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    Zuri Aki over 1 year ago

    I am providing this position in SUPPORT on behalf of the Administration of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) as the OHA Public Policy Manager. In addition to the testimony attached here, copies have been emailed directly to Councilmembers. Mahalo nui loa for this opportunity to share this mana'o on such crucial legislation.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Testimony regarding Lahaina Rebuild

    When rebuilding Lahaina please:
    - restore Moku’ula & Mokuhinia
    - bury power lines
    - keep sea level rise in mind and turn waterfront into park/public lands
    - ban vacation rentals in the neighborhoods-
    - utilize hawaiian land management practices to restore ‘ulu forests and waterways

    John Carty - Honolua Farms

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha Maui County Council,

    I support the following policies for Lahaina's recovery and future resilience.

    1. Ten year moratorium on ALL new vacation, short-term, transient rental permits, homes, and units for all of Maui County.

    2. Ten year moratorium on ALL permits, buildings, and construction for hotels, resorts, condos, and any accommodation used for short-term/transient visitors and/or tourists for all of Maui County.

    3. Additional county tax incentives and rebates for owners who rent their home or apartment/condo to long-term (12 months or longer) Hawaii resident tenants.

    4. Increase county tax rates on ALL short-term, transient vacation rental units and homes.

    5. Ten year ban on all cruise ships for all of West Maui.

    6. Strict monitoring and enforcement of county (and state) commercial activity permit regulations for businesses that operate on public land, beaches, and near shore waters (surf schools, kayak tours, photography, wedding ceremonies, etc.).

    7. Establish an additional county TAT for all transient accommodation that will be used for Maui County infrastructure modernization and maintenance.

    8. Increased fines and tax penalties for land and/or home owners on land zoned for agriculture who are not operating agriculture business.

    Maui's housing shortage is a direct result of the county and state's approval of approximately 12,000+ short-term vacation rental units while ignoring the housing needs of residents. The county and state allowed Maui's development to outpace our island's infrastructure for decades. Before August 8, 2023, the daily visitor population was approximately 40,000 to 70,000 tourists with approximately 20,000 rental cars on island, in addition to the resident population of 165,000. Stop building and approving short-term accommodation that overburdens limited island resources, outdated infrastructure, medical facilities, and emergency personnel.

    Lahaina residents lost family and friends, homes, and businesses because the state and county prioritized tourism industry profits over the needs of working class residents for decades. Water shortages, chronic drought conditions, shoreline erosion, annual wildfires, outdated sewage treatment/infrastructure, crumbling electric grid, emergency personnel shortages, and inadequate medical facility infrastructure are all issues that must be addressed now to create a resilient island and resilient island economy. The catastrophic fires on August 8 were the direct result of the county's status quo policies that ignored residents' needs while catering to tourism, real estate, and land development lobbyists. Maui County has employee shortages in all major employment sectors including the following; medical, education, skilled trades, emergency first responders, state/county parks and recreation enforcement, retail, and service (including resorts and restaurants). Lahaina/Maui doesn't need more tourist accommodation or luxury vacation homes. Maui doesn't need more tourism sector jobs. We have enough already.
    Maui needs affordable long-term housing and modern infrastructure to support the development that was allowed to outpace our island's finite resources.

    Amber Coontz
    Lahaina, HI, 96761

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    Juenlee Brown over 1 year ago

    Testimony was a family collaboration with my son and my daughter.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha GREAT members and Maui’s West Side Ohara,

    Thinking way, way ahead - I would like to see some of the Federal Disaster Funds (along with funds from other sources) used to acquire all Front Street properties in Lahaina’s commercial district to create a public space. This could be a pedestrian walk-way and green space, with art, plaques, gardens to memorialize old Lahaina - from monarchy days to 2023. This would maintain our links to our history, as well as provide a tourist destination.

    Ann Marie Quinlan
    West Side Resident

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Questions Regarding GREAT Meeting 9/27

    Aloha Chair Nohelani U‘u-Hodgins, Vice-Chair Tamara Paltin, & Committee Members,

    As we prepare for the GREAT meeting at the Westin on 9/27 in West Maui, I was hoping to get some comments from you all..

    I understand that this meeting is to “invite thoughts regarding Resolution 23-194” however, I don’t think majority have or will have time to read this 10-page document (especially when people still need to read the 12-page Bill 86; and attend the Special Meeting on Monday 9/25). As I share and encourage my sphere to attend + speak to have their voice heard, I found it important to ask this GREAT Committee the following questions:

     What specifically are we asking of the West Maui Community to speak on and have their voices heard? (Pretend no one knows about Reso 23-194).
     Are we asking the people to speak on what went wrong 8/8, so these failures are on the record?
     Are we asking the people to speak to potential solutions/prevention ideas?
     Are we asking the people to speak on how they think Lahaina should be rebuilt?
     Are we asking the people to speak on anything not mentioned?

