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    Juenlee Brown 9 months ago

    This is one of the major documents to support my testimony.

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    Guest User 10 months ago

    Sept 27th Council hearing westside

    Council Members,

    I will say, I had to scan that semi public notice in the online article, just to find day, time, location and room. I never saw such a piecemeal public announcement, it followedno standard of protocol call. I have been a former County Planner and private consultant since 2000. The level of disorganization is peak at this point. It is making me seriously question if anyone is taking their position, authority and responsibility serious. It seems to be a full decline of leadership and obfuscation, now it has resulted in the loss of a whole town under your watch.

    The firsthand accounts that I have heard, in person, which corroborate other first hand accounts is at such a level of negligence or malicious intent that it is undeniable. People need to be held to account thoroughly and be put on leave or asked to resign. Public trust and the low level of safety that people feel for their person, under this leadership, is unparalleled.

    Plus, what is being done to secure the debris from runoff once we get a serious rain? Do you have Public Works on that? Who is in charge of securing the runoff from entering the storm drains and ocean and creating another environmental disaster?

    Where are the answers to all the questions from the testifies, from the past hearings that were put to the County Council? Where are those answers being addressed in writing? We need answers to past questions!

    It is as if there is no one in charge. No one has stood up and said, "I am the top leader and the buck stops here! I will get substantive answers for you! Or I will resign because I'm only a distraction at this point and woefully unqualified to lead."

    The days of fluffy words, fluffy actions and fluffy expectations are gone. This is life and death at this point, literally, sadly. Infrastructure and proper security that cares about the people, needs to be addressed fundamentally.

    Pretending it was Electrical is baseless as any one who was in Lahaina can tell you that power was out. We need properly trained, skilled and substantially qualified people at the helm. Those who are faking it need to resign in the interest of the community, step aside, so people who can organize and lead, can step up.

    Things are so serious at this point that anyone faking it is so obvious to see because they don't have any understanding of what needs to happen and they just come up with ideas that aren't fully developed. It is terrible!

    I will have additional testimony but what is testimony if nothing substantive happens? The community will not be moving on until matters are addressed, there is no way to heal the wounds without proper resolution. So all those questions that no one in leadership is tsking serious need answers, because it seems like everything leadership is saying doesn't match up to facts on the ground. If your memory is failing you then step down or take better notes and get answers.

    Council members should be coming to thst hearing with answers from the last hearings and then taking testimony. Let's get some facts going!

    So leadership can either continue to pretend or they can start taking actions that address all the disfunction that resulted in massive loss of life and property. This is a huge mess to have as a legacy.

    We are all connected on this island. One way or another coconut wireless is stronger than ever. And people who documented the events should not be persecute but held up in honor for their foresight and courage snd tireless work. So sad how much nonsense has come from the government. I didn't see any Council members out there documenting and interviewing people one on one in any substantive fashion. Shame on you all for hiding away when we have needed you most.

    Personally, if you are upset by the level of unhappiness in this email, rather than write off what I am saying you would be better served by taking note and trying to make amends and get answers to all the questions that have been voiced by the community and getting yourselves on the road to recovery. Denial isn't going to work this time.

    I have been waiting patiently to see integrity and commitment from the leadership and it has been found wanting on pretty much every level. Step up or bow out! We need true leadership or we are all going to go down with this ship.

    Kind regards,

    Maria N Isotov
    Cell: 808-344-0330