Meeting Time: March 18, 2021 at 5:30pm HST
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    HCP Committee almost 4 years ago

    Testimonies received from HCP Committee

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    I was part of the small group of Paia folks who asked then Mayor Arakawa to connect Baby Park (Paia Bay) to Baldwin Park. We just wanted to see grass connecting one park to the other, parking and in the future whatever the community wanted: football field, basketball courts, canoe hale, etc. PYCC was always part of the discussion but I hear their role has expanded? I have no idea if that's a good thing or bad thing I just want to make sure the original intent of the park is not lost. Park Planner Dave Yamashita was part of our original discussions, please let me know what's going on email me at Sorry I had forgo live testimony today I was driving, mahalo and remeber to get vaccinated.

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    Aloha Council Members,
    I'm writing once again in support of the lease extension and expansion for the PYCC. It's my understanding that there could be some question as to the level of community support for the youth center and for the proposed new building project. I speak from longtime personal experience with this organization. As a 40+ year resident of Paia, and a PYCC board member for 17 years including 5 as president I KNOW how much the community supports this organization. PYCC has given generations of Maui youth a big step up in opportunities of many kinds. There is no question that the community supports all that PYCC does. NONE of this can be replaced. If you fail to grant the extension and additional land request you will be telling the community that accelerating the demise of the PYCC is OK. It's not OK. It would be a disaster. Please have the wisdom to put the future of Maui's youth as your highest prioity. They deserve nothing less.
    Geoffrey Bourne (Paia)

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    marcy martin almost 4 years ago

    See attached

    Attachments: pycc31821.pdf
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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    Please approve the Lease extension as proposed by the Paia Youth and Cultural Center.
    It is one of the few truly positive programs provided to our youth & community. The life skills & quality programs offered are unmatched. To loose this would be a tremendous loss to our community & children.

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    Jeff Chong almost 4 years ago

    Aloha Council Members,

    I would like to submit my testimony to defer your decision of “A grant of lease of county recreational space to Paia Youth Council, Inc.”

    PYCC is a great organization!

    The youth and teens that have passed through its doors over the years have gained knowledge and skills from the talented staff. PYCC and it's staff continue to do an amazing job and are an important part of the community.

    I am in favor of PYCC creating a new site and building away from the ocean. I hope more information on how the land is going to be used is available before any final decisions are made. The original area makes sense as it is furthest from the ocean. I was a part of the Baldwin Beach Committee that was in favor of it, before the change.

    I recently learned (PYCC Zoom Meeting 3-16-2021) that David Yamashita of the County Parks Department in a conversation with Paia Youth Center leadership asked them to increase the size of the asking property because the Parks Department has issues with the upkeep of the area fronting the original PYCC Potential Future site. (Baldwin Beach Committee-Concept Plan B) This is not a reason or explanation for the size of the lease.

    Thank you for your time,
    Jeff Chong

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    I am in full support of the PYCC Lease Extension and Expansion. I have so many positive feelings when I think of the PYCC my heart over flows. I strongly feel that it is important for the PYCC to be able to continue to provide in the future what they have been providing for so many keiki and their ohana for decades.
    A safe and healthy environment where Maui's youth are free to express themselves, learn new skills, connect with nature, and a safe place when there is no where else to go.
    The PYCC was that and more for me growing up. It was my second home. They sparked a passion and love for my community that i didn't know i had. They encouraged me in so many ways. It was there at the PYCC Paia Bay Cafe that led me to my passion for cooking!! The PYCC helped put me through college! They also gave me my first job at their StoneWave Skate Park that really gave me the confidence I so desperately needed.
    I am now 30 years old and still astonished by the PYCC. My niece and nephew now attend the PYCC and it has so much more to offer then it did when I went. I can not wait to see what they will have in the future. It is a forever growing magical place that the children of Maui will always need and cherish.

    Anna Higa

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    I am a PYCC parent, and I recognize the importance of having a solid organization like the PYCC look after this expansive parcel on the North Shore. I would trust the future leadership of the PYCC to perpetuate the righteousness of this land and it's resources. Please help the PYCC to address the shoreline access and parking issues, which I believe WILL ONLY IMPROVE if the PYCC is granted the full access it is requesting. Mahalo

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    You should definitely grant the Paia Youth and Cultural Center the lease renewal and expansion for many reasons. The center its self has raised many children to young healthy respectable adults in our community. PYCC has taught kids many respectable values and life skills, then in turn become thriving adults. Many families rely on the youth center as a safe place for their children to go while they
    go to work knowing their children are learning, playing and are safe. The center is not only is a safe haven , it hosts many physical activities ,educational, cultural and many friendships grow from PYCC. It is a place that allows the kids to blend their ideas, cultures ,enjoy, respect and grow in their environment. We really support the Youth center and strongly recommend the council to approve the Grant of lease.
    Support our island Keiki into living healthy viable lives. Aloha

