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    Guest User over 1 year ago

    Aloha Chair Sugimura and BFED Committee Members and Everyone,

    This is me, Tammy Harp. I want to pull a Yuki Lei Sugimura by nominating myself, Tammy Harp, to an Honorary Seat on Governor Green's Economic Recovery Commission headed by DEBT in regards to the economic future of the Lahaina District. My purpose is to at least be a part of the kuleana to kako'o a little girl's promise to take care the people of Lahaina. Yes, physically I am not residing in Lahaina but my metaphysical umbilicus is still attached to Lahaina/Puukolii/Honokowai through DHHL Maui Ag Wait List (make' list). Besides, like my dad once said to me, Tammay, working on it is not the same as doing it.

    Mahalo for your time and consideration for this self-nominating honorary seat with the Economic Recovery Commission. Tammy Harp

    p.s. Apologies, Chair Sugimura, didn't mean to pick on you.