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Legislation Text Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-12-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-13-2024 (1) Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-13-2024 (FY25 calendar) (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-18-2024 and Response 03-25-2024 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-18-2024 and Response 03-27-2024 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-18-2024 and Response 03-27-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-19-2024 (FY25 calendar revised) (AG-1) Correspondence to Agriculture 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (CC-1) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 03-19-2024 and Response 04-15-2024 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 03-19-2024 and Response 04-02-2024 (OM-1) Correspondence to Mayor and Response 03-28-2024 (PR-1) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (revised) (PS-1) Correspondence to Personnel Services 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (PD-1) Correspondence to Police 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (PA-1) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (PW-1) Correspondence to Public Works 03-19-2024 and Responses 04-02-2024 and 04-10-2024 (TD-1) Correspondence to Transportation 03-19-2024 and Response 03-27-2024 (WS-1) Correspondence to Water Supply 03-19-2024 and Response 03-25-2024 (FN-3) Correspondence to Finance 03-21-2024 (HO-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 03-21-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (HC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 03-22-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (revised) (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-22-2024 (FN-4) Correspondence to Finance 03-22-2024 Bill 60 (2024) Bill 61 (2024) Bill 62 (2024) Bill 63 (2024) Bill 64 (2024) Resolution 24-66 FY 2025 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program 03-25-2024 FY 2025 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis 03-25-2024 Correspondence from Mayor 03-25-2024 Bill 65 (2024) Resolution 24-67 Resolution 24-68 (PS-2) Correspondence to Personnel Services 03-27-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (revised) (PS-3) Correpsondence to Personnel Services 03-30-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (FN-5) Correspondence to FInance 03-30-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (FN-6) Correspondence to Finance 03-31-2024 and Response 04-08-2024 (PD-2) Correspondence to Police 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (EM-2) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (EWA-1) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (PW-2) Correspondence to Public Works 03-31-2024 and Response 04-08-2024 (WS-2) Correspondence to Water Supply 03-21-2024 and Response 04-03-2024 (PR-2) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 03-31-2024 and Response 04-05-2024 (TD-2) Correspondence to Transportation 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (LC-2) Correspondence to Liquor Control 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (EM-3) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-31-2024 and Response 04-05-2024 (AG-2) Correspondence to Agriculture 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 Correspondence from Finance 04-01-2024 Correspondence from Finance 04-01-2024 (1) Correspondence from Finance 04-01-2024 (2) eComments Report 04-01-2024 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 04-01-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 Correspondence from Environmental Management 04-01-2024 eComments Report 04-01-2024 East Maui Correspondence from Environmental Management 04-02-2024 (OCA-2) Correspondence to County Auditor 04-02-2024 and Response 04-16-2024 (OCS-2) Correspondence to Council Services 04-02-2024 and Response 04-11-2024 (OCC-2) Correspondence to County Clerk 04-02-2024 and Response 04-15-2024 (revised) (AG-3) Correspondence to Agriculture 04-02-204 and Response 04-05-2024 (PL-2) Correspondence to Planning 04-02-2024 and Response 04-12-2024 (PA-2) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-02-2024 and Response 04-05-2024 (CC-3) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 04-02-2024 and Response 04-11-2024 (PW-3) Correspondence to Public Works 04-03-2024 eComments Report 04-02-2024 eComments Report 04-02-2024 Makawao-Haiku-Paia Correspondence from Parks and Recreation 04-03-2024 Correspondence from Transportation 04-03-2024 (OM-2) Correspondence to Mayor 04-03-2024 and Response 04-10-2024 (revised) Correspondence from Agriculture 04-03-2024 (OWR-1) Correspondence to Management 04-03-2024 (FN-7) Correspondence to Finance 04-03-2024 and Response 04-08-2024 Correspondence from Water Supply 04-03-2024 Correspondence from East Maui Water Authority 04-04-2024 (EMA-2) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-05-2024 (HO-2) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-04-2024 and Response 04-10-2024 (HC-2) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-05-2024 and Response 04-10-2024 (BD-4) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-04-2024 (EM-4) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-04-2024 and Response 04-09-2024 eComments Report 04-03-2024 eComments Report 04-03-2024 Upcountry eComments Report 04-04-2024 (FS-2) Correspondence to Fire & Public Safety 04-05-2024 and Response 04-11-2024 (MD-2) Correspondence to Management 04-05-2024 and Response 04-12-2024 (TD-3) Correspondence to Transportation 04-05-2024 and Response 04-10-2024 (AG-4) Correspondence to Agriculture 04-05-2024 and Response 04-12-2024 (PR-3) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 04-05-2024 and Response 04-10-2024 Correspondence from Liquor Control 04-05-2024 (BD-5) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-05-2024 and Response 04-08-2024 (FN-8) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2024 and Response 04-09-2024 (revised) (WS-3) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-05-2024 (HO-3) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-05-2024 and Response 04-09-2024 Correspondence to Douglas Bigley 04-06-2024 and Response 04-11-2024 Resolution 24-77 Correspondence from Prosecuting Attorney 04-08-2024 Correspondence from Public Works 04-08-2024 (FN-10) Correspondence to Finance 04-08-2024 and Response 04-09-2024 Correspondence to State Department of Taxation 04-08-2024 and Response 04-12-2024 (revised) (CC-4) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 04-08-2024 (PD-3) Correspondence to Police 04-08-2024 and Response 04-09-2024 (MD-3) Correspondence to Management 04-08-2024 and Response 04-10-2024 Correspondence from Acting Budget Director (Planning Director) 04-08-2024 Correspondence from CDBG 04-08-2024 Bill 70 (2024) Correspondence from Committee Chair 04-09-2024 (FN-9) Correspondence to Finance 04-09-2024 and Response 04-11-2024 (CC-5) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 04-09-2024 and Response 04-11-2024 (BD-6) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-09-2024 and Response 04-16-2024 (PA-3) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-09-2024 and Response 04-12-2024 (PL-3) Correspondence to Planning 04-09-2024 and Response 04-18-2024 (PW-4) Correspondence to Public Works 04-09-2024 (FN-11) Correspondence to Finance 04-09-2024 and Response 04-11-2024 Correspondence from Chief of Staff 04-10-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 04-10-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 04-10-2024 (1) (CC-6) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 04-11-2024 (BD-7) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-11-2024 and Response 04-17-2024 Correspondence from Emergency Management Agency 04-12-2024 Correspondence from Fire 04-12-2024 Correspondence from Management 04-12-2024 Correspondence to Maui Humane Society 04-12-2024 and Response 04-16-2024 Correspondence to Hawaii Emergency Management Agency 04-12-2024 (OM-3) Correspondence to Mayor 04-12-2024 and Response 04-18-2024 Correspondence to Douglas Bigley 04-12-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 04-12-2024 FY25 calendar (as of 04-12-2024) Correspondence from Acting Budget Director 04-12-2024 (BD-8) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-15-2024 and Response 04-18-2024 (CC-7) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-15-2024 (WS-4) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-15-2024 (HC-3) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-15-2024 and Response 04-17-2024 (HO-4) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-15-2024 and Response 04-17-2024 (EMA-3) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-15-2024 (BD-9) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-15-2024 (CC-8) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-15-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 04-15-2024 Correspondence from Council Services 04-16-2024 Bill 75 (2024) Bill 73 (2024) Bill 74 (2024) Correspondence from County Auditor 04-17-2024 (PL-4) Correspondence to Planning 04-17-2024 (WS-5) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-17-2024 (MD-4) Correspondence to Management 04-17-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 04-17-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 04-18-2024 (OCS-3) Correspondence to Council Services 04-18-2024 Bill 76 (2024) Bill 76 (2024 ) Transmittal (BD-10) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-19-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 04-19-2024
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    BFED Committee 9 months ago

