Meeting Time: January 24, 2024 at 9:00am HST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I do not support these two Bill’s. Why is precious, valuable time being used to further disadvantage the working class with these extreme changes? These Bill’s appear to be fear-driven on a nonexistent issue. As someone who has been stuck renting my entire adult life due to unaffordability in my own hometown, I look forward to the next opportunity for WorkForce housing but having to wait 20-years for access to my own equity on what is supposed to be my biggest asset is not realistic. Google says the average age of a First Time Homebuyer is 33, and often cases older – it’s ridiculous to image having to wait 20-years from whenever the next WorkForce Housing project presents itself and if I got my name chosen in the lottery how old I’d be just to be able to pull out equity to pay for new appliances or whatever other unexpected damages or repairs are needed in that time span.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    WorkForce Housing is already over-regulated, let’s not add to it and spoil what was supposed to be intended for good. People are so misinformed by “WorkForce Housing” and the difficulty to even get these types of projects approved by the County is shocking since we have been in a housing affordability crisis for so long. Let’s house our local workforce community without the aggressive overreach.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    Aloha HLU Committee,

    Your constituents oppose both BILL 12 (2023) & BILL 74 (2023). The reason there isn’t more testimony is because no one is even aware of these Bill’s and more importantly how they specifically hurt our kaiāulu as future homeowners. *In this written testimony I only reference the 10-20 year because it’s the largest majority category. Please know that I understand all the tiers, read both Bill’s entirely, and have ‘Ohana in WorkForce Housing.  

    WorkForce housing has become the only (affordable) way for the majority of your constituents to even make the dream of homeownership a reality. The entire purpose of WorkForce housing is to force the “affordability” within an otherwise unaffordable marketplace to accommodate our qualified local working class. And since there’s never enough inventory to satisfy the demand, their dream only comes true if their name happens to be drawn in the lottery! 

    It’s truly confusing why this Council would believe 10-years — an entire decade — isn’t already a long enough deed restriction. WorkForce Housing is not DHHL or leasehold lands, should not be compared to or have Bills drafted as such, and opposition to these two proposed Bills has nothing to do with people potentially wanting to sell or rent out their property after X amount of years. “Flipping” WorkForce housing is NOT a thing. These two Bill’s are an unnecessary overreach that’s extremely concerning — on what is supposed to be an incentive into fee simple homeownership and helping our people get into the freedoms of homeownership.

    More importantly, for the vast majority of WorkForce housing homeowners who never even intend to sell, they still cannot touch their own home equity for those 10-years regardless if it’s for home repairs, home improvements, putting keiki through college, paying off student loans, have for an emergency  — and it’s being proposed to double this to 20-years?! That’s inexcusably cruel and unnecessary.

    It’s especially hurtful when drafted by and if-passed by Councilmembers who they themselves have the luxury of homeownership without these excessive deed restrictions. Additionally, the public is seeing you approve $50+M of their tax dollars to developers (with YukiLei being the one exception on that vote); yet this Council is going out of the way to create even more disadvantages for your own people with these two Bill’s.. It’s a slap in the face to your working class constituents who deserve the perks of homeownership, just like you.

    The question is why is this Council trying to make homeownership even more difficult for their working class constituents during an emergency housing crisis? These Bills make WorkForce housing less desirable, but maybe that was the intent?! Why though? When only our working class even qualifies for these homes.

    We see how each of you vote. Please vote these two Bill’s down today. For our everyday workforce people. The existing 10-years deed restrictions are long enough to earn access to their own equity. It’s rare if ever that a WorkForce Housing owner has to vacate prior to the current timelines and if they ever needed to there’s an existing process in place — let’s not forget the developer has that long waitlist of everyone who didn’t get their names pulled in the original lottery. 

    Mahalo for your time & serious consideration! 

    God Bless,

    Lifelong Lahaina Resident

    PS: I had every intention to testify live during this committee meeting; however I have been sick and cannot speak louder than a whisper. I really hope our HLU Chair + Councilmembers take the time to actually read this and seriously consider voting these two Bills down — they truly over regulate and directly negatively impact our very own local working class.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I support this bill. As a DHHL homeowner who probably has the most deed restrictions EVER. I know that I am thriving as a homeowner even with the deed restrictions we have in place. A lot of the “so called” perks can still happen even with deed restrictions.

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    I support this bill. As a DHHL homeowner who probably has the most deed restrictions EVER. I know that I am thriving as a homeowner even with the deed restrictions we have in place. A lot of the “so called” perks can still happen even with deed restrictions.