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    Guest User 6 months ago

    August 5, 2024

    Faith Seim
    Kihei, HI 96753

    Testimony in support of Gina Young as the Director of the East Maui Regional Water Authority

    Chair U'u-Hodgins and Members of the GREAT Commitee:

    Gina is a phenomenal candidate and by all accounts, is beyond well-suited to hold this position; she knows the water authority both inside and out, is seasoned in working with both the county and the state, highly professional, and competent. Most importantly, our government should respect and honor the will of the public, as well the East Maui Community Board, which gave her FULL UNANIMOUS support with every commissioner representing all the communities that have suffered water diversions of the past 100 years.

    It is past time for us to change the way we approach our water usage, as evidenced by last year's disastrous and deadly fires, as well as the ongoing fires the island now suffers on a regular basis. Mahalo for your kōkua in making a decision that determines our island's precarious future.

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    Guest User 6 months ago

    August 5, 2024

    Kim Willenbrink
    388 Kinaole Circle
    Kihei, Hawaii 96753

    Testimony in support of Gina Young as the DIRECTOR OF THE EAST MAUI REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY

    Chair U’u-Hodgins
    and Members of the GREAT Committee:

    I first worked with Gina Young in 2011. She was a Planner for the County Administration, and I was a Legislative Analyst for the Council. I worked with her briefly prior to that when she was KCA President and Committee Chair Victorino wanted to discuss water legislation with her. She and I have worked together in various capacities since that time.

    Gina will work with persistence and thoroughness in anything she takes on, just as she has shown thus far with her involvement in all aspects of the creation of the East Maui Regional Water Authority (Water Authority). She was instrumental in assisting Chair Sinenci’s committee in the adoption of the Water Use and Development Plan. For the past two years, she worked on the Water Authority Budget and staffing positions. She is no stranger to the Water Authority, State and County Law, the administrative process, and the needs of the community. She is ready for this position and eager to share her experience and knowledge.

    Thank you for this opportunity to testify in support of Resolution 24-129, RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT OF GINA M. YOUNG AS DIRECTOR OF THE EAST MAUI REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY.


    Kim Willenbrink

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    Guest User 6 months ago

    Kula Community Association
    P.O. Box 417
    Kula, Hawaiʻi 96790

    July 22, 2025
    To: Chair U’u-Hodgins
    Vice Chair Paltin
    Members of the GREAT Committee

    From: Bobbie Patnode, President, Kula Community Association (KCA)

    RE: Kula Community Association Unanimous Support for Gina Young

    The Board of the Kula Community Association met on July 2nd, 2024, and voted unanimously to support Gina Young as Director of the East Maui Water Authority.

    Our Board thinks it is very important to have someone who understands and supports Upcountry and who will work hard to address our water needs. Her existing relationship with the Kula community, built on years of listening to and representing our community as both a member of the KCA Board and as President, has created a strong foundation of trust among the people of this region.

    When Gina was our President, we benefited from her fair and ethical leadership style. As just one example, when the topic of a "Mayor Manager" was presented to the general membership, we had many offers to present in favor, but could not find someone willing to present against. Gina would not allow the KCA to present a one-sided view of such an important topic, so she took on the task of presenting the opposing view to our members. We know she will ensure we hear all sides of the relevant issues.

    As our President, Gina surveyed the community to ensure the Board would have quality information for us to act upon. She has promised to continue this practice by meeting with the KCA Board and community regularly to make sure she understands what we want and to give us information that will help us set our priorities and make decisions around water. At our recent Board meeting, she discussed the need for financial data to assist with decision making. The community needs to understand all factors around meeting the meter wait list and even thinking beyond the wait list to be sure the needs of local farmers are addressed.

    The Kula Community Association Board is looking forward to continuing to work with Ms. Young in her new position.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss.

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    ANTONETTE EATON 6 months ago

    see attached.

    Attachments: great_committee.docx
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    Guest User 6 months ago

    William Spence
    P.O. Box 880267
    Pukalani, HI 96788

    Chair U’U-Hodgins, Vice-Chair Paltin and Members
    Government Relations, Ethics and Transparency Committee
    Maui County Council

    Dear Chair U’u-Hodgins, Vice-Chair Paltin and Members,

    Thank you for considering this letter of reference for Gina Young. I have known Gina for more than 14 years. Our first meeting was when she was the president of the Kula Community Association. I was impressed how she ran meetings, even when government officials attended to discuss sometimes controversial topics - such as water. Gina was a staff planner when I became Planning Director in 2011, and I was her superior for 7.5 years. She was a pleasure to work with and conveyed a great attitude. She was always prepared for meetings, did the research, understood the issues and codes, and found creative ways to meet goals. Especially impressive was the way she carried herself in front of the Hana Advisory Committee, the Maui Planning Commission and County Council. Her presentations were always clear and understandable. Her demeanor was always fair to the public, applicants, and other professionals. Though in this position we didn’t always touch on native Hawaiian issues, when we did, she exhibited a sensitivity and understanding of the matter. Now she is an aide to Councilmember Sinenci, a native Hawaiian who spearheaded the creation of the East Maui Water Authority. As a consultant, I have worked with her from time to time on different matters before the Council. This position has brought her a deeper, perceptive understanding of politics and policy, native Hawaiian issues, as well as legislative process - the means to get things done. We have remained in touch while she holds this position and have found her to be effective, always personable.

    Gina would make a good director and I would highly recommend her for this position.

    William Spence