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Agenda Item


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    Pamela Tumpap 4 months ago

    Please see attached testimony.

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    Larry Stevens 4 months ago

    I support the amendment to Bill 126 to increase the # of EV chargers to 2/50 spaces. Maui's public charging infrastructure needs a lot of love, given the County's unwillingness to even enforce the existing standard. Therefore, I support additional changes:
    - Include workplace parking. Many people have no chargers at home, nor do they have convenient access to shopping areas to charge their vehicles. Workplace charging lets people charge during the day while they work, which means the power for charging comes from the excess solar power we generate each day, rather than burning stuff at night to recharge.
    - Include language/budget for enforcing the requirements. Maui has a long history of no monitoring/enforcement of its EV policies, which allowed terrible service availability to become the norm. Planning to charge somewhere and finding out there is no charger there, or that the charger is down multiplies the "range anxiety" that is a primary obstacle to EV adoption.

    Thanks for listening.