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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Our reefs and kama’aina shouldn’t suffer because of the department’s negligence. I strongly oppose the provision of bill 131

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Please explain to me why the county is going backwards in protecting our aina and ocean. Where is the reasoning and who brought this bill forward?

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Dear Council Members,

    I am strongly opposed to the provisions of Bill 131 that will allow the Department of Parks and Recreation to again use toxic pesticides and herbicides on county parks and the Waiehu Municipal Golf Course. These include glyphosate and triclogen, which have been shown by peer reviewed research to have toxic health effects and are potentially carcinogenic. Moreover, the repeated use of these chemicals will lead to resistance among targeted pests and weeds over time, leading to a need for a higher dosage or even ineffectiveness. The Department of Parks and Recreation needs to work harder to develop an integrated pest management and organic landscaping strategy, such as the one successfully used at Four Seasons Resort Lanai, Honokeana Cove and Royal Lahaina Resort & Bungalows, to treat these areas without the use of toxic pesticides and herbicides.

    Thank you

    Barry D. Solomon, Ph.D.
    Waikapu 96793

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Dear ADEPT committee,

    The Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches for all people. We submit these comments on behalf of our Maui chapter, as well as our U.S. network of nearly 200 chapters and clubs, and more than 350,000 supporters, activists, and members in the United States.

    We are opposed to Bill 131 (2024), relating to pesticide and fertilizer use on Maui County property (ADEPT-16) on the Committee’s agenda for its October 24th meeting. Surfrider believes the expanded exclusions created by the Bill for (amending County Code Section 2.50.050), undermines the fundamental purpose of Ordinance 5232, which the Maui County Council unanimously adopted in 2021. Ordinance 5232 was a groundbreaking piece of legislation that the Council unanimously passed to safeguard the health and welfare of the Maui community and to conserve and protect Maui waterways and natural resources. In that decision to ban use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers on County land, Maui took a leadership role, demonstrating what real commitment to their constituents and environment looks like.

    There is overwhelming scientific evidence in support of Ordinance 5232, demonstrating the harmful effects of the now prohibited pesticides and fertilizers on public health and our ecosystem. Nothing has changed in this regard; the harms are still readily apparent.

    In particular, Surfrider is alarmed by the proposal to eliminate the requirement for the Waiehu municipal golf course. The Wai`ehu Golf course is on oceanside property between Waiehu Beach Park and the environmentally sensitive Waiheʻe Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge. Runoff with toxic pesticides and fertilizers used on the golf course ends up in our waterways and ocean, polluting and compromising fragile marine ecosystems, and threatening the health of recreational users.

    Surfrider notes that importantly, the original ordinance and current County Code, section 2.50.060 specifically outlines a process to apply for ‘waivers’ to use prohibited pesticides or fertilizers. The waiver application requires that an agency seeking a waiver provide detailed information , including "how the public's health and safety is threatened" [by not using pesticide and fertilizer] (subsection (B)(7)), and under (B)(9), “[a]n explanation of how the application of otherwise prohibited substances will, to the greatest extent practical, minimize the impact of the application on the abutting properties, human health, and the environment.” In utter disregard of this existing requirement, Maui County Parks and Recreation Department (Parks Department) has not only failed to go through the very process designed to approve exemptions but has failed to address one of the core aspects prompting a waiver. Bill 131 completely contravenes the spirit and purposes of Ordinance 5232 and existing County Code.

    Ordinance 5232 set a clear schedule for compliance, moving away from toxic pesticides and fertilizers, allowing a generous three years for larger facilities including Wai`ehu Municipal Golf Course to comply including training and information with federal organic approved products. The Parks Department failed to use the allotted time to explore alternative options, and has failed to utilize critical available resources including Maui Nui Marine Resource Council (MNMRC), which offered funding to do a test plot at the Wai`ehu golf course in 2023. There are organic products that can work with proper training, but the Parks Department has not adequately explored all these options and opportunities provided to them.

    Bill 131 not only would exempt Wai`ehu Municipal Golf Course but also property subject to any State executive order that is not managed or controlled by the County, County agricultural parks, or County property used for agricultural purposes and County parks with grass playing surfaces, threatening to undermine the core purpose of the original ordinance.

