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    Guest User 12 months ago

    To: Maui County Council - GREAT Committee
    From: Livit Callentine, AICP
    Re: Testimony in Support of Resolution 24-10, Appointment of Kate Blystone as the Planning Director
    Tuesday. February 6, 2024, 1:30pm
    I support Resolution 24-10 and the appointment of Kate Blystone as Maui County Planning Director.
    I understand that Kate was recently employed by the Hawaii Community Foundation, and she helped to lead the House Maui Initiative, seeking to improve housing for Maui residents. In that capacity, Kate was able to advance housing development with a focus on infrastructure that supports future housing – something Maui County must realize is critical to development success.
    As a 16-year veteran of the Planning Department’s Current Division, I had the opportunity to work directly with Kate on several community meetings addressing the rewrite of the West Maui Community Plan. Her ability to listen, communicate, grasp issues quickly, and manage large, vocal and diverse groups was impressive to say the least.
    I see great value in Kate’s past employment with the Planning Department. While she worked for three years in the Long-Range Division, she gained knowledge of the department’s other divisions, their functions and processes. As a member of the American Planning Association, Kate has in-depth knowledge of best in practice planning principals. Kate is able to understand the impacts of planning on the reality of creating new homes today.
    Although still relatively new to Maui, Kate has taken it upon herself to learn about the history of land use policy and practice in Hawai`i, and to begin to learn 'ōlelo Hawai`i. I unreservedly support the appointment of Kate Blystone as County of Maui Planning Director.
    Thank you for this opportunity to testify in support.
    Livit Callentine, AICP

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    Dr Jennifer Salisbury 12 months ago

    I wholeheartedly support the appointment of Kate Blystone as County of Maui Planning Director. Her vast experience and intricate knowledge of the County of Maui source documents, combined with her innovative perspective, will champion Maui out of the housing crisis and assist in the rebuilding of Lahaina. I could think of no better intellect to be Planning Director; when I heard she had been offered the position I about fell out of my chair with excitement. I am SO pleased that Kate's skill set is aligning with what our County needs! Mahalo for consideration, Dr. Jennifer Salisbury

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I, Dexter Kubota, Director of Bowers + Kubota Consulting, Inc. extend my endorsement for Ms. Kate Blystone as the Director of Planning for the County of Maui. Having had the privilege of Ms. Blystone as one of our key Planners in our firm several years ago, I can attest to her exceptional character and unwavering commitment to better our community.

    During her tenure with our firm, she consistently showcased her ability to understand the landscapes of urban planning in helping develop and refine the House Maui Plan for the Hawaii Community Foundation(HCF) as a client. She subsequently joined HCF since their mission was more aligned with her desire to influence on a broader community level.

    I believe Ms Blystone possesses an ability to collaborate effectively with diverse stakeholders, fostering a sense of unity and purpose that will be crucial as Maui moves forward from the devastating Lahaina tragedy of 2023. Her leadership as Director of Planning will be marked by inclusivity and relentless pursuit of a more vibrant and sustainable future for Maui.

    Thank you for this opportunity as I endorse Ms Kate Blystone for this pivotal role and am certain her passion, expertise and dedication will serve the community and County of Maui well.

    Dexter Kubota, P.E.