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Legislation Text Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-12-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-13-2024 (1) Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-13-2024 (FY25 calendar) (BD-1) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-18-2024 and Response 03-25-2024 (BD-2) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-18-2024 and Response 03-27-2024 (FN-1) Correspondence to Finance 03-18-2024 and Response 03-27-2024 Correspondence from Committee Chair 03-19-2024 (FY25 calendar revised) (AG-1) Correspondence to Agriculture 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (CC-1) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (OCC-1) Correspondence to County Clerk 03-19-2024 (OCS-1) Correspondence to Council Services 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (OCA-1) Correspondence to County Auditor 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (EMA-1) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (EM-1) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (FN-2) Correspondence to Finance 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (FS-1) Correspondence to Fire and Public Safety 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (LC-1) Correspondence to Liquor Control 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (MD-1) Correspondence to Management 03-19-2024 and Response 04-02-2024 (OM-1) Correspondence to Mayor and Response 03-28-2024 (PR-1) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (revised) (PS-1) Correspondence to Personnel Services 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (PL-1) Correspondence to Planning 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (PD-1) Correspondence to Police 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (PA-1) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 03-19-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (PW-1) Correspondence to Public Works 03-19-2024 and Response 04-02-2024 (TD-1) Correspondence to Transportation 03-19-2024 and Response 03-27-2024 (WS-1) Correspondence to Water Supply 03-19-2024 and Response 03-25-2024 (FN-3) Correspondence to Finance 03-21-2024 (HO-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 03-21-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (HC-1) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 03-21-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (BD-3) Correspondence to Budget Director 03-22-2024 (FN-4) Correspondence to Finance 03-22-2024 Bill 60 (2024) Bill 61 (2024) Bill 62 (2024) Bill 63 (2024) Bill 64 (2024) Resolution 24-66 FY 2025 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Program 03-25-2024 FY 2025 Mayor's Budget Proposal - Synopsis 03-25-2024 Correspondence from Mayor 03-25-2024 Bill 65 (2024) Resolution 24-67 Resolution 24-68 (PS-2) Correspondence to Personnel Services 03-27-2024 and Response 03-28-2024 (revised) (PS-3) Correpsondence to Personnel Services 03-30-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (FN-5) Correspondence to FInance 03-30-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (FN-6) Correspondence to Finance 03-31-2024 and Response 04-08-2024 (PD-2) Correspondence to Police 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (EM-2) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (EWA-1) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (PW-2) Correspondence to Public Works 03-31-2024 and Response 04-08-2024 (WS-2) Correspondence to Water Supply 03-21-2024 and Response 04-03-2024 (PR-2) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 03-31-2024 and Response 04-05-2024 (TD-2) Correspondence to Transportation 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (LC-2) Correspondence to Liquor Control 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 (EM-3) Correspondence to Environmental Management 03-31-2024 and Response 04-05-2024 (AG-2) Correspondence to Agriculture 03-31-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 Correspondence from Finance 04-01-2024 Correspondence from Finance 04-01-2024 (1) Correspondence from Finance 04-01-2024 (2) eComments Report 04-01-2024 (CC-2) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 04-01-2024 and Response 04-04-2024 Correspondence from Environmental Management 04-01-2024 eComments Report 04-01-2024 East Maui Correspondence from Environmental Management 04-02-2024 (OCA-2) Correspondence to County Auditor 04-02-2024 (OCS-2) Correspondence to Council Services 04-02-2024 (OCC-2) Correspondence to County Clerk 04-02-2024 (AG-3) Correspondence to Agriculture 04-02-204 and Response 04-05-2024 (PL-2) Correspondence to Planning 04-02-2024 (PA-2) Correspondence to Prosecuting Attorney 04-02-2024 and Response 04-05-2024 (CC-3) Correspondence to Corp Counsel 04-02-2024 (PW-3) Correspondence to Public Works 04-03-2024 eComments Report 04-02-2024 eComments Report 04-02-2024 Makawao-Haiku-Paia Correspondence from Parks and Recreation 04-03-2024 Correspondence from Transportation 04-03-2024 (OM-2) Correspondence to Mayor 04-03-2024 Correspondence from Agriculture 04-03-2024 (OWR-1) Correspondence to Management 04-03-2024 (FN-7) Correspondence to Finance 04-03-2024 Correspondence from Water Supply 04-03-2024 Correspondence from East Maui Water Authority 04-04-2024 (EMA-2) Correspondence to Emergency Management Agency 04-05-2024 (HO-2) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-04-2024 (HC-2) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-04-2024 (BD-4) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-04-2024 (EM-4) Correspondence to Environmental Management 04-04-2024 eComments Report 04-03-2024 eComments Report 04-03-2024 Upcountry eComments Report 04-04-2024 (FS-2) Correspondence to Fire Chief 04-05-2024 (MD-2) Correspondence to Management 04-05-2024 (TD-3) Correspondence to Transportation 04-05-2024 (AG-4) Correspondence to Agriculture 04-05-2024 (PR-3) Correspondence to Parks and Recreation 04-05-2024 Correspondence from Liquor Control 04-05-2024 (BD-5) Correspondence to Acting Budget Director 04-05-2024 (FN-8) Correspondence to Finance 04-05-2024 (WS-3) Correspondence to Water Supply 04-05-2024 (HO-3) Correspondence to Housing and Human Concerns 04-05-2024 Correspondence to Douglas Bigley 04-06-2024 Resolution 24-77 Correspondence from Prosecuting Attorney 04-08-2024 Correspondence from Public Works 04-08-2024 (FN-10) Correspondence to Finance 04-08-2024 Correspondence to State Department of Taxation 04-08-2024 (CC-4) Correspondence to Corporation Counsel 04-08-2024 (PD-3) Correspondence to Police 04-08-2024
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    Guest User 10 months ago

    My name is Jo Merchant from Fishkill, New York. I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Thank you,
    Jo Merchant
    supporter of and donor to Lanai Feral Cat Control

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: Dana Dolan <>
    Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 3:53:32 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: Please help fund the Lanai Cat Sanctuary

    Dear BFED Committee,

    Aloha, my name is Dana Dolan. I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna’i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island.

    On a more personal note, I have visited the Sanctuary 6 times from Colorado. I have a personal connection of the island of Lana’i as my great grandmother was the Postmistress on the island working for George Munro in the early 1900s. My grandmother grew up on the island in the 1920s. I love what the Sanctuary does for cats and birds, and also employs several residents on the island. Visiting there has given me the happiest days of my life. Please continue to support this wonderful place, and protect this precious island.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Dana Dolan

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: Brittney Schebler <>
    Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 12:13:37 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: Please Add $285,000 to FY25 Budget for Lanai Feral Cat Control

    Dear Council Members,

    My name is Brittney Schebler. I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island. The Lanai Cat Sanctuary holds a special place in my heart as it is where my fiance and I were engaged last year! The work they do is extremely important and we hope you see that too.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Thank you,
    Brittney Schebler

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    BFED Committee 10 months ago

    Testimonies received from BFED Committee.

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: April Proper <>
    Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 3:29 AM
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: Please Add $285,000 to FY25 Budget for Lanai Feral Cat Control

    Dear BFED Committee,

    My name is April Proper. I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Thank you,
    April Proper

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: prquzit16 <>
    Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 2:50:26 AM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: Lanai Cat Sanctuary

    Dear Councilmembers,

    My name is Catherine Burchell. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was fortunate to visit Lahaina, Maui in April 2022 specifically to take the boat to Lanai Cat Sanctuary after seeing their story on CBS News a few years earlier. It was on my Bucket List. While on the boat I met a little boy whose parents were taking him to the Sanctuary as a birthday gift. I bet it was a birthday he’ll never forget as I know I will never forget my day. Perhaps you don’t realize how many lives the Sanctuary has touched, especially the Cats.

    I have made small donations since I visited but have five cats of my own and know the cost of caring for them. I’m writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island especially since they have proven their value over a number of years.

    Also, I did not realize the Sanctuary’s impact on the bird population until I visited. The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Without your support all their work over the past 10 year plus will be in jeopardy as unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats will once again overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Thank you,
    Catherine Burchell

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: Lindsay Orman <>
    Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 8:49:44 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: Please Add $285,000 to FY25 Budget for Lanai Feral Cat Control

    Dear Chair Sugimura, Vice-Chair Kama, and Members of the Budget, Finance, and Economic Development Committee,

    My name is Lindsay Orman. I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Thank you,
    Lindsay Orman

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: Jonathan Simon <>
    Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 6:33:27 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: Fw: Please Add $285,000 to FY25 Budget for Lanai Feral Cat Control

    ----- Forwarded Message -----
    From: Jonathan Simon <>
    To: <>; <>; <>; <>; Gabe Johnson <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Nikki Perry <>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 09:26:39 PM PDT
    Subject: Please Add $285,000 to FY25 Budget for Lanai Feral Cat Control

    Dear Councilmembers,

    My name is Jonathan Simon. I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island. We have visited the sanctuary on our annual trips to Maui county, and adopted Lloyd, a 1 year old black shorthair. While we sponsor the sanctuary every year, I don't think individual contributions can cover the expense of food, medicine, etc. for the more than 800 cats including over 200 cats displaced by the Maui fire.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, they contribute to saving endangered birds, particularly ground birds, by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas. Unsterilized sexually mature female cats can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.


    Jonathan Simon

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: LISA SIMON <>
    Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 6:30:52 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: $285,000 Lana’i Feral Animal Control

    Dear Councilmembers,

    My name is Lisa Simon. I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    We continue to donate and love our adopted (in our home) cat from the sanctuary, as well as our two adopted in place kitties.

    Thank you,
    Lisa Simon

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: Alma Tassi <>
    Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 6:02:28 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee
    Subject: Testimony in support of Maui Economic Development Board’s Economic Development Grant.

    My name is Alma Tassi and my 7th grade daughter got to benefit from the MEDB’s grant receiving enrichment classes 3 times a week at her school Lokelani Elementary. I’ve seen her interest in STEM and technology grow as well as she’s developed new skills in storytelling, media, and entrepreneurship. She attended a two day STEM conference on Oahu and could not stop talking about what she saw and learned. I hope the County will continue this program so other students can benefit!
    Alma Tassi

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: Frank D. Eppelheimer <>
    Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 4:42:04 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Subject: Please Add $285,000 to FY25 Budget for Lanai Feral Cat Control

    Dear BFED Committee,

    Our names are Frank & Maryann Eppelheimer. We are writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Thank you,
    Frank & Maryann Eppelheimer

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: prquzit16 <>
    Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 4:37:02 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>; Prquzit16 <>
    Subject: FW: Please Add $285,000 to FY25 Budget for Lanai Feral Cat Control

    Dear Councilmembers,

    My name is Catherine Burchell. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was fortunate to visit Lahaina, Maui in April 2022 specifically to take the boat to Lanai Cat Sanctuary after seeing their story on CBS News a few years earlier. It was on my Bucket List. While on the boat I met a little boy whose parents were taking him to the Sanctuary as a birthday gift. I bet it was a birthday he’ll never forget as I know I will never forget my day. Perhaps you don’t realize how many lives the Sanctuary has touched, especially the Cats.

    I have made small donations since I visited but have five cats of my own and know the cost of caring for them. I’m writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island especially since they have proven their value over a number of years.

    Also, I did not realize the Sanctuary’s impact on the bird population until I visited. The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Without your support all their work over the past 10 year plus will be in jeopardy as unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats will once again overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Thank you,
    Catherine Burchell

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    From: Cara Diaconoff <>
    Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 3:47:16 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Cc: Lanai Cat Sanctuary Development <>
    Subject: Please be sure to fund the Lanai Cat Sanctuary

    Dear BFED Committee--

    My name is Cara Diaconoff. As a past visitor to the island of Lāna'i and to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, I am writing to request that you add $285,000 to the Lāna'i Feral Animal Control line item in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget and award it to the Lanai Cat Sanctuary so they can continue to provide feral cat services on the island.

    The Lanai Cat Sanctuary has not only reduced the feral cat population on Lāna'i, but they are a leader in the industry for their progressive approach to saving endangered birds by providing humane solutions for cats predating in protected areas.

    Unsterilized female cats in Hawaii that are 6 months or older can have up to 3 litters a year, with 3-5 kittens per litter. Without the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, feral cats would overrun the island of Lāna'i.

    If the Lanai Cat Sanctuary does not receive the funding needed to continue accepting all feral and unwanted cats, it will severely impact the progress the island of Lāna'i has made in controlling the feral cat population and protecting the native and endangered birds on the island.

    Thank you,
    Cara Diaconoff