    I attended the GREAT Committee meeting on Monday and intended to testify but was pulled away before I could do so. The reality is the majority of West Maui fire-survivors have not been able to attend the various meetings even on-line for countless reasons. They are experiencing high stress, literally living week-to-week in hotels with no long-term option available and a mere 3-days notice of location changes so the hotels can accommodate TOURISTS coming 10/8, all while trying to manage PREMATURE vital deadlines for XYZ things that force them into cattle-call lines etc. Additionally, there have still been no childcare solutions or schooling for majority Westside keiki, which has been a frustrating ongoing cry to the DOE + State Reps that have fell on deaf ears.

    Furthermore, and staying on point with the GREAT Committee, I have to ask if the Mayor collaborates with the County Council &/or any of the Committees, including GREAT or if he just does his own thing? I’m specifically asking this because of the recent announcement on September 19th on the County of Maui Social Media platforms spotlighting the new “Lahaina Advisory Team”. I would have expected this to come AFTER the West Maui meeting, which is why I was so surprised and genuinely curious about communication channels (or lack thereof). Or perhaps I’m just confused as to what the GREAT Committee Meeting is actually for on 9/27.

    Mahalo nui for your time and for clearly having compassion on Lahaina – I appreciate the Council’s decision to defer Bill 86 and to host this GREAT Committee Meeting on the Westside. And I thank you in advance for expanding on the questions listed above. 😊

    PS: If anyone can let me know why Reso 23-201 was deferred and what Committee it defers to, that would be greatly appreciated! I felt the number of testifiers supporting the Council to urge the DOH to continue the AMR contract was clear, so I was confused why it was deferred at all and want to keep up with it &/or help advocate my sphere to send in (more) written testimonies.


    God Bless,

    Jenn Pederson

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Ho'oponopono Healing Protocol

    This is a link for a Ho'oponopono Healing Protocol. It is very powerful and is great to do everyday or as much as you can to build up health and wellbeing. It will support you and the community. Can do with the instructions of a white candle in bowl of sea salt and water and when done throw in ocean or just do when sun is in view over the ocean and send everything negative to the sea water. It will be neutralized there by. Keep doing till you feel a solid space of goodness take root and then you won't need to do as frequently. Feel free to share as you wish. I got this years ago. It will help the whole community of Maui. I also did a Ho'oponopono business training on Oahu 2018. This is very good medicine. It may be good to email to the hubs teams if you feel so guided.

    Kind regards,

    Maria N Isotov
    Cell: 808-344-0330

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Sept 27th Council hearing westside

    Council Members,

    I will say, I had to scan that semi public notice in the online article, just to find day, time, location and room. I never saw such a piecemeal public announcement, it followedno standard of protocol call. I have been a former County Planner and private consultant since 2000. The level of disorganization is peak at this point. It is making me seriously question if anyone is taking their position, authority and responsibility serious. It seems to be a full decline of leadership and obfuscation, now it has resulted in the loss of a whole town under your watch.

    The firsthand accounts that I have heard, in person, which corroborate other first hand accounts is at such a level of negligence or malicious intent that it is undeniable. People need to be held to account thoroughly and be put on leave or asked to resign. Public trust and the low level of safety that people feel for their person, under this leadership, is unparalleled.

    Plus, what is being done to secure the debris from runoff once we get a serious rain? Do you have Public Works on that? Who is in charge of securing the runoff from entering the storm drains and ocean and creating another environmental disaster?

    Where are the answers to all the questions from the testifies, from the past hearings that were put to the County Council? Where are those answers being addressed in writing? We need answers to past questions!

    It is as if there is no one in charge. No one has stood up and said, "I am the top leader and the buck stops here! I will get substantive answers for you! Or I will resign because I'm only a distraction at this point and woefully unqualified to lead."

    The days of fluffy words, fluffy actions and fluffy expectations are gone. This is life and death at this point, literally, sadly. Infrastructure and proper security that cares about the people, needs to be addressed fundamentally.

    Pretending it was Electrical is baseless as any one who was in Lahaina can tell you that power was out. We need properly trained, skilled and substantially qualified people at the helm. Those who are faking it need to resign in the interest of the community, step aside, so people who can organize and lead, can step up.

