Aina of Hana. PEACE! Christel and John Blumer-Buell, Hana.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I support MORATORIUM ON BUILDING PERMITS FOR VISITOR ACCOMMODATIONS (IT-54). As a 38 yr resident of Maui, I've witnessed huge changes. Quality of life for the residents who serve the tourist who create the jobs must come to a balance and that balance will enhance the visitor experience as well. Instead of more tourist, how about less stress and more ALOHA for ALL of US residents & visitors alike.
    John Naylor PO Box 1749, Makawao

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I support the approval of a moratorium as recommended to the Council.
    from Mike Foley, Kihei.................former Maui County Planning Director

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I ask this simple question, “If not now then when?” For years now residents have heard our leadership talk about managing growth and finding ways to better balance the tourism industry with the quality of life for those whom call Maui home. Yet time and time again the results are the same. Planning commission votes to approve new or expanding hotels, yes votes for new high end condo projects and they do so without addressing the need for new infrastructure. I recently was watched 8 hours of testimony that was mostly against the new (or expansion as they prefer to call it) of the Maui Coast Hotel. It was incredibly obvious from early on that the majority of the planning commissioners had already decided to vote “yes” on the project. The public testimony which is supposed to be considered was clearly looked upon a as mere nuisance to the commission. Why even have a public form? I and many others I spoke with felt humiliated by the commissions attitude toward those against. The ones supporting the “expansion” were mostly from the hotel and construction industry. They were treated with such respect and asked to elaborate past their allotted 3 minutes on why we “need” the expansion. I tuned off my computer late that afternoon and felt helpless and sadly worried on what Maui will be like in the decades to come. Fewer open areas, traffic everywhere, tall buildings that will be there forever. I understand that there is a need for growth but it needs to be managed and balanced. What will be your legacy? Short term jobs and money or a legacy of balance that will make Maui the place we all love for generations to come. Please listen now before it is too late.
    Joe McDermott

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    Guest User over 3 years ago


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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    A million supports from me

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I strongly request Maui County council to place a county-wide moratorium on all medium to large scale visitor building permits. Mahalo Mary

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    Bobbie Best over 3 years ago

    We want sustainable tourism now, not just more & more as in days past. Residents are not as happy sharing resources with people who often don't value what is here. Please stop offering rooms until we figure this out!
    When I moved to Maui 50 years ago I thought that we had the example of Miami Beach & wouldn't go that route. Maybe I was wrong. Hope not

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    Paula Phillips over 3 years ago

    Please support the moratorium on building permits for visitor accommodations and amend it to include the entire county of Maui. What we need is sustainable tourism, emphasizing quality over quantity.
    There are already too many hotel rooms and visitor accommodations including B&Bs and TVRs. These are impacting the lives of our residents by increasing property values and taxes. Housing continues to be out of reach for most of our long-term residents for either rental or purchase. By not passing this bill you will only make this worse. It is also affecting our natural resources. We need to take the time to re-evaluate our economy and diversify. I can go on and on… but I am hoping you will do the right thing and please think of the future generations and support this bill for a better Maui County.

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    Mark Hyde over 3 years ago

    I support the proposed moratorium - which should be islandwide. I believe community consensus has been reached in favor of better balance between visitors and resident quality of life. A significant reason for my support for this measure is that THERE IS NO PLAN OF ACTION to achieve this balance. A moratorium will give the executive branch of government time to develop an action plan (not just words) to include (1) SPECIFIC STEPS to be taken, (2) by WHOM, (3) with what ACCOUNTABILITY (4) against what TIMELINE and (5) MILESTONES, (6) designed to achieve what EXPLICIT GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES coupled with (7) how the plan will be made PUBLIC AND REGULARLY REPORTED ON BY THE MAYOR. Basic management 101 please.

    We CAN HAVE a vibrant visitor industry and resident support at the same time. This will not happen by continuing to drift mindlessly now.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I strongly support IT-54, “Moratorium on Building Permits for Visitor Accommodations”. Please amend it so that it includes all of Maui County. Otherwise new development will just move to other areas.

    We are already way in excess of visitor numbers permitted by the Maui General Plan, as well as our carrying capacity. It’s past time for a long pause.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    In the interests of all concerned, tourism industry, businesses, and residents, there should be action to stop the relentless and historic appetite for more and more tourism to these islands. Now that we have the perspective of time we have all seen its impact on our environment and lifestyle. Hawaii will not be the first to limit the destructive effects of over-tourism. But let's not be the last. Take action now. mahalo. P. Loomis

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Please put a moratorium on more visitor accommodations on Maui. There are more than enough already and the over tourism is reducing the quality of life for both residents and tourists alike. We need less tourists on island at a time, not more.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Please do not continue to overbuild Maui. Infastruture is needed, sewage and treatments overloaded
    Stop more development!

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I strongly support this pause and ask that you extend it to the rest of Maui County. We do not need any new accommodations right now when the rest of our infrastructure can’t handle it.
    Sarah Bryan, Haiku

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I work in the tourism industry my livelihood depends directly on tourists but ... it’s time for this community to defend itself from over tourism. Soon Maui will cease to be the Maui, truthfully it is already lost. Tourists come to visit this island for a reason and when they stop coming what then? And they will stop polluted water no coral reefs, multiple fires, homelessness and drug abuse out in the streets. We need to think bigger and longer term. The environmental dangers are only apart of my concern we are turning our home into Daytona Beach just fat lazy overindulged and dirty. We must say no to over development. Maui needs to manufacture something but NOT short term construction projects it’s short sighted and only helps a few people... those wealthy developers who don’t need more. Short term lies of good jobs are lies we need to deal with real issues. Poor education, residents do not have the necessary skill set to move into the next century. It’s time to get serious about the big picture. Oh and where is that shuttle service from the airport to hotels to cut down on traffic??? Promises promises...