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Agenda Item


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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    For the agenda for the state to assist with the housing issues on Maui, we do not have the infrastructure to support much more development. Our current water, roads and sewage are already stretched so this needs to be addressed before much more building is done. This is something the state can help with so there will be the proper grounds to expand development

    Also since so much of the housing issues are about affordable housing for the community. Would a committee please look into rent control. This will keep the rental market at a affordable price so residents are not displaced and it should be able to help curve the market of speculative buying by not allowing high rents to be profited from and a source for subsidizing escalating mortgages.

    Mahalo for your consideration
    Steven Forman

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    Susan PcolaDavis about 1 year ago

    The Council committee really has to understand what the testing and sampling results are. So far soil results have not been forth coming from the Mayor or HIDOH