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    Susan PcolaDavis 6 months ago

    These two, Alika and Ruben projected that health issues would abound due to the toxins in the air, soil, and water.

    They are not two amateurs. They are dedicated to ensuring that the longitudinal study will follow those that have enrolled.

    Getting a baseline is first and foremost. Most of us who have been around are familiar with those that drank the jet fuel from the leaking Red Hill Fuel Tank Facility. Military doctors refused to assess them for fuel exposure. Treated each symptom separately.

    This plan will be able to follow enrollees through a time span for health conditions. This is a registry. Its been 3 years and Red Hill is just beginning a registry.

    It is time sensitive. Neither of them are getting paid from funds. Both have spent from their own pockets.

    For some reason the legislature changed this from a single purpose funding bill and included it in a larger bill that got vetoed.

    So bottom line, Maui how about funding some of this for your people. Mayor and County Council can use a portion of all the money received and provide additional funding for your Keiki and First responders.