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    You should definitely grant the Paia Youth and Cultural Center the lease renewal and expansion for many reasons. The center its self has raised many children to young healthy respectable adults in our community. PYCC has taught kids many respectable values and life skills, then in turn become thriving adults. Many families rely on the youth center as a safe place for their children to go while they
    go to work knowing their children are learning, playing and are safe. The center is not only is a safe haven , it hosts many physical activities ,educational, cultural and many friendships grow from PYCC. It is a place that allows the kids to blend their ideas, cultures ,enjoy, respect and grow in their environment. We really support the Youth center and strongly recommend the council to approve the Grant of lease.
    Support our island Keiki into living healthy viable lives. Aloha

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    Josh Stone almost 4 years ago

    Paia Youth and Cultural Center should be granted the lease renewal and expansion. The benefits the center have provided to the keiki and North Shore community as a whole have been tremendous. It has been a safe haven for so many young people over the years, providing a connected experience that crosses social and economic divides. In short, it brings kids and people of all walks of life together to share in fun, adventurous and educational experiences that lead to lifelong friendships and bonds. PYCC has been a proven steward of the lands and area around Paia Bay, and this is shown in the endless effort made by PYCC of educating our youth to protect, enjoy and preserve the ocean and land. An expanded PYCC would bring further benefits and long term stewardship of the area, as well as increased capacity to handle our growing population on the North Shore and Maui. I would strongly urge council to approve this request and support our Maui keiki.

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    Our youth and cultural center has become the beacon,the lighthouse for the future of our of community. Please support!!

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    I fully support the proposed lease to the Paia Youth and Cultural Center at Paia. This is a no brainer. We need the PYCC and their current clubhouse is on the sand dunes and threatened by erosion. The PYCC helps all the kids to stay out of trouble.

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    Blaze Anderson almost 4 years ago

    Please approve the Lease extension as proposed by the Paia Youth and Cultural Center.
    The Paia Youth Council, Inc and PYCC have a proven track record of over 26 years as responsible stewards of the community and the land at Paia Bay. The area of extended lease should be considered a natural expansion to their existing footprint. I invite anyone in question to show up on site and walk the area to understand the geography and connection to PYCC's operations. The small area in question surrounding the pump station is in need of clearing and care to provide additional community space under the responsibility of PYCC and for the future safety of the youth members and general public. This area will not have limited access to beach or ocean use by community members and will allow for a cooperative approach to public lands to be used for their best serving purpose. This area is just a small portion of the land between Baldwin Beach and Paia Bay, leaving ample area to the east side of Baldwin Beach to develop County Park operations as requested by the small amount of opposing community members. The private community support of PYCC has lessened the burden of the County funding and resources in a model example for other nonprofits to follow. Thank You, please reach out if further testimony is needed. Mahalo.

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    Please approve the lease extension and expansion for the Paia Youth and Cultural Center. This is an important and special place for our keiki to learn and grow. As a community, it is critical we protect and preserve these significant places on island.
    Mahalo Nui Loa! #plagiarism but how i feel.

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    Samantha Frick almost 4 years ago

    Please approve the extension of the leased grounds for the Paia Youth and Cultural Center. I want to support the continued use of the space for our youth. Youth centers are cornerstones to community development. This space is uniquely designed to maximize positive impact on our youth and their connection to the environment and community. Mahalo.

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    Please grant the lease to Paia Youth & Cultural Center so they can continue their important work with Maui County youth. I believe that there are many people on Maui and throughout the world whose lives have literally been saved because the PYCC has provided a safe place for young people to be. Also thousands more whose lives have been very enriched by the many fun and educational programs they make available, as well as the education and promotion of the Hawaiian culture. Our island would be much poorer without the PYCC, and they have the support of the entire community. They need your support too!
    Sincerely, Dorothy Betz, Maui resident since 1976 and registered voter

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    Please approve the lease extension and expansion for the Paia Youth and Cultural Center. It is very important for the local youth to have safe and encouraging environment where they can communicate, learn and grow. There aren't' enough places on the island to engage with our next generation of leaders and this center is a necessary outlet and place for us to cultivate the next generation of forward thinkers.
    Mahalo Nui Loa!

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    Guest User almost 4 years ago

    Please approve the lease extension and expansion for the Paia Youth and Cultural Center. This is an important and special place for our keiki to learn and grow. As a community, it is critical we protect and preserve these significant places on island.
    Mahalo Nui Loa!

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    John Miller almost 4 years ago

    To the Esteemed Maui County Council,

    I humbly request and recommend that the Maui County Council move to expeditiously APPROVE the lease extension and expansion for the Paia Youth and Cultural Center as a testament of our kuleana to protecting and preserving the futures our of future generations. There is no better investment that a community can make than to support and empower our keiki with the necessary tools, life skills, and values to seed our community with leaders embodied with character, compassion, and critical thinking that will be necessary to solve our future problems.

    Malama pono,
    John Miller
    President, Mana Pacific, Inc.