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    Barbara Barry about 1 year ago

    I am commenting on Reso 22-260. I appreciate the opportunity to support the appointment of either Lucianne de Naie or Lynn Scott for the Hulelo seat. It’s imperative that the representative for that area actually live and farm there. Both of these candidates reside in Huelo and from personal experience, Lucianne de Naie would be my 1st choice due to her extensive knowledge of the water issues that face Huelo and the E Maui watershed. I know her dedication and involvement is unsurpassed by anyone else I know. I also support Brendan Balthazar for the upcountry farmer/rancher seat. He has extensive knowledge and practical experience in water management, ranching and farming.
    Barbara Barry

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    June 19, 2023

    The Honorable Shane M. Sinenci, Chair
    Water Authority, Social Services, and Parks Committee
    200 S. High Street
    Wailuku, Maui, Hawai’i 96793

    Dear Chair Sinenci and Committee Members:

    Please accept my testimony in support of Norman “Bush” Martin to the East Maui Regional Community Board, Resolution 22-260, Appointments to the East Maui Regional Community Board (WASSP-2).

    Norman “Bush” Martin would be the best representative because every weekend the kupuna would educate him for years about the water issues. This comes from his great grandparents and grandparents that fought for years for water flow to kalo farmers. If it wasn’t for the love of farming kalo and the farmers and people in Ke’anae and Wailua we would never have had water restored back to the rivers. They fought and won the supreme courts. If it wasn’t for the nonprofit organization that fought so hard for years, taro would be a lost crop. He knows the mountain and reivers in Ke’anae. They also have lots of community help monthly clean rivers from debris to maintain water flow.

    Bush puts his own priorities aside to make sure East Maui is being well taken care of first.

    Please consider Norman “Bush” Martin for your representative on the board. I support my husband 100% and I see every weekend how he can help the community.


    Lola Martin

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    June 18, 2023

    The Honorable Shane M. Sinenci, Chair
    Water Authority, Social Services, and Parks Committee
    200 S. High Street
    Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793

    Re: Appointment and Confirmation of Norman “Bush” Martin, Jr. to the
    East Maui Regional Community Board, RESOLUTION 22-260, APPOINTMENTS

    Dear Chair Sinenci and Committee Members:

    Please accept my testimony and support of the appointment and confirmation of my brother, Norman “Bush” Martin, Jr., to the East Maui Regional Community Board.

    First, I would like to say I am very proud of my brother for taking the responsibility and interest in choosing to serve on this board. I have seen the growth of this shy young boy grow into a very smart, knowledgeable, respectable man in his community and in our county.

    Our family are lineal descendants of Wailuanui/Keanae. Our grandparents and great grandparents lived in Wailuanui. Bush spent his summer vacations in Keanae with our grandparents, Sam and Libby Akina, helping them in the lo’i patches, learning to pound poi, the Hawaiian culture, the lifestyle of Keanae, and the importance of taking care of your kupuna. He made Wailuanui his home and took care of our grandparents and continued to learn from them.

    Bush would be an asset to the board as he is very knowledgeable about the needs of the people in the East Maui region, demand for water, the mountains, streams, the maintenance of the ditches for the flow of water, and the Hawaiian culture and history. He has learned a lot from our kupuna and spent a lot of time with them.

    I have brought friends to Keanae to visit, and he has taken them around showing them the kalo fields, the ocean, banana fields, waterfalls, etc. He willingly shares our island, the land, the culture, and the surroundings. He welcomes them and educates them about our Hawaiian culture.

    I believe Bush will be a committed board member. He is responsible and this board is important to him. He has worked hard as a Na Moku board member and resident of Wailuanui/Keanae to improve the life for community, taro farmers, and foresee the betterment for the next generation.

    I humbly ask for your support in considering the confirmation of appointment of Norman “Bush” Martin, Jr. to the East Maui Regional Community Board. Thank you for your consideration. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 808-281-3813, or

    Delfey Fernandez

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    June 18, 2023

    Chair Shane M. Sinenci
    and Members of the Water Authority, Social Services, and Parks Committee
    Maui County Council
    200 S. High Street
    Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793


    Honorable Chair Sinenci and Members:

    I am submitting testimony in STRONG SUPPORT of Norman “Bush” Martin for one of the seven Council-appointed positions to the East Maui Regional Community Board.

    When voters approved the charter amendment that created this new board they must have envisioned someone like Norman “Bush” Martin as a member. Simply put, I cannot think of a better person to serve on this board.

