Meeting Time: August 30, 2023 at 9:00am HST
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    Maui Nui Resiliency Hui NishikiPajimola over 1 year ago

    Please see the attached testimony and emergency housing proposal.

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    Thomas Croly over 1 year ago

    Emergency short term to long term housing

    I am Tom Croly testifying in support the idea that Nani Medeiros put forward in her presentation that some displaced Lahaina residents could find temporary housing in some of the 6501 condo units in West Maui that the County classifies as Short Term Rental. But before this could be financially possible for most of these property owners, the County would need to provide emergency property tax relief for these owners.

    Currently, Short term rental condo unit owners in West Maui pay an average of $13,043 in real property tax vs Maui homeowners who each pay on average $1,155 per year in real property tax.

    What the Maui County Council could do immediately to facilitate owners changing the use of their Condo units from Short term to long term rental would be to waive or refund the property tax for FY2023/2024 (as was done for the destroyed properties in Lahaina, and continue this waiver for FY2024/2025 for any owner who can demonstrate that they have converted the use of their condo unit to house a displaced Lahaina resident or family for at least a year.

    The current County code would require the owner to pay this 11 times higher tax bill for the next 11 months before they would be even be eligible for the lower long term rental tax rate applied to them in August 2024. So an emergency change in the County code would be necessary to facilitate this incentive. The same property tax exemption could also be offered to the 3325 second homes in West Maui that are not short term rentals, but are taxed at a rate that is as much as 5 times that of Maui resident homeowners.

    The County collects 85% of its total tax revenues from these and other visitor accommodations. And the spending of the visitors who stay in these accommodations is fundamental to the economy of Maui. It is unreasonable to ask these property owners to continue to pay Property Tax at a rate as much as 11 times Maui resident homeowners while also asking them to lose their own personal use of their condos to house displaced residents.

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    Guest User over 1 year ago


    My name is Kelly Anderson. I am wondering who the right people/division is that I can speak to in regards to an affordable housing solution for Lahaina Fire Victims. The idea will provide affordable housing that is fireproof to ensure a safe home for families while enhancing maui's community and adding to the beauty of Maui's environment.

    As a lahaina resident myself, I am looking for someone to speak to about any land opportunities with the big picture being: I want to help provide stable homes for the many displaced residents and families that lived in lahaina. Together we will work as a team, Maui, myself and whoever is right for this dream, to create community again for Lahaina.


    Kelly Anderson
    (808) 264-4433