    We encourage you to vote No on Bill 131 and encourage the Parks Department to work with MNMRC Reef Friendly Landscaping program to find feasible alternative solutions. The public health of the Maui community and our fragile ecosystems should not pay the price because the Parks Department did not utilize their three years to find alternative solutions.


    Hanna Lilley
    Surfrider Foundation, Hawai’i Islands Regional Manager

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Pesticides can be harmful, and further degrade our natural ecosystem.

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    I am a resident of Waikapū. I oppose this because surely there is a better way. We shouldnʻt pick the cheapest option but the safest and most sustainable. FYI I walk on Kanaha Beach once a week and a huge number of golf balls show up on the beach, which clearly have floated over from balls hit at the golf course. If golf balls can float all the way to Kanaha then there is no reason that pesticide runoff cannot also end up anywhere the currents go.

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Aloha Gabe glad you are heading ADEPT, Sorry to see Alice is still supporting dangerous chemicals for profit over public health. As a multigenerational Kula farmer and descendant of the Scottish founders of the game of golf can assure you that there is no need to poison Maui citizens and future generations because the current parks department can’t do what is easier and cheaper by embracing organic land management. Definitely against any use at Ag park as well as any other exemption from this proven organic management plan. Does Pat support this if so definitely disappointed as expect better. Strongly oppose any changes to bill 131. Mahalo

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    I am a Makawao resident, but more importantly a mother of a young children & a small dog that like to roll around in the grass & play outside. As a parent I worry that I'm exposing my helpless babies to cancer-causing chemicals. Please ban the use of pesticides & non-organic sprays on public use spaces like parks & ball fields & walking trails. Mahalo

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    I'm writing as a voter and resident of Makawao. Please vote no on Bill 131. It is quite surprising in this day in age...when everyone is aiming get healthier and move in a sustainable direction without pesticides and chemicals...and then such a bill and idea is proposed to go against common sense and community health. WOW...I truly hope you think of your children and grandchildren and pets as well as the whole population of Maui, that would be subjected to this kind of uncaring way to treat the Aina and the Waters and the Air...It is unbleievable that this bill is even being considered. We the people of Maui oppose chemical pesticides and fertilizers in our public parks!

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    I'm writing as a voter and resident of Makawao. Please vote no on Bill 131. It is quite surprising in this day in age...when everyone is aiming get healthier and move in a sustainable direction without pesticides and chemicals...and then such a bill and idea is proposed to go against common sense and community health. WOW...I truly hope you think of your children and grandchildren and pets as well as the whole population of Maui, that would be subjected to this kind of uncaring way to treat the Aina and the Waters and the Air...It is unbleievable that this bill is even being considered. We the people of Maui oppose chemical pesticides and fertilizers in our public parks!

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Aloha Chair Johnson, Vice Chair Sinenci and Committee Members,

    I'm writing as a voter and resident of Makawao. Please vote no on Bill 131. It is vital to the health of people, the ʻāina and the wai to reduce pollutants. The regulations in place should be given a fair chance, and the Parks and Rec Department should be required to comply. Please don't take us backward. Mahalo.

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Stop the use of pesticides!

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Aloha council members, please vote against using pesticides in Maui County. You are all an important part of keeping residents, visitors, and especially children safe from harmful chemicals.
    We'd like to let you know that we voted you on the council to represent us and urge you to vote against using the proposed pesticides. The vote meeting is on Thursday, Oct 24th. (tomorrow) and we shall see who cares about Maui
    Once you vote, we will know who to vote for in the upcoming elections.

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    These pesticides should be BANNED permanently!!!!

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    The fact that this is even an option is disappointing. Do what is right and keep things clean and healthy.

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    It is absolutely unacceptable to put toxic chemicals right onto the ground where our children play. The parks are already fine how they are! And at Waihee golf course right above the ocean. I can’t believe this bill is even being considered. In no way do we the people of Maui consent to chemical pesticides and fertilizers in our public parks!

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    I oppose bill 131, I do not support the use of pesticides.

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Terrible idea for our children

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    Opposition on repeat We cannot support the use of pesticides and obviously at the closest proximity to our waters! The wai to the Kai needs to remain pure for the best health of our lands our bodies our waters. We must oppose bill 131. Now and always.

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    Guest User 3 months ago

    I urge you to reject Bill 131, which would permit the use of pesticides in our children's parks. The well-being of their future depends on us, and allowing this bill would be a grave disservice, further poisoning an already compromised environment.