Meeting Time: March 18, 2021 at 5:30pm HST
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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    There is no better place on Maui, possibly the whole country or even the WORLD than the PYCC for youth and their families. For MULTIPLE GENERATIONS the staff of the PYCC have not only instilled life skills, confidence, prevention based programing, and simply offed a safe place to be for their thousands and thousands of members, but they have fully taken care of the PUBLIC LAND that surrounds their facility. The dunes that protect the public park, public restrooms and public parking lots from high surf and rising sea levels are all planted and maintained by the PYCC staff and the YOUTH. The high levels of drug addicts and houseless people in the area are kept a close watch on and reported to police by PYCC STAFF. The tons of rubbish left behind by surfers, bodyboarders, beach goers and the people previously mentioned is all mostly picked up by PYCC STAFF and youth. The people that pour their hearts into taking care of the youth, families, and nature of the north shore of Maui should be offered the opportunity to expand their presence and carry out their mission way into the future as their current site is threatened by costal erosion and climate change. I 1000% support this!

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    The Paia Youth Center is an amazing and safe place for our youth. My son who is eleven loves going there. He has made new friends and learned new skills. The staff are caring and supportive. The skate park is supervised so all the kids wear helmets and shoes making it a much safer place than any other skate park on the island. If my son was not at PYCC he would be unsupervised at home and on his screen. Instead he is healthy, safe and exploring his passions. His mind and body are developing. The youth center is such an important part of our community. Please expand and extend their lease. So many youth and families benefit from this one of a kind youth center. As a taxpayer and a 20 year resident and teacher, there is no better place I would rather have my son or my tax dollars go. Our ohana fully supports the Pa'ia Youth Center!

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    The Paia Youth Center is an amazing and safe place for our youth. My son who is eleven loves going there. He has made new friends and learned new skills. The staff are caring and supportive. The skate park is supervised so all the kids wear helmets and shoes making it a much safer place than any other skate park on the island. If my son was not at PYCC he would be unsupervised at home and on his screen. Instead he is healthy, safe and exploring his passions. His mind and body are developing. The youth center is such an important part of our community. Please expand and extend their lease. So many youth and families benefit from this one of a kind youth center. As a taxpayer and a 20 year resident and teacher, there is no better place I would rather have my son or my tax dollars go. Our ohana fully supports the Pa'ia Youth Center!

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Pa’ia Youth Center, it’s staff, and especially it radio and media programs not only help enrich the Maui community, but play a vital role in sustaining the media industry here. Without their programs, radio stations like mine would have no hope of finding staff in the future nor be able to change and adapt to youth trends in our field of entertainment. I consider the PYC a vital and important entity that should be given the resources it needs to complete its mission. Please consider the future of media in Hawaii, and vote yes on this grant.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Pa’ia Youth Center, it’s staff, and especially it radio and media programs not only help enrich the Maui community, but play a vital role in sustaining the media industry here. Without their programs, radio stations like mine would have no hope of finding staff in the future nor be able to change and adapt to youth trends in our field of entertainment. I consider the PYC a vital and important entity that should be given the resources it needs to complete its mission. Please consider the future of media in Hawaii, and vote yes on this grant.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    PYCC is the heart of paia youth, the team is absolutely amazimg and offers a safe a playful environmental where kids can learn new skills, create friendships and enjoy a safe place. PYCC is truely a pillar for a lot of paia youth and asset to the community at large.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    I am in support of PYCC extending their lease and expanding their facilities. My kids love the activities and relationships they have made at PYCC. It’s a a wonderful place where the kids can keep active and explore new interests. I strongly support this amazing community club and know they are in need of some repairs and upgrades. Our children deserve a solid, safe place to come together and be active. Maui in particular the North Shore doesn’t offer too many facilities for the kids. Please approve this lease for the future generations!

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    Billy Jalbert over 3 years ago

    PYCC is a community treasure. It has served as a safe haven for all kinds of youth on the North Shore for nearly 30 years. It's importance has only grown as the community has expanded. The programs during Covid were extremely helpful to kids who lacked connection. PYCC helped my son mature, learn new skills and responsibilities for the last 8 years and he has made lifelong friends. The lease expansion will ensure that PYCC can continue to build community through our youth for the next 60 years. Please approve this lease! Mahalo!

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Paia youth center is the only place for many children to have someone to teach them skills they would otherwise not learn. A big part of paia and respected as a safe place for our children to go after school they can receive help with homework and meet new friends. The staff always inspire kids to do their best! Very few places on maui that do that but paia youth center always has. So many opportunities for kids to shine and be proud of themselves. It is needed and our kids deserve it.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Please let PYCC expand. They do so much good for our youth and community. It is truly a wonderful place. I support this 100%.
    Mahalo, Wendy Hudson

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    PYCC is vital for our community. It is a safe environment for youth to keeping active, learning social and extra curricular skills.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    Without the Paia Youth and Cultural Center, this pandemic would have made my kids mental health a nightmare. This center is the greatest gift to Maui’s keiki, and they need to remain open and available to keep the youth on a life path that is productive, empathetic, and fulfilling. Paia Youth Center is also helpful to parents who need to work full time to provide for their keiki. Our community supports this cause, and I’d like to see it stay open for the youth for generations to come.

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    Guest User over 3 years ago

    We need to continue to grow PYCC, they have been a tremendous asset to my children growth in becoming young adults. It's a safe place for our children to learn life skills, have fun while learning & to grow into valued members of our society.