    Testimonies received from BFED Committee.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    From: Erin Tseu <>
    Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 10:06:29 AM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

    Dear BFED Committee,

    I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island.

    Recently students from our school on 'Oahu went on a week-long educational experience to both Maui and Lana'i to learn more about the threats to endangered and native birds, the impact of free roaming cats, and how we can collaborate to help BOTH. The Lanai Cat Sanctuary was by far the most well-run organization of all of the organizations we visited. These are some of the impacts the LCS had on our students:

    • Learning about how the Lanai Cat Sanctuary rescues so many cats, as well as maintains care for each and every one of them was very interesting. It was especially impactful to see how every member of the staff contributes so much to the sanctuary, and work so hard for the cats. It is also interesting to think about how a system like that could be when implemented on Oahu.
    • It was impactful to see a cat sanctuary on a large scale. They are the home to over 800 cats. This is a goal that many non-profit organizations hope to reach. This includes the Pōpoki Place Oahu Cat Sanctuary. They take in street cats (and maui fire cats) and provide them with a comfortable home to live and thrive with other cats just like them.
    • It was nice to see what a cat sanctuary on Oahu could be by seeing one on the Lanai on oahu could be by seeing one on lanai. It was good to see how their system works and how they do things with how many cats they have. It was nice to see how all the cats are well fed and cleaned.
    • I was impacted by this i term because it was important as a kid who as always lived with cats either owning or fostering. To see how to prevent cats from affecting the natural world of Hawaii in a bad way and how to help the endangered birds. We not only learning important lessons about cats but also learning in a fun way and seeing how our campus takes part in these precautions for the cats and marsh and taking all that in was impactful for me.
    • Throughout the course of the I-term, I not only learned more about a topic I've always been interested in, but also learned about myself. As a junior, I have recently been thinking about college, and trying to decide what I want to study. I've always had an interest in all animals, so Zoology or Veterinary services were always a choice in my mind, but this trip really cemented my decision, because seeing all of these animals in need made me realize that I could be a part of the solution.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but we saw first hand on our tour of many different organizations that they are the leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island. Also without this funding, students such as ours will lose a valuable educational resource - we all, and particularly our youth, need to learn about the most effective ways to deal with the free roaming cat crisis on all our islands.

    Thank you,
    Erin Tseu

    Erin Tseu
    Secondary Teacher/Science
    O: (808) 261-0707 ext 3010

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    From: Rebecca Ashton <>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 6:01:25 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee
    Subject: Paia town concerns

    Dear Committee,
    I am a merchant in Paia. Please allow me to register my concern regarding the current status of our historical and significant small town. The tragic fire in Lahaina town has brought an increased number to visitors our way. I feel it is increasing important that our island support us in meeting the needs of our daily visitors as well as making a favorable lasting good impression. Paia town is desperately in need of the following:
    -More Parking, more parking, and more parking.
    -Public bathrooms which are available and clean -Trash containers that are emptied regularly -Street and sidewalk maintenance for trash and hazards _Attention to and control of the homeless population please!
    -Attention to traffic flow and a better bypass system Please pay attention here and help us go forward and be much better than we are currently!
    Thank you,
    Rebecca Ashton
    Maui Crafts Guild (we are the oldest surviving business in Paia) Sent from my iPhone