    Things are so serious at this point that anyone faking it is so obvious to see because they don't have any understanding of what needs to happen and they just come up with ideas that aren't fully developed. It is terrible!

    I will have additional testimony but what is testimony if nothing substantive happens? The community will not be moving on until matters are addressed, there is no way to heal the wounds without proper resolution. So all those questions that no one in leadership is tsking serious need answers, because it seems like everything leadership is saying doesn't match up to facts on the ground. If your memory is failing you then step down or take better notes and get answers.

    Council members should be coming to thst hearing with answers from the last hearings and then taking testimony. Let's get some facts going!

    So leadership can either continue to pretend or they can start taking actions that address all the disfunction that resulted in massive loss of life and property. This is a huge mess to have as a legacy.

    We are all connected on this island. One way or another coconut wireless is stronger than ever. And people who documented the events should not be persecute but held up in honor for their foresight and courage snd tireless work. So sad how much nonsense has come from the government. I didn't see any Council members out there documenting and interviewing people one on one in any substantive fashion. Shame on you all for hiding away when we have needed you most.

    Personally, if you are upset by the level of unhappiness in this email, rather than write off what I am saying you would be better served by taking note and trying to make amends and get answers to all the questions that have been voiced by the community and getting yourselves on the road to recovery. Denial isn't going to work this time.

    I have been waiting patiently to see integrity and commitment from the leadership and it has been found wanting on pretty much every level. Step up or bow out! We need true leadership or we are all going to go down with this ship.

    Kind regards,

    Maria N Isotov
    Cell: 808-344-0330

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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Mala Boat Ramp


    This email is intended for the Maui Emergency Management Administration (MEMA), DLNR, MPD and the US Coast Guard.

    Hope this email finds you all well. I know the County is working hard with the Re-Entry to Lahaina.
    I am following up on a particular part of the Re-Entry plan which is the opening of Mala Ramp (Zone 6A).

    We believe it is time to move forward with the opening as the community needs a safe access for gathering, transportation and recreation on the West Side.

    Here is a list of government concerns we have heard that we from the public understand and believe these answers can help the government with the decision to open up Mala:

    -In accordance with the zoning map that shows the opening of zone 5B (Lahaina Cannery Mall), vehicle access thru zone 5B is achievable to Zone 6A, which encompasses the Mala Wharf area, all its parking and even part of the beach at Mala.

    -It is well known that Kahoma Village residences are living in their homes and vehicle access for them to go to & from Kahoma Village has little to no safety concerns from the fires as that access drives right thru zone 6A to get to zone 5B.

    - Barricades would need to be relocated to maintain the secure access points on both the South & North side of Front St of zone 6A. This seems achievable by relocating the current National Guard barricade at 5B at the back end of the Cannery that leads to front Street further South to where Front Street meets the road to Mala so anyone going to Mala Wharf cannot proceed anywhere else except to Mala . Additionally, continue to restrict access to only residences in Kahoma Village to their home.

    -We know of several boaters who have now used Mala with special permission from the USCG. There appears to be no navigable hazards for the USCG or DLNR to restrict water access to Mala.

    -The rinse water spigots and bathrooms may or may not be working, but these amenities is not critical elements for the operation of the ramp at this time. These amenities in the past were shut off/closed and it did not close use of the boat ramp or beach. This should not be a reason for holding up access to Mala.

    -Use of Mala has always been an issue with respect to the limited parking. Tourist on island are limited rn so this issue may be less of an issue especially if we open it up now. But again, this should not be a reason for holding up access to Mala.

    Trailer Boat community members have reached to me and are requesting for updates on the timing of the ramp opening. By the eyes of the public, opening up zone 6A should be a relatively easy decision for all the entities involved. Please Maui County, DLNR, MPD, and Coast Guard give what I say some consideration and prioritize the opening of zone 6A. It would be a huge win for the community, not just the boaters and I think you guys could use any wins you can get with the way this response has been going.


    Ben Walin
    Maui Trailer Boat Club Inc.
    A Hawaii 501C3 Non Profit Corporation


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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Sept 27th Council hearing westside

    Dear Honorable Council Members:

    In reference to your hearing scheduled for next week in Westin Kaanapali, a couple items:

    1. Thank you for finally Providing ample public notice that there is a hearing.
    2. FREE public parking needs to be provided in excess of the Whalers parking structure which is over full on any regular day.
    3. Alternative sites in the resort on the grass need to be found for free parking.
    4. And multiple public notices need to go out at the Hubs well in advance of the hearing so people are aware and can attend so you can be informed properly.

    Kind regards,

    Maria N Isotov