Meeting Time: December 17, 2024 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 1 month ago

    It sounds like the county's money would be better spent hiring a staffing or recruitment agency who understands how to fit candidates looking for jobs with vacant roles matching their skills. I would propose you use the money for this marketing contract for a company that specializes in RECRUITMENT instead of marketing. People know the County has a lot of vacant positions - the problem is not the marketing. Based on hearing the presentation, it sounds like this marketing agency is not good at the matchmaking necessary to fill these roles with qualified people efficiently. If you have people applying for multiple roles but just not the right role, that is what staffing agencies and recruiters excel at.

    We have a number of locally owned staffing agencies - Altres, ProService, Employer's Options... that would be better suited to solve this recruitment problem than a marketing company that has failed to move the needle.

    As a side note, I don't think $38k salary is competitive. That amounts to around $18/hour which is not a living wage on Maui. No amount of marketing is going to fix that low wage - that is probably why retention is bad.

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    Guest User about 1 month ago

    I don't think the county can throw money at the recruitment problem to this marketing company and expect new results. People need flexibility and higher pay rates in order to afford living here. The policies need to be flexible to allow parents to work schedules that match their children's school schedules or work-from-home policies. Wages above $25/hour with flexible schedules, generous paid leave, and/or hybrid/work from home policies would probably result in an overwhelming number of applicants. I've been part of hiring teams that advertise those 2 things and they are overwhelmed with applicants.

    The more steps that people have to take to apply, the lower the applicant numbers will fall. Requiring people to take unnecessary tests for entry-level positions are adding to the problem. If there are urgent positions needing to be filled - hold a hiring fair and be ready to interview that day and hire if the applicants are qualified. If the problem is this serious you need to act with urgency, not contract a marketing company to tell us what we already know.

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    Desilee Santiago about 1 month ago

    I'm not confident that this company, BrandCrafters LLC, would be able to assess and determine what is lacking in our current County workforce. If they can research, and look within DPS (Department of Personnel Services), to see what can be changed and updated, then maybe there's a real chance for fundamental change within the hiring process for all State & County positions. I'm not privy to what the laws or requirements are that DPS needs to follow, however, whatever the policies are, they take an exorbitant amount of time to process submitted applications. Many people do not meet the minimum requirements for entry level clerical positions, which is part of the problem. Mostly all clerical and/or entry level positions are trainable positions. There is no job that someone who is qualified for, they can show up on day 1 and know what to do. They still need to be trained and learn the process of that specific position. Successful recruitment will need to start at the submittal process, and letting the departments determine if someone is qualified or trainable for their positions. The staff at DPS are not the ones doing the actual job or know what is needed for those positions. But the departments that are wanting and needing the staff, they are the ones who would know what is needed.
    I have personally waited 2-3 months before hearing if my application was received and if I qualified for a position. 10 out of 13 applications, I got an email that stated, “lacks minimum requirements”. You can submit for an administrative review, but the back and forth through email with DPS is exhausting to say the least.
    Retention is a little different. People leave managers or supervisors, not necessarily the position. There is lack in trained supervisors, and the office culture has been rough. My last position in the County entailed 3 employees leaving the department, primarily because of the supervisor. They had numerous concerns and complaints to their Admin, that was left unanswered, and no actions were taken to remedy the situation. So instead of filing a complaint with the union, they decided to leave and find a job elsewhere. Some stayed within the County and others went to work at private companies.
    Another issue with retention is the lack of pay for employees. The cost of housing and goods/services have gone up exponentially. The workforce is struggling to survive, but the pay stays the same. I’m not sure if the unions need to be involved, but it seems like it’s been stagnant for a long time. Then, it’s a double whammy when current County employees who apply for various positions with higher pay, get blocked by DPS and have to wait a long time for any correspondence. It’s extremely discouraging to deal with when you’re already stressed at a job that is understaffed, and you’re overworked and underpaid.
    I hope that if this company gets awarded monies for this contract, from our taxpayers, that they will be able to assist in fixing a lot of these issues.

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    Edward Codelia about 1 month ago


    Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony regarding the proposed budget allocation for the employee retention and recruitment services contract awarded to BrandCrafters LLC. After carefully reviewing the contract and evaluating the company’s publicly available information, I must express my strong opposition to this allocation. It is evident that the selected contractor lacks the necessary qualifications and experience for the scope of work required, which raises significant concerns about the effective use of taxpayer dollars and the County’s ability to address its pressing workforce challenges.
    BrandCrafters LLC, based on its online presence and portfolio, does not appear to have demonstrated experience in employee retention or recruitment services. This type of work demands specialized expertise in human resources, workforce development, and employee engagement strategies. Such tasks go beyond general branding and marketing, which seem to be the company’s primary area of focus. Without evidence of prior success in similar projects, it is difficult to justify entrusting them with this critical responsibility.
    The scope of work outlined in this contract involves complex tasks such as talent sourcing, compensation analysis, and developing strategies to improve employee satisfaction and retention. These are specialized functions that require a proven track record in human resources or related fields. Assigning this work to a contractor without relevant credentials risks ineffective outcomes, wasted resources, and delays in addressing the County’s ongoing workforce issues.
    Furthermore, this allocation raises concerns about the misuse of public funds. Awarding a contract of this magnitude to a company without the necessary qualifications undermines the integrity of the procurement process and diminishes public trust. Residents and employees of Maui deserve to know how and why BrandCrafters LLC was selected for a contract they appear ill-equipped to fulfill. Transparency is essential in ensuring that public funds are spent responsibly, particularly on initiatives as critical as employee retention and recruitment.
    The County is facing urgent workforce challenges, including high turnover, low morale, and recruitment difficulties. Allocating resources to an unqualified contractor jeopardizes the County’s ability to address these issues effectively. A misstep in this area could exacerbate existing problems and erode confidence in the County’s commitment to solving them. It is vital to redirect this funding to a provider with a verifiable track record and the expertise to deliver meaningful results.
    In light of these concerns, I respectfully urge the Council to reevaluate the selection of BrandCrafters LLC for this contract. I recommend suspending or reallocating these funds to secure a qualified provider with experience in employee retention and recruitment. Additionally, I encourage the Council to ensure greater transparency in the procurement process by disclosing the selection criteria and decision-making rationale.
    Employee retention and recruitment are essential to the County’s operational success and the well-being of its workforce. It is imperative that budget allocations in this area reflect a commitment to hiring contractors with the necessary expertise to address these critical needs effectively. Mahalo for considering my testimony. I am available to answer any questions or provide further insights.

    Edward Codelia