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Agenda Item


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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I vehemently oppose disposing of the toxic waste in Olowalu. A different plan which does not present predictable health hazards to islanders must be tabled.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I strongly oppose the toxic dump site.

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    Bob Beaudry 9 months ago


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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I strongly oppose this!!!!!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    The report of the man in California who worked on toxic cleanup shows that this plan is really not safe for our oceans or island Dwellers. His input is invaluable, because it comes from experiential research. Please listen. The future depends on this decision. will you be a protector of or destroyer? Thank you for choosing protection. With Aloha, aerie Waters

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I find this proposal, disgusting and so upsetting that a sacred burial site has been destroyed to place a “temporary disposal site” that has not been constructed in a way to actually hold some of the worlds most toxic chemicals. The site is 1000 ft from the ocean and built on top of an aquifer. You will poison the residents, yourselves, marine life, plants, animals, water and the earth!! Please take care and do not rush into something that WILL absolutely affect EVERYONE on this island and beyond. This is one of the most ignorant decisions that a government has ever made, if you pass this, you will be remembered in history as the council that poisoned the pacific and ruined the Hawaiian islands. REALLY THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO DO, THIS SHOULD NOT BE ABOUT MONEY BUT ABOUT HEALTH!!!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Oppose. Look for better solutions than dumping toxic waste in Olowalu. Find a better way.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Aloha to all,

    I am not a specialist, just a concerned citizen with some common sense…. I understand the need for things to move forward for the people of Lahaina, but honestly speaking, Lahaina won’t be habitable for a while to come, so hurrying with getting the toxic waste out of there doesn’t seem to be sensible at all.

    We all know Maui has already lost way too much… please re-think and consider leaving the toxic waste in the already toxic areas… possibly stored in appropriate containers that can be shipped off island by FEMA to those sites on the mainland that are ready for toxic waste like this… please do not go ahead and poison more of Maui then already IS! Please don’t make things worse, let’s try to make them them better…. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    Kristin, Sky and Griffin Solbach from the front lawn..

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    Guest User 9 months ago


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    Guest User 9 months ago

    As a PhD biochemist from UC I know that these particular poisons and minerals will enter the biosphere and our food having disastrous repercussions for the world. Please set a good example and find a way to store them without leaching. Thank you and God bless you.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    We The Future People of Planet Reject & Oppose Bill 120 & The Dumping of Toxic Waste at Olowalu, Maui!

    From God

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Protect our fragile environment and our reefs. Do not dump toxic debris close to our precious reef!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    NO toxic waste at Olowalu or anyplace near the ocean. No matter the precautions, it will leach into the already fragile waters and reefs. Do what is right, rather than easiest and cheapest!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I can’t believe this is even open for debate! The reef will be hurt by moving off any waste. It’s way too close to the ocean and water sources.
    This isn’t a solution just to need to move everything again.
    You who speak for the people need to say no!! Stop wasting time and making excuses. find a better way

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Do not ruin Maui. I can’t believe this is even an issue. Pollution and toxicity in a vulnerable area? Who is making money on this? Stop!!!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Absolutely not!!! You, as elected officials need to do what is right for the island of Maui. For its current situation, as well as its future. You personally probably won't be around in 25-30 years. But God willing, my Grandchildren will be. And we are supposed to leave things better for them. NOT WORSE. Follow the rules and regulations that are in place. Stop breaking the law to support your own agenda. Do you even realize how much emotional damage you are doing? Do you even care? I personally do not understand how you can look at your own face every morning. Knowing full well what you are doing. Find a way to do this removal properly. And stop screwing around.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    I oppose the dumping of potentially toxic waste on Olowalu or any area so extremely close to the ocean. This makes ZERO sense. Where is the EPA on this? Or have they been bought too?

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Toxic waste will leach into the precious waters and cause illness to Maui's citizens.

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    The over building of the west side is toxic enough. STOP!

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    Guest User 9 months ago

    Please Oppose