    “Bush” Martin is a lineal descendant of Keanae/Wailuanui. He is a kalo farmer. He not only understands planting, maintaining, and harvesting kalo, but has first hand knowledge of the mountains and streams, maintenance and repair of water systems, cleaning ditches, and the regulation of water flow.

    “Bush” was born and raised here and learned from his kupuna about the ahapua’a, and the native plant life and species living in and around the streams. For many years he has, and continues to, educate and pass this knowledge on to future generations - the youth of Maui County.

    I have known “Bush” Martin for nearly 30 years. He is honest, open-minded, and genuinely cares for the land, streams, ocean, culture, and the people of Maui County.

    I respectfully ask that you approve Norman “Bush” Martin to a 5-year term on this board.

    Jock M. Yamaguchi

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    The Honorable Shane M. Sinenci, Chair
    Water Authority, Social Services, and Parks Committee
    200 S. High Street
    Wailuku, Maui, Hawai’i 96793

    Aloha e Chair Sinenci and Members:

    My name is Kayla Frias. I am writing in support of my Uncle Norman "Bush" Martin's nomination to the East Maui Regional Community Board (proposed Resolution 22-260, CD1). My Uncle Bush has been a kalo farmer in Ke'anae and Wailuanui for as long as I can remember. I recall some of the best times in my childhood when Uncle Bush would take me to his kalo patch to learn about my Hawaiian culture and how kalo farming is an important part of my culture, and especially how water is a vital asset for not only kalo farming but in our everyday life. Uncle Bush is very knowledgeable and passionate about water in the East Maui District, and I recall at a young age attending water rights meetings with him at Ke'anae School. I feel Uncle Bush is the most qualified person to be nominated and serve on this important board. The time is now to take control of our water in East Maui. Please vote to support my Uncle Norman "Bush" Martin to the East Maui Regional Community Board. He will help to make the best recommendations and decisions for the East Maui residents, including the next generation like myself. Thank you for the opportunity to submit written testimony. Mahalo!

    Malama pono,
    Kayla Frias

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    Guest User about 1 year ago

    June 17, 2023

    The Honorable Shane M. Sinenci, Chair
    Water Authority, Social Services, and Parks Committee
    200 S. High Street
    Wailuku, Maui, Hawai’i 96793

    Dear Chair Sinenci and Committee Members:

    Please accept my testimony in support of the appointment and confirmation of Norman “Bush” Martin (Bush) to the East Maui Regional Community Board, RESOLUTION 22-260, APPOINTMENTS TO THE EAST MAUI REGIONAL COMMUNITY BOARD (WASSP-2).

    I’ve had the privilege of knowing Bush in excess of 20 years. Over the years, I worked for various Councilmembers and Bush has been a tremendous resource, especially as it relates to farming and water resources in the East Maui district.

    In fact, I could always rely on Bush’s willingness to assist Councilmembers and staff with information on any number of issues as it relates to the East Maui district.

    As a kalo farmer in the Wailuanui area for over 30 years, Bush has the knowledge and experience for the demands of water in the East Maui region. Bush is well respected by his peers and has a command of the history and culture of the region as well as Maui Nui.

    His experience as a kalo farmer also makes Bush inherently familiar with the mountains, streams and maintenance required to clean and repair ditches to regulate and guarantee a flow of water to the Wailuanui Ke`anae Ahupua`a.

    On a personal note, Bush allowed myself along with friends and colleagues, to work in the lo`i fields in Wailuanui. Bush shared his knowledge of farming, history and culture of the region as well as the traditions associated with harvesting and tending to the kalo. This experience will last with me a lifetime and has increased my awareness of Hawaiian history and culture.

    It is for these reasons that I believe Bush will be an asset to the East Maui Regional Community Board. I know of no one with the knowledge and qualifications of farming, water resources, history and culture in the region than Bush.

    Therefore, I respectfully request your consideration for confirmation of appointment of Norman “Bush” Martin to the East Maui Regional Community Board. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Should you have any questions please contact me at (808) 283-0197 or


    Gary Saldana


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    Harry Hueu Jr about 1 year ago

    Attention: James Krueger - When giving my opening statement before the WASSP committee, Council Member Tamara Paltin asked if I had sought an opinion from the Board of Ethics as to a possible conflict of interest concerning my building lease with A&B/Mahi Pono. Attached is an email inquiry I sent to the Board of Ethics on June 4th to document that I have atleast made an effort to contact them. I have yet to receive a response. Mahalo, Harry Hueu Jr.