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    Jennifer Yamashita admin 9 months ago

    From: Gerry Ross <>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 7:52:26 PM (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
    To: BFED Committee <>
    Cc: Sydney Smith <>; Bobbie Patnode <>
    Subject: BFED-1
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    My name is Gerry Ross and with my wife we grow vegetables on Kupa’a Farms in lower Kula. Our family has been growing vegetables here for over 4 decades all of it destined for local consumption. I am testifying in opposition to the proposal to raise the rates for ag water users by 20%. We work hard every year to make sure we use the most efficient and economical water on our 4 acre farm. Over 90% of the farm water is used for drip irrigation and we only use inefficient overhead irrigation when it benefits the plants such as cooling of leafy greens during the summer or nonpoisonous management of pest such as thrips on onions. Every year we check all of our lines for leaks and have spent considerable time and money to upgrade our irrigation. I am very disappointed to learn that our water rates will be increasing by 20%. That is a sizable jump that is not easily passed on to consumers. It comes at a time when both the state and county are constantly talking about food security, local food production, and supporting buy local. Increasing our water rates by 20% sends the opposite message that we are just another source of cash for county coffers rather than serving a benefit to our community. In addition agricultural water use is only 8% of total water delivered according to DWS own numbers so we are a drop in the bucket when compared to other users and yet we provide food and food security to our community. I ask that you keep water rates the same for agricultural users so that we can remain solvent and relevant.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Aloha, my name is Dylan Haymans and I am submitting this testimony in support of Maui Economic Development Board's Grant and the STEMworks AFTERschool program. Both of my children have participated in various STEMworks programs through the years, and over the past year we have become even more involved with the Robotics program at Pukalani Elementary School. This program, along with the other STEMworks classes and outreach events, have been incredibly beneficial to all those involved. Not only are the children learning about and engaging in subjects that provide valuable insight into future endeavors, they are learning social skills and strategies that enrich their day to day lives. Critical thinking skills, teamwork, camaraderie and community building are fostered by these programs. I have been amazed to watch these attributes develop over the months, as well as in real time at sponsored events. Children that may not get the opportunity to hone these skills in day to day life are able to shine in these programs. I cannot support and endorse the STEMworks program enough. The Maui Economic Development Board's grant for programs such as STEMworks have changed my children's and their peers lives for the better, brought us deeper connections with our community and given us much needed outlets to foster academic excellence. Thank you for your time.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Aloha, my name is Cheryl Tipton and I am submitting this testimony in support of Hui No‘eau Visual Arts Center’s Youth & Family Outreach Programs and Art with Aloha Programs. Full disclosure: I have served as a Member and Officer of the Hui’s Board of Directors for over a dozen years and visit the Hui often. Because of my frequent involvement I am well aware of the wonderful work the Hui does, especially with the support of the County for two of our programs.

    Hui No‘eau’s Youth & Family Arts Education Outreach Programs eliminate cost and logistic barriers to arts participation for more than 8,000 Maui County keiki annually, including keiki on Lāna’i and Moloka’i. Hui Youth Outreach programs are delivered at no charge to participants, schools, or partner organizations, including the very popular Art2Go Art Kits.

    In 2023, more than 1,500 Lahaina keiki benefitted from the Hui’s arts outreach, art supply distributions for Lahaina schools, field trips to the Hui; and Art2Go Art Kits. We are all heartbroken over the devastation the fires on Maui caused last August and we know how important art for the children affected by the fire is as part of their continued healing and recovery. In addition, the parents and friends of the children have often participated with the art projects bringing them closer together during this difficult time. I ask the County of Maui to please consider supporting the Hui’s youth outreach efforts with $50,000 in FY25 so that the Hui can continue this important work at the same level as in the past fiscal year.

    Hui No‘eau’s Art with Aloha Program provides demonstrations, hands-on workshops, art events, and youth programs with native Hawaiian cultural practitioners. The classes that are funded through this program are almost immediately sold out. Art with Aloha programs encourage authentic cultural exchange while inspiring appreciation and understanding of Hawaiian people, culture, and arts. I ask the County of Maui to please consider supporting the Hui’s Art with Aloha Programs with $50,000 in FY25, again so that the Hui can continue to offer these opportunities at the same level as in the past